Recruiting Necessary Evil by Mutants and Masterminds 3rd edition [Archive] (2024)

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2024-06-13, 10:48 AM

"When all the super heroes of the world are blown to kingdom come by an army of invading aliens, who will save the day? Evil!"

Savage Worlds' Necessary Evil setting is IMO one of the best ever, putting the world's supervillains in the role of saviors: they're gonna save the world their way and on their terms.

I tried SWADE and like GURPS it's an excellent system you can use for any genre of fiction. EXCEPT high-powered superheroes IMO. M&M handles supers better than any system IMO so I wanted to use it for a story of world-saving supervillains.

Players interested in M&M or the story premise but are unfamiliar with M&M rules can provide 10 rolls of 1d20 for a random supervillain. Experienced M&M players can create their own supervillains or roll a random one. Because M&M's power-creation system is so robust, all player-designed powers require GM agreement.

Probably PL13, 200 points. Usually two posts a week.

Anyone interested in this?


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Of course it started on January 1st, 2024 .
The first ships appeared over every major
city of the planet . There was no prelude and
no demands . The aliens just attacked . They
were an amphibious race that combined the
nastiest aspects of sharks and crocodiles with
an aggression matched by neither . They were
the stuff of nightmares to most . The people
called them “Fins .”
New York became a war zone, Tokyo burned,
and even sunken Atlantis was rubbled and its
ruler — the legendary Aquarian — slain .
Earth’s superheroes fought back immediately .
The fins were terrifying, but no one ever
doubted the heroes would win out in the
end . After all, aliens had tried to invade Earth
three times before, and earth’s defenders had
always emerged triumphant .
But the fins possessed advanced technology
and savage bloodlust, so the losses were
heavy . Earth began to worry

Then came the turn of the tide the people
had come to expect in these epic wars of
aliens and supermen . Advance forces of
another alien race arrived in earth orbit — the
V’sori . They claimed to be the long-lost allies
of Atlantis who had been searching for their
missing comrades in arms for hundreds of
years . During their quest, they had grown to
become the defenders of the galaxy .
The V’sori claimed the Fins — or K’tharen as
they called themselves — were rampaging
mercenaries who ravaged world after world,
but the V’sori had fought them before and
would help Earth against them now .
The world’s greatest superhero, Champion
of Alpha Force, flew into space to meet them .
He returned later and gave a stirring speech
that called for humanity to hold out for just a
bit longer . They did, though the final cost in
blood was great .
When the V’sori arrived, the K’tharen fleet
rose to fight them . The alien ships fought a
titanic battle in space, but the V’sori won out,
and even beamed the images of the fleeing
Fins to earth.
Humanity cheered their saviours and
welcomed the advanced alien protectors
with open arms . Anxious youths danced in
the streets, proclaiming an era of peace and
love . Less trusting commentators were booed
and mocked in the national press . And some
appeasem*nt-minded governments even
offered the aliens the figurative keys to their
Of course that’s just what the aliens wanted
all along . In every major city, heroes and
world leaders joined together to welcome
the aliens . The crowds cheered as the V’sori
ships appeared overhead . Every superhero,
sidekick, president, and even stars of sports,
movies, and music attended these grand
galas . The people of earth cheered as they
watched their heroes greet the alien saviors
on the news networks .
The cheers turned to screams when the V’sori
ships opened fire on the gathered throngs .
Moments afterward, the K’tharen warships
returned — servants of the V’sori .
Champion was standing before the
cameras when the V’sori hit . They knew his
weakness — radiation — and targeted him with
a concentrated beam of energy that turned
the hero into a pulpy mass . Massive death rays
then swept over the gathered throngs, slaying
thousands of heroes, officials, generals, and
innocents in moments . Within 30 minutes, the
unthinkable had occurred . Earth’s greatest
heroes were dead and its leaders vaporized .
The aliens had won.
Soon, televisions and radios around the
world carried an announcement from the
admiral of the V’sori fleet . Earth was now under
the control of the V’sori Empire . Resistance
would be met with death .
The V’sori Empire wanted Earth’s resources .
They needed a way to study our defenses,
and then take them out with a surprise
strike of surgical precision . They succeeded
flawlessly . They claimed destroying more
of our infrastructure and our people was
counterproductive to their goal, gaining a
new self-sufficient source of raw resources .
The V’sori have placed Governors in charge
of the former nations of Earth . The invaders
and their Fin servants are now commonplace .
There isn’t a single government left to oppose
them, and they feel they have nothing to fear
from Earth .
But they are wrong .
Earth’s heroes are dead, but there are other
beings with extraordinary abilities on our
planet .
They are supervillains . And they are a
necessary evil!

The stuff of nightmares, the K’tharen are monstrous, slavering aliens—as fearsome as they are savage . Most are well over 7’ tall — every bit of which is muscle . The “fins” have humanoid forms but with a thick crocodile-like hide . Their head has a distinctive
shark-like appearance, especially with the fin-ridge that runs along the top of their skulls and their coal-black eyes . Their coloration
runs towards the darker end of the spectrum along their backs, from light greens to blue and violet, while the front is universally pale .
The K’tharen grow darker along their dorsal ridge as they age, and older members of the race can appear pure black.

The V’sori, on the other hand, can best be described as beautiful . They are tall, thin, but well-muscled, and bear a bluish complexion eerily similar to that of the Atlanteans who have lived among the people of Earth for generations . Their hair is mostly dark brown or black, and is often worn short, but with a single small braid of longer hair off to one side of the face . V’sori are rarely seen in public without their body armor, a tight suit of segmented plates composed of some unknown alien material . In battle, V’sori commanders wear full helmets with mirrored visors

The main action in Necessary Evil takes place
in Star City . New York, Los Angeles, Chicago,
and most every other major city in the US
were rubbled by the V’sori . Star City was left
curiously untouched by the aliens’ weapons of
mass destruction . Large numbers of K’tharen
and drones operate in the city, however, and
seem to take the place of weaponry that
might cause too much collateral damage .
This amazing island was created some time
ago by a being of god-like power called the
Outsider . The United States annexed Star
Island after the Outsider was defeated and
began a very expensive and high-profile
scientific study of the island and its amazing
ability to spawn superhumans . Two years
of study at the taxpayers’ expense found no
particularly useful results so it was sold off in
parcels to the highest bidder .
Exactly why the Outsider created the island
Star City now sits on, why so many superpowered
beings are spawned here, and why
the aliens don’t blast it into oblivion is a
mystery your team may unravel as they fight
for its survival . For now, know that Star City is
your character’s home, and he’d best defend it
with his very life . The future just might depend
on it.
Star City is home to around five million
citizens, down from the eight million who
lived here prior to the invasion . Most of the loss
comes from those who took flight rather than
casualties, as the aliens took special care not
to overly damage the island . They did settle it
in force, however . A large number of citizens
weren’t comfortable living in such close
proximity to the invaders and were allowed to
flee to the mainland.
Star City lies two miles off the coast of the
eastern seaboard of the United States, about
halfway between Boston and New York, and
is roughly six times the size of Manhattan
(180 square miles) . The island Star City was
built on was created in 1955 when the nearly
omnipotent being known as the Outsider
came to Earth . Other than the fact that Star
City is home to an inordinate number of superbeings,
the island seems completely normal .
Star City is in fact shaped like an eight-pointed
star . Four large points alternate with four
smaller points surrounding the large central
sections called Uptown and Downtown.
For Players: there's more info on Star City to
come and if you need it for a backstory, just ask.

Central and South America: The aliens
wasted little time stripping the rain forests here
at a rate that would put even the old logging
companies to shame . A number of Omega’s
resistance fighters, most notably those led by
a former villain known as El Gigante, hide in
the jungles and strike frequently at the alien’s
Western Europe: London, Prague, Berlin,
Paris, and Madrid were all completely
destroyed by the alien attacks . Despite
this, Western Europe is the home of several
extremely successful resistance cells, including
one operating below the shattered remnants
of Paris, France, and led by the greatest heroine
of World War II, the age-resistant Partisan.
Middle East: It is a bitter irony that what has
finally brought peace to the Middle East was
its virtual annihilation . The V’sori destroyed
the democratic governments of Iraq and
Israel, then blasted the monarchies and
dictatorships of the surrounding nations as
well (even though some actually offered their
allegiance) .
The aliens even leveled the holy shrines
of the area in an effort to (one day, at least)
destroy any particular attachment to the area .
Jerusalem is a pile of ash and the Dome of the
Rock was reduced to little more than a few
pebbles. Despite a common foe, Arab and Israeli
Omegans still will not work together . Several of
the most effective Arabic cells are headed by
former terrorists such as the notorious Black
Asia: The governments of the most populous Asian
nations — China and India — were quickly
annihilated by the V’sori . Combined with devastating
massacres of any organized rebellions, the
people fell quickly into line . The smaller nations of
the region followed suit .
Open resistance is now left to the Omegans, which
includes a large number of former Yakuza
from Japan, an Indian servitor of Vishnu called
Deva, and any number of martial artists,
most of whom were once hired muscle
for Asian crime lords.
Africa: Africa has been looted by the
V’sori like a bank vault, ripping apart the
land in search of the vast mineral wealth
such as diamonds . At first resistance was poorly
organized, but older and darker things awoke
in the Dark Continent and did not
take kindly to the raping of the
land, and now resistance to the
aliens is strong . Fierce warriors
wielding ancient powers
strike, seemingly
from nowhere, and
then just as quickly
disappear back into the
thick jungles and breezy
Australia: “Oz” fought
the V’sori fiercely,
but they could
match neither
the aliens’ firepower
nor their numbers . The
continent fell within two weeks . The
aliens have found Australia’s rich
mineral resources useful, and used
the country’s vast tracts of desert
to set up gigantic, highly advanced,
solar energy collection farms.
Atlantis: The fabled city of Atlantis
sank beneath the waves some two
hundred years ago, but the great city
lived on through the powerful magic its
populace wielded . That is, until the K’tharens
blasted the aquatic city-state into nearoblivion, slaying or scattering its people,
and killing their greatest protector, King
Meros, the hero known to the world
above as the Aquarian .

Star City connects to the Eastern seaboard of the United States via an amazing bridge, also built by the Outsider. Christened the “Sea Bridge,” this miraculous two-mile span has weathered powerful Atlantic currents, high winds, and even two super-powered terrorist attacks . The Sea Bridge supports seven lanes of traffic: three going toward the city and three going away . The bridge lands at Westpoint, funneling traffic north or south to Uptown and Downtown respectively . Engineers have since converted the seventh
lane into a mag-lev line that runs from Providence, Rhode Island, to the Sea Bridge and on to Star City .

A bustling ferry industry has also grown up around Star City, shuttling cars and pedestrians across the two-mile stretch of ocean to Star City’s Westpoint receiving station . More than a dozen ferries from two competing companies serve better than 50,000 cars and pedestrians per day.

Northpoint is the most heavily patrolled section of Star City that is not home to any V’sori . Once the upper middle class district,
Northpoint is now the home of those humans who willingly work with the alien empire . Northpoint follows the high-rise appearance
of Uptown in its southern section, then becomes a series of brownstones as one moves north.
Mayor Perez:
Northpoint’s most important human resident is Star City’s current mayor, Jerry Perez . The V’sori governor appointed Perez mayor about a year ago, and he has since surrounded himself with a number of like-minded cronies . Perez’ primary goal is self-preservation, but his secondary objective is rooting out any resistance cells in Star City. He has proven himself an implacable foe of the resistance, and uses whatever resources given him by his alien overlords to hunt down any insurgents . He has used his freedom and authority to form his own Star City Police Department, and has even been allowed to arm his officers with a limited number of highpowered V’sori weapons.
Special Ops Corps:
After winning the complete confidence of his alien overseers, Perez was allowed to create a special branch of the police to deal with superhuman menaces across the city . The Special Ops Corps, or SOCorp, was born, and with strong alien support, Perez outfitted his new officers to do battle with superhuman foes . Since its inception, SOCorp has worked closely with the V’sori governor in busting
several rings of resistance operatives, earning them the enmity of every Omegan in town . Because of this, Perez never goes anywhere in town unescorted, unarmored, or unarmed! Perez and SOCorp are based in Northpoint’s heavily guarded Public Safety Building, located on Center Avenue, the primary thoroughfare that bisects the neighborhood.

Beachhead is home to Star City’s V’sori base, which is walled off from the rest of the city . Besides military structures, the most notable
place is the old Star City Aquarium, which has been converted to a recreation facility for the aquatic V’sori and K’tharen . More than just a fortress in a once-hostile city, Beachhead has become an enclave of safety and security where the V’sori and their most trusted allies can walk without fear of attack, conduct delicate research, or pursue pastimes unrelated to the business of the invasion.

The only humans allowed through the walls of Beachhead are slaves or those with special clearance from V’sori high command . Even trusted human allies like Star City Mayor Jerry Perez must make special arrangements to tread the area’s heavily guarded streets, and no humans are allowed within the Star City Aquarium’s sea-green walls . Many members of the resistance have speculated as to exactly what transpires within the old aquarium-turned-alien recreation center, but no one has yet been able to penetrate its security to discover what’s really going on in there.

Eastpoint is the “residential” area of Star City . Patrols here are common towards the northern edge that looks out at Beachhead, but become less common to the south . The mainly workingclass residents of Eastpoint have learned to live under V’sori rule, but they primarily deal with Mayor Perez and the SCPD . Perez has worked hard to make nice with the many labor unions headquartered in Eastpoint, and a peaceful coexistence has been achieved.

Of course, there are many among the labor unions and working class who do not appreciate the V’sori presence in Star City,
or the administration of their human quislings . A growing movement of labor unrest gnaws at the peaceful fabric of Eastpoint,
threatening to plunge the neighborhood into a boiling cauldron of chaos . Lead by Richard Lyons, head of the local chapter of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), the Eastpoint Insurgents (as they have come to call themselves) are growing
increasingly dissatisfied with the V’sori’s rule in Star City . Several recent public protests have ended in violent confrontations between the SCPD and certain members of the IBEW.

This aptly named section of Star City often catches the worst of any storms that hit town . Patrols are uncommon here, but the
many criminal gangs of Star City tend to have family here and act more as protectors than scavengers. A trio of highly sophisticated energy arrays are situated atop Tempest’s largest tower . These cylindrical, metallic rods somehow gather the energy from any storms that lash the neighborhood and store it for use in powering the area’s only factory, Burns Brewery, which borders Southpoint . The
Outsiders’ original intent for the energy array and the building it rests upon is unknown, but the enterprising residents of Tempest made it one of the northeast’s most successful small breweries . Omegans returning from successful missions can choose from Thunderheat Stout, Hurricane Lager, Nor’Easter Pale Ale or a selection of seasonal brews.

The lowest point of Star City in every way is Southpoint . The V’sori only send patrols into this wretched hive when actively pursuing
someone . The only public transportation serving this unfortunate section of town is the mag-lev rail, and service is intermittent
at best . Violent criminal gangs rule many of Southpoint’s dilapidated streets, but the area is large enough that their influence does
not stretch to its every corner . These quiet and deserted pockets of Southpoint make excellent locations for Omega cells and safehouses since they’re somewhat insulated by the violent but unorganized street gangs . The Tenements contain Southpoint’s
largest concentration of humanity, a great, ramshackle row of poorly maintained highrises that are little more than dens of drug use
and hopelessness.

The Docks
Like Southpoint, the Docks can be a hard area of town . It is the only place where humans in Star City are connected to the
outside world, and unless they are guarding a special shipment, the V’sori patrols are light in this area . This lack of official presence has lead to frequent late-night raids by the gangs of nearby Southpoint . The Docks are mostly shutdown at night, except for the actual pier area where workers operate under bright lights 24 hours a day.

Rumors abound of secret resistance bases and weapon caches hidden somewhere amid the maze of warehouses dotting the docks .
Well-known mobster and black marketer, Willy the Fish, purportedly makes his home somewhere among the Docks, ruling over a
once-mighty criminal empire that has steadily declined over the past four years since the aliens’ arrival. Many speculate that the Fish is allowed to exist by the powers that be due to a special agreement to supply Star City Mayor Jerry Perez and alien warlord Grypon with certain delicacies from abroad . Whether it’s precious jewels from Africa or the freshest truffles from Europe, Willy the Fish is renowned for delivering the goods, but the price is always high.

Westpoint is the industrial hub of Star City . The power and water purification plant is located here as well as some of the processing
facilities for the V’sori aquaculture farms . The V’sori presence is high in these locations but moderate elsewhere . V’sori scientists continue to study and marvel at the inner workings of the Outsider’s amazing power and water plant. Westpoint also offers visitors the oncetrendy Industry Shops, a collection of retail outlets featuring artisan-level crafts, jewelry, and fashions housed in the remnants of an old sheet-metal factory .

Prosperous in spite of the alien presence, the Industry Shops still attract thousands of visitors each weekend, many eager to part with their money in exchange for the merchants high-priced wares . The Shops are also the location of the popular nightspot known as Chick’s Café . The proprietor is Chick Abel, a man who, at least publicly, prides himself on complete neutrality when it comes to matters surrounding the invasion and the current alien occupation. Great jazz music and gourmet Cajun cuisine attract the city’s best, brightest, and sometimes most notorious . Abel’s avowed neutrality has even encouraged a few brave V’sori officers and warlords to frequent the bar . They and their retinues are now regulars at Chick’s on the weekends . This has lead to some uncomfortable moments as alcohol sometimes makes the tensions rise between the alien and human clientele, but Chick always manages to keep the peace . As he is fond of saying, “I don’t allow politics in my club .”

Also situated among the artisans of the Industry Shops is the novelty store called Heroes, which sells collectibles and memorabilia related to Earth’s superhuman population . The disruption this shop’s wares (mainly comic books, old photos, action figures,
and games) causes among the populace of Star City is small, so the V’sori have continued to allow it to operate with little interruption .
The owner of the shop is Mitch Powers, a onetime history professor at Star City University . No one knows why the wheelchair-bound
Powers quit his tenure-track position at SCU to run the store, but he has managed to make a go of it, moving enough product to meet
his rent each month and afford a few creature comforts.

Prospect Point
Once the home of the rich and famous of Star City, the mansions on Prospect Point now serve as the residences of the highranking V’sori of Star City . The old Country Club has been transformed into a minor V’sori base, geared entirely toward protecting the
residents . Mbuna and Manta transport craft can be seen taking off and landing from the area on a regular basis. Warlord Grypon, the V’sori leader in charge of Star City, is believed to maintain a residence at Prospect Point along with a number of his seconds . The area is also notable for a tremendous slugfest that took place above it during the final battle against the Outsider . The ultra-hero Champion battled one of the Outsider’s most vicious robot servitors to a standstill above what would become Prospect Point’s Rolling Hills Golf Club . In fact, many of the sand traps and other unique features of the course were actually created by the calamitous impacts of the combatant’s supertough bodies as their melee careened up and down the beautiful landscape.

This section of town features glittering high-rises and skyscrapers of glass and steel . The buildings in the southern area of this section sport a more retrograde architecture . McGlothlin Park, the largest park in the city, is split between the Uptown and Downtown sections . Its once pristine, tree-lined lanes have grown out of control since the invasion, and its branches and bowers help conceal a fierce street gang that preys upon the alien occupiers.

Uptown is also the location of the campus of Star City University (SCU), a small, private university with an enrollment of some 5,000 students . SCU’s campus borders McGlothlin Park, and houses one of the nation’s foremost programs in robotics and electrical engineering . Since the V’sori have taken over Star City, they have kept a close eye on the research at SCU’s robotics laboratory, which once had close links to several military projects. Numerous student protests occur every month on SCU’s campus, many of them
ending with violent confrontations between the students and Star City Police Department officers . The SCPD have been able to contain
the protestors for now, so the V’sori have not taken a direct hand against them.

Downtown architecture features heavy doses of dark stone and gothic style . The V’sori patrol this area, but confine most of their activity to mag-lev train lines . Some of the smarter gangs have learned how to survive in this area, and rumor has it that the Black Market is located somewhere Downtown. If someone in Star City is looking for contraband of any kind, Downtown is the place to start the search . As long as you’re far away from the heavy traffic of the well-policed mag-lev lines there is all kinds of underground
activity to be found.

Downtown is also the home of Star City’s only professional sports franchise, Major League Soccer’s Star City Sentinels . The Sentinels
play their games in Weston Stadium, and are owned and operated by mysterious billionaire industrialist George
Weston . Rarely seen in public, Weston made his fortune trading international currencies and futures, but his true passion has always been European Football, or Soccer. The Sentinels are extremely popular in Star City, and in accordance with the tough financial
times, owner Weston has lowered ticket prices to make coming to the games more affordable . Several V’sori Warlords have even
taken an interest in the team, and Weston has granted them their own private box to view the games away from the screaming crowds of human spectators.

Recruiting until 11:59 p.m. EST on 6/21/24.


2024-06-13, 11:33 AM

I can rarely say no to M&M and playing high-powered villains sounds fun, so definitely potentially interested. Not familiar at all with the setting though.


2024-06-13, 02:53 PM

Setting is basically: Aliens invaded and things looked bad as the supers were having it rough. Just when things were about to get really bad, another group of aliens showed up and fought them off.

Humanity more or less welcomes the second group as saviors. But then they say, “Oh by the way, the first group of aliens are actually our servants and we used them to figure out how exactly to destroy all of your defenses in one stroke.

And so they took over, killed the supers, and a few years later, a resistance started led by the villains who have decided to save earth by their own terms.


2024-06-13, 03:26 PM

Definitely interested, M&M is a cool system and I love the Villains forced to save the day idea.


2024-06-13, 06:12 PM

Definitely interested!


2024-06-13, 06:41 PM

Ayo, that premise sounds FIRE!

Soras Teva Gee

2024-06-13, 07:25 PM

Looks great.

Could use some more setting details if possible. Like are there metahumans/mutants born with powers, is magic a big thing, was the setting more Marvel or DC before invasion?

Also what do the aliens run on? Are they tech amd numbers or are a buncha viltrumites gonna beat us down with the bare mustaches?

Dusk Raven

2024-06-13, 08:42 PM

Tentatively interested, if only because I very quickly got a vague concept for a villain - but more of the anti-villain type, the kind who never really wanted or intended to be a villain in the first place, but that's just how things went. Or perhaps... while she never saw herself as a villain, the world did, as did one of her closest friends who happened to definitely be a hero... and from her perspective, the world turned on her, and her friend abandoned her. Now, with her friend former dead or missing at the aliens' hands, and the world in desperate shape, she sees the chance to vindicate herself, and maybe avenge her friend as well...

Slight problem - while I've attempted to make characters for M&M on two separate occasions, I've never actually played before...


2024-06-14, 04:16 AM

Of course it started on January 1st, 2024 .
The first ships appeared over every major
city of the planet . There was no prelude and
no demands . The aliens just attacked . They
were an amphibious race that combined the
nastiest aspects of sharks and crocodiles with
an aggression matched by neither . They were
the stuff of nightmares to most . The people
called them “Fins .”
New York became a war zone, Tokyo burned,
and even sunken Atlantis was rubbled and its
ruler — the legendary Aquarian — slain .
Earth’s superheroes fought back immediately .
The fins were terrifying, but no one ever
doubted the heroes would win out in the
end . After all, aliens had tried to invade Earth
three times before, and earth’s defenders had
always emerged triumphant .
But the fins possessed advanced technology
and savage bloodlust, so the losses were
heavy . Earth began to worry

Then came the turn of the tide the people
had come to expect in these epic wars of
aliens and supermen . Advance forces of
another alien race arrived in earth orbit — the
V’sori . They claimed to be the long-lost allies
of Atlantis who had been searching for their
missing comrades in arms for hundreds of
years . During their quest, they had grown to
become the defenders of the galaxy .
The V’sori claimed the Fins — or K’tharen as
they called themselves — were rampaging
mercenaries who ravaged world after world,
but the V’sori had fought them before and
would help Earth against them now .
The world’s greatest superhero, Champion
of Alpha Force, flew into space to meet them .
He returned later and gave a stirring speech
that called for humanity to hold out for just a
bit longer . They did, though the final cost in
blood was great .
When the V’sori arrived, the K’tharen fleet
rose to fight them . The alien ships fought a
titanic battle in space, but the V’sori won out,
and even beamed the images of the fleeing
Fins to earth.
Humanity cheered their saviours and
welcomed the advanced alien protectors
with open arms . Anxious youths danced in
the streets, proclaiming an era of peace and
love . Less trusting commentators were booed
and mocked in the national press . And some
appeasem*nt-minded governments even
offered the aliens the figurative keys to their
Of course that’s just what the aliens wanted
all along . In every major city, heroes and
world leaders joined together to welcome
the aliens . The crowds cheered as the V’sori
ships appeared overhead . Every superhero,
sidekick, president, and even stars of sports,
movies, and music attended these grand
galas . The people of earth cheered as they
watched their heroes greet the alien saviors
on the news networks .
The cheers turned to screams when the V’sori
ships opened fire on the gathered throngs .
Moments afterward, the K’tharen warships
returned — servants of the V’sori .
Champion was standing before the
cameras when the V’sori hit . They knew his
weakness — radiation — and targeted him with
a concentrated beam of energy that turned
the hero into a pulpy mass . Massive death rays
then swept over the gathered throngs, slaying
thousands of heroes, officials, generals, and
innocents in moments . Within 30 minutes, the
unthinkable had occurred . Earth’s greatest
heroes were dead and its leaders vaporized .
The aliens had won.
Soon, televisions and radios around the
world carried an announcement from the
admiral of the V’sori fleet . Earth was now under
the control of the V’sori Empire . Resistance
would be met with death .
The V’sori Empire wanted Earth’s resources .
They needed a way to study our defenses,
and then take them out with a surprise
strike of surgical precision . They succeeded
flawlessly . They claimed destroying more
of our infrastructure and our people was
counterproductive to their goal, gaining a
new self-sufficient source of raw resources .
The V’sori have placed Governors in charge
of the former nations of Earth . The invaders
and their Fin servants are now commonplace .
There isn’t a single government left to oppose
them, and they feel they have nothing to fear
from Earth .
But they are wrong .
Earth’s heroes are dead, but there are other
beings with extraordinary abilities on our
planet .
They are supervillains . And they are a
necessary evil!

The main action in Necessary Evil takes place
in Star City . New York, Los Angeles, Chicago,
and most every other major city in the US
were rubbled by the V’sori . Star City was left
curiously untouched by the aliens’ weapons of
mass destruction . Large numbers of K’tharen
and drones operate in the city, however, and
seem to take the place of weaponry that
might cause too much collateral damage .
This amazing island was created some time
ago by a being of god-like power called the
Outsider . The United States annexed Star
Island after the Outsider was defeated and
began a very expensive and high-profile
scientific study of the island and its amazing
ability to spawn superhumans . Two years
of study at the taxpayers’ expense found no
particularly useful results so it was sold off in
parcels to the highest bidder .
Exactly why the Outsider created the island
Star City now sits on, why so many superpowered
beings are spawned here, and why
the aliens don’t blast it into oblivion is a
mystery your team may unravel as they fight
for its survival . For now, know that Star City is
your character’s home, and he’d best defend it
with his very life . The future just might depend
on it.
Star City is home to around five million
citizens, down from the eight million who
lived here prior to the invasion . Most of the loss
comes from those who took flight rather than
casualties, as the aliens took special care not
to overly damage the island . They did settle it
in force, however . A large number of citizens
weren’t comfortable living in such close
proximity to the invaders and were allowed to
flee to the mainland.
Star City lies two miles off the coast of the
eastern seaboard of the United States, about
halfway between Boston and New York, and
is roughly six times the size of Manhattan
(180 square miles) . The island Star City was
built on was created in 1955 when the nearly
omnipotent being known as the Outsider
came to Earth . Other than the fact that Star
City is home to an inordinate number of superbeings,
the island seems completely normal .
Star City is in fact shaped like an eight-pointed
star . Four large points alternate with four
smaller points surrounding the large central
sections called Uptown and Downtown.
For Players: there's more info on Star City to
come and if you need it for a backstory, just ask.

Central and South America: The aliens
wasted little time stripping the rain forests here
at a rate that would put even the old logging
companies to shame . A number of Omega’s
resistance fighters, most notably those led by
a former villain known as El Gigante, hide in
the jungles and strike frequently at the alien’s
Western Europe: London, Prague, Berlin,
Paris, and Madrid were all completely
destroyed by the alien attacks . Despite
this, Western Europe is the home of several
extremely successful resistance cells, including
one operating below the shattered remnants
of Paris, France, and led by the greatest heroine
of World War II, the age-resistant Partisan.
Middle East: It is a bitter irony that what has
finally brought peace to the Middle East was
its virtual annihilation . The V’sori destroyed
the democratic governments of Iraq and
Israel, then blasted the monarchies and
dictatorships of the surrounding nations as
well (even though some actually offered their
allegiance) .
The aliens even leveled the holy shrines
of the area in an effort to (one day, at least)
destroy any particular attachment to the area .
Jerusalem is a pile of ash and the Dome of the
Rock was reduced to little more than a few
pebbles. Despite a common foe, Arab and Israeli
Omegans still will not work together . Several of
the most effective Arabic cells are headed by
former terrorists such as the notorious Black
Asia: The governments of the most populous Asian
nations — China and India — were quickly
annihilated by the V’sori . Combined with devastating
massacres of any organized rebellions, the
people fell quickly into line . The smaller nations of
the region followed suit .
Open resistance is now left to the Omegans, which
includes a large number of former Yakuza
from Japan, an Indian servitor of Vishnu called
Deva, and any number of martial artists,
most of whom were once hired muscle
for Asian crime lords.
Africa: Africa has been looted by the
V’sori like a bank vault, ripping apart the
land in search of the vast mineral wealth
such as diamonds . At first resistance was poorly
organized, but older and darker things awoke
in the Dark Continent and did not
take kindly to the raping of the
land, and now resistance to the
aliens is strong . Fierce warriors
wielding ancient powers
strike, seemingly
from nowhere, and
then just as quickly
disappear back into the
thick jungles and breezy
Australia: “Oz” fought
the V’sori fiercely,
but they could
match neither
the aliens’ firepower
nor their numbers . The
continent fell within two weeks . The
aliens have found Australia’s rich
mineral resources useful, and used
the country’s vast tracts of desert
to set up gigantic, highly advanced,
solar energy collection farms.
Atlantis: The fabled city of Atlantis
sank beneath the waves some two
hundred years ago, but the great city
lived on through the powerful magic its
populace wielded . That is, until the K’tharens
blasted the aquatic city-state into nearoblivion, slaying or scattering its people,
and killing their greatest protector, King
Meros, the hero known to the world
above as the Aquarian .

Welcome to recruitment. As I posted above, experienced M&M players can begin making their supervillain. Inexperienced players can make ten rolls of 1d20 on the dice roll thread ( which we'll turn into a random-rolled supervillain (you can tweak the PC's capabilities once we have completed their initial form). Villains that won't work:

Psychos who kill for fun
Villains from other planets or other dimensions

Question for players: there's a DMPC in this who basically acts as leader of the villains giving them missions to perform. Does that work or would players prefer to not have a boss and instead call their own shots against the invaders?


2024-06-14, 04:30 AM

Potentially interested as well, but would it be possible for you to post a sample build so people who are going to be building their own villains know roughly what sort of optimisation level to be looking at? Even with PL limits being a thing M&M can vary pretty wildly.


2024-06-14, 04:58 AM

I would like to try and make a villain who mostly blow things up with lots of DIY explosives, gun, and what have you. Before invasion, property damage was the name of the game, and now it's much of the same. For, her main drive was a hate of most kinds of authority, and now... well... there are big and mean space thyrands to explode

Also, how are we feeling on HQ stuff? I feel like hideout makes sens for thegroup as a whole


2024-06-14, 05:06 AM

Question for players: there's a DMPC in this who basically acts as leader of the villains giving them missions to perform. Does that work or would players prefer to not have a boss and instead call their own shots against the invaders?

In a villains game via PbP it's kinda essential, lest the characters lock horns and butt heads too much. Unless a singular leader is agreed upon unanimously, and that person can be trusted not to abuse their position in a villains game, then it's much easier just to have a Big Bad DMPC that's essentially Evil Zordon.


2024-06-14, 05:14 AM

Forgot what I meant to add. There's always more, right?😜 Now I remember: you folks were recently captured by the authorities and are awaiting
your arrainment, which is where we'll begin.

As far as optimization it's PL13, 200 points. You're not small-fry villains unless you just want that to be your theme. I'll find a build that sort of emulates PL13 and post it later. Use Mythweaver M&M3e sheets if you can or at least create a coherent sheet of your own. PL trade-offs are +/-5 (8-18). You can have an individual base and minions if you like, but they won't come online until after you escape authorities.



2024-06-14, 06:44 AM


Sounds good (though if I may nitpick, I find the formatting on the spoiler boxes makes the text a bit bothersome to read), including having a boss character to wrangle the cats villains.

Are you looking for any particular tone? Goofy? Grim? Grounded?


2024-06-14, 06:46 AM

As far as optimization it's PL13, 200 points. You're not small-fry villains unless you just want that to be your theme. I'll find a build that sort of emulates PL13 and post it later. Use Mythweaver M&M3e sheets if you can or at least create a coherent sheet of your own. PL trade-offs are +/-5 (8-18). You can have an individual base and minions if you like, but they won't come online until after you escape authorities.


There are some common and regularly seen 'homebrew', like a free social advantage per point of Presence, or 3 skill ranks per 1 pp rather than 2 etc. Are you using any of those, or others you know of? Or just straight from the book?

Soras Teva Gee

2024-06-14, 07:28 AM

I am extremely torn between concepts right now and would appreciate any commentary on these ideas:

1) The Fury: A quiet girl cursed/blessed by the Greek Furies with immense powers that require her to kill (or at least do violence) on a regular basis or bad things happen both ends of which had this way of spoiling relations with the heroes. Though truth be told she's pretty okay with the whole thing and became a contract killer on the grounds that most people with those kind of enemies were guilty of something.

2) Sol Invicta: A charismatic superpowered dictator (briefly) then super-terrorist with a grudge and vast control over fire/energy. Probably been in exile awhile. Feels the current situation is extremely and deeply vindicating after having been on the receiving end of hero supported UN "peacekeeping" operations. Definitely gonna be caught monologuing. Totally not related to watching too much X-men '97.

Question for players: there's a DMPC in this who basically acts as leader of the villains giving them missions to perform. Does that work or would players prefer to not have a boss and instead call their own shots against the invaders?

Works for me, we can always depose them after the team is on the same page about how they're dividing up the Earth when this is all over.

Forgot what I meant to add. There's always more, right?😜 Now I remember: you folks were recently captured by the authorities and are awaiting
your arrainment, which is where we'll begin.

As far as optimization it's PL13, 200 points. You're not small-fry villains unless you just want that to be your theme. I'll find a build that sort of emulates PL13 and post it later. Use Mythweaver M&M3e sheets if you can or at least create a coherent sheet of your own. PL trade-offs are +/-5 (8-18). You can have an individual base and minions if you like, but they won't come online until after you escape authorities.


Works for me.


2024-06-14, 08:28 AM

Sounds good (though if I may nitpick, I find the formatting on the spoiler boxes makes the text a bit bothersome to read), including having a boss character to wrangle the cats villains.

Are you looking for any particular tone? Goofy? Grim? Grounded?
Sorry about the formatting. Just wanted to get it up for players before I had to get to work. Tone-wise, like comics, there will be a mix. Players can go for what they feel as fun.

There are some common and regularly seen 'homebrew', like a free social advantage per point of Presence, or 3 skill ranks per 1 pp rather than 2 etc. Are you using any of those, or others you know of? Or just straight from the book?
Yeah I can go with a free social advantage for each point of Presence. The characters will be getting key Complications too. I'm open to player ideas here.


2024-06-14, 10:18 AM

If you have room for one more, I am highly interested!


2024-06-14, 10:48 AM

If you have room for one more, I am highly interested!
Suit up, friend! There's evil running wild and it's the PCs 😂

Instead of Hero Points everyone gets Villain Points. VPs work just like HPs and when your Motivation or one or more of your Complications activates, you get a VP. All PCs will have certain Complications:

1. Reputation (criminal: when NPCs treat you poorly due to your profession you get a VP)
2. Enemies (the authorities and the alien invaders: when they show up you get a VP)
3. Responsibility (to your boss and each other: when you respect the bond, especially when you don't want to, you get a VP)

Players are as usual free to pick Motivations and additional Complications for your individual supervillains.


2024-06-14, 10:50 AM

I'm building either a Paragon or an Energy Manipulator (Gravity or Magnetism). So just playing around with builds atm.


2024-06-14, 11:08 AM

I'm tempted to throw a character in, though I don't think I've actually tried 3rd edition only 2nd. I was thinking maybe an inventor, various tech related powers with robot minions. A big believer in technology and innovation over the power of "superheroes." A bit Lex Luthor in that way. Still paging through the books contemplating what powers to actually give them...


2024-06-14, 11:11 AM

I am extremely torn between concepts right now and would appreciate any commentary on these ideas:

1) The Fury: A quiet girl cursed/blessed by the Greek Furies with immense powers that require her to kill (or at least do violence) on a regular basis or bad things happen both ends of which had this way of spoiling relations with the heroes. Though truth be told she's pretty okay with the whole thing and became a contract killer on the grounds that most people with those kind of enemies were guilty of something.

2) Sol Invicta: A charismatic superpowered dictator (briefly) then super-terrorist with a grudge and vast control over fire/energy. Probably been in exile awhile. Feels the current situation is extremely and deeply vindicating after having been on the receiving end of hero supported UN "peacekeeping" operations. Definitely gonna be caught monologuing. Totally not related to watching too much X-men '97.

The Fury: I'm liking it IF she's a professional assassin and not the Joker. Deadpool and the Punisher are very popular "anti-hero" assassins.

Sol Invicta: I like the vibe. Him being a foreign dictator would be interesting. Very very interesting. And please bring Mister Monologue. I love it when villlains do that!

Play the one you think would be the most fun for you and the group, I guess. I'm a lifetime GM so I really like a well-developed villain.


2024-06-14, 11:21 AM

Very intrigued. Been a long time since I played M&M, but one of the best campaigns I've ever been in had a very similar premise. Unsure if I'll make a character, but I may follow this with interest.


2024-06-14, 11:22 AM

I'm building either a Paragon or an Energy Manipulator (Gravity or Magnetism). So just playing around with builds atm.
Great choices! Controlling magnetism is so versatile, right?

I'm tempted to throw a character in, though I don't think I've actually tried 3rd edition only 2nd. I was thinking maybe an inventor, various tech related powers with robot minions. A big believer in technology and innovation over the power of "superheroes." A bit Lex Luthor in that way. Still paging through the books contemplating what powers to actually give them...
I can help. The M&M3e random rolling system allows us to pick an archetype (Genius here) and roll it all up. I use it for my NPCs as it's fast and gives me a functional (power level and points are worked out as you go) framework I can then fine-tune for my exact concept. Let me know if I can help.


2024-06-14, 11:24 AM

Great choices! Controlling magnetism is so versatile, right?

Very much so. Gravity as well, like creating mini-black holes, rifts and opening wormholes etc.


2024-06-14, 11:30 AM

If I get inspiration, I'll make someone for this. :)


2024-06-14, 11:35 AM

Before I forget again, recruitment will go until the end of the month and then I'll pick the crew. Since I'm the OP I get in automagically 👍


2024-06-14, 11:38 AM

Currently tossing up between three concepts...

Renaissance: A super/metahuman/whatever the right term is with the power to amplify art, allowing him to paint things into existence (like giant fireballs falling on people), create supernatural effects with music, and so on. Probably very dapper and mostly steals valuable art, riches and the like (when not imprisoned, obviously).

Tagger: A graffiti artist turned hero (maybe with graffiti superpowers?) who ended up disgraced due to some incident or other, way before the K'tharen invasion.

???: Not sure on name etc yet, but the idea of an alien from one of the previous invasions who didn't retreat with the rest of their forces and for some reason decided to hide out on Earth committing crimes.


2024-06-14, 01:06 PM

I can help. The M&M3e random rolling system allows us to pick an archetype (Genius here) and roll it all up. I use it for my NPCs as it's fast and gives me a functional (power level and points are worked out as you go) framework I can then fine-tune for my exact concept. Let me know if I can help.

I think I have a rough design of powers worked out actually, mostly being superhumanly intelligent and able to swiftly work out gadgets rather than going with robot minions. (The Summon power gets expensive real fast). It seems pretty point intensive for a PC to have a robot army, sadly, so I was tinkering more with tech manipulation powers. The Power Profiles book was very helpful providing examples on how to put together various powers to fit certain themes. Extreme mental faculties, control of machines, rapidly assembling technology, remotely disassembling technology. Maybe throwing in limited Immortality for situations where they could feasibly have actually been a robot duplicate the whole time. In their heyday they would have commanded a robot army, but with the current global circ*mstances that's not really feasible any more.


2024-06-14, 03:11 PM

The Cranston line has, since Lamont first learned the powers of the Shadow, been involved in keeping people protected, and interested in punishing criminals and setting them on the path of redemption.

Generations later, Lilith was born. Trained in an early age to move in and out of shadows by clouding men’s minds, she showed great promise and seemed to be set to join a long line of Shadows. But it wasn’t meant to be. Despite graduating from the FBI academy, and becoming a field agent, Lilith was targeted by a gang for getting too close to their operations. She was framed for a multitude of crimes, including killing her partner.

Now I’m disgrace, Lilith used her powers to change her appearance and make a living on the fringe of society, neither good nor bad. Just herself. And that obscurity saved her life when the V’sori took over. She was so obscure that they didn’t even know she existed. Which led her to Omega. The resistance against the aliens. To save her world by any means. Evil lurks in the hearts of these aliens just as much in the hearts of men.

The Shadow knows…

So, yeah. Going to recreate many of the Shadow’s powers here. Some hypnotism, along with Dark powers for movement through shadows, might give her something else as well, something to augment guns or work sorcery into her, not sure which.


2024-06-14, 04:35 PM

Ohhh certainly interested but it has been a very long time since I played m&m so I'd need to re read and stuffs, no character idea so far


2024-06-14, 07:35 PM

Sounds fun! I've got an idea for a Vandall Savage-esque character who would be more than happy to show these invaders humanity's true Superiority.

Edit: How many ranks of Immunity would I need to be immune to the sensation of pain?


2024-06-14, 07:56 PM

Have an idea for a Paragon, Antithesis. Two brothers were experimented on by their scientist parents as children. There was a lab accident that resulted in the deaths of the parents orphaning the brothers. The brothers are separated by the foster care system, one raised by a rich family, one by a poor family. One had a "good" life, one had a hard life. The good life orphan became a hero, Ideal. The bad life Orphan became Antithesis. They fought each other on many occasions and became bitter enemies, but when the aliens killed Ideal, Antithesis had had enough.

Dusk Raven

2024-06-14, 08:05 PM

Welcome to recruitment. As I posted above, experienced M&M players can begin making their supervillain. Inexperienced players can make ten rolls of 1d20 on the dice roll thread ( which we'll turn into a random-rolled supervillain (you can tweak the PC's capabilities once we have completed their initial form). Villains that won't work:

Psychos who kill for fun
Villains from other planets or other dimensions

Question for players: there's a DMPC in this who basically acts as leader of the villains giving them missions to perform. Does that work or would players prefer to not have a boss and instead call their own shots against the invaders?

Aw, and I was nearly done making my character, too! Well... I have been trying to figure the proper balance between abilities, skills, and ability-boosting powers. Mostly though, I just have a clear concept of my villain's powers - mostly physical enhancement, but with some physical self-transformation that leans into body horror, but isn't too complicated mechanically (mostly because I really don't know how the Shapeshift effect is supposed to work). I'll have a go with the dice roll thread though, at least to see what I get.

Backstory-wise, I've worked on a couple variations. I mentioned that I wanted something where this villain had a former friend on the heroes side before this whole invasion... and even though they were on very bad terms before the invasion, the hero is now dead, and the villain is not taking her death well at all. There are a couple ways to go about that:

One: Hero and Villain (names pending) were childhood friends, then besties as teenagers - and, in the Villain's eyes at least, maybe a little more. ( But the Hero wound up developing superpowers, mostly physical enhancement, due to some ancient bloodline. For a while, the Villain was fine with this... but eventually, she wanted superpowers of her own, so she could fight alongside her longtime friend. So, in secret, she took a sample of the Hero's blood, and went to one of the only people who might help her out... a supervillain specializing in genetics and biological modification, who was only too happy for a new test subject, even if that test subject was going to be a future hero. The process... partially worked. It indeed enhanced the Villain's strength and other physical abilities - but she was unable to use those abilities without twisting her body into a horrifying parody of the human form, turning her into a monster capable of ripping itself apart and stitching itself back together. The more she pushed herself - producing claws and blades from her own bone, restructuring her body to be stronger, faster, and more agile - the more unnatural she visibly became. Even with her abilities inactive, her eyes were no longer human, having become yellow with black sclera, marking her as something other. The Hero, unfortunately, was quite horrified, partly due to the powers, but also what the Villain had done to get them... and their relationship only went downhill from there. The Villain saw this as an abandonment, and became obsessed with making her former friend pay.

Two: Like the above, the two were childhood friends, but in this scenario they were effectively raised (not neccessarily from birth) as test subjects for biological experimentation, but a supervillain seeking to make an army (or at least a platoon) of augmented soldiers. As the experiments began, the two made a promise - they would both make it through the highly dangerous experiments together. But after the process had started, the Hero had the opportunity to escape with her newfound powers, and took it... leaving the Villain alone. Months later, the experiments were finished, but the supervillain responsible had taken an even more radical approach - and in his eyes, it paid off. But the Villain herself was, for lack of a better word, turned into something that was more a living weapon than a human being, much like the above. The Hero eventually returned, with every intention of rescuing the Villain and the other test subjects... but the Villain, perhaps manipulated by the supervillain, believed that the Hero had broken her promise and abandoned her.

In either case, the Villain started a career of villainy, mostly focused around her obsession with the Hero - wanting to punish her for her perceived betrayal, wanting to prove herself stronger than her... and perhaps hoping that, somehow, the two could be on the same side someday, whether through genuine reconciliation or through the Villain mentally breaking the Hero and turning her into a minion. Now, however, the chance for any of that is gone forever... and this has not helped the Villain's emotional instability. She is, however, quite willing to kill the alien invaders responsible for the Hero's death.

...This turned out kinda dark for a character backstory centered around a dynamic based off a character dynamic from a kids' show (Catra and Adora from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power), but then again said show does have some dire character arcs.


2024-06-15, 01:05 AM

Posting interest, although not sure as what exactly yet. Might not even bloom into anything, but if it does I'd like to have my foot in the door, haha.


2024-06-15, 06:08 AM

Looks great.

Could use some more setting details if possible. Like are there metahumans/mutants born with powers, is magic a big thing, was the setting more Marvel or DC before invasion?

Also what do the aliens run on? Are they tech amd numbers or are a buncha viltrumites gonna beat us down with the bare mustaches?
All types of villains (mutant, human-turned-super, gadgeteer, cyborgs) are welcome except supers from other planets or other dimensions. The invaders have a lot of advanced technology and the "Fins" (K'Tharen) are over 7 feet tall and massive.

The Cranston line has, since Lamont first learned the powers of the Shadow, been involved in keeping people protected, and interested in punishing criminals and setting them on the path of redemption.

Generations later, Lilith was born. Trained in an early age to move in and out of shadows by clouding men’s minds, she showed great promise and seemed to be set to join a long line of Shadows. But it wasn’t meant to be. Despite graduating from the FBI academy, and becoming a field agent, Lilith was targeted by a gang for getting too close to their operations. She was framed for a multitude of crimes, including killing her partner.

Now I’m disgrace, Lilith used her powers to change her appearance and make a living on the fringe of society, neither good nor bad. Just herself. And that obscurity saved her life when the V’sori took over. She was so obscure that they didn’t even know she existed. Which led her to Omega. The resistance against the aliens. To save her world by any means. Evil lurks in the hearts of these aliens just as much in the hearts of men.

The Shadow knows…

So, yeah. Going to recreate many of the Shadow’s powers here. Some hypnotism, along with Dark powers for movement through shadows, might give her something else as well, something to augment guns or work sorcery into her, not sure which.
The name sells it, right? The Shadow! Love it but she's definitely more anti-hero than outright villain, right?

Sounds fun! I've got an idea for a Vandall Savage-esque character who would be more than happy to show these invaders humanity's true Superiority.

Edit: How many ranks of Immunity would I need to be immune to the sensation of pain?
At first I thought 1-point Feature but he's immune to torture tactics! Does Immunity 5 (pain) look right?

Have an idea for a Paragon, Antithesis. Two brothers were experimented on by their scientist parents as children. There was a lab accident that resulted in the deaths of the parents orphaning the brothers. The brothers are separated by the foster care system, one raised by a rich family, one by a poor family. One had a "good" life, one had a hard life. The good life orphan became a hero, Ideal. The bad life Orphan became Antithesis. They fought each other on many occasions and became bitter enemies, but when the aliens killed Ideal, Antithesis had had enough.
Great backstory! Odd name! :smalltongue:

Aw, and I was nearly done making my character, too! Well... I have been trying to figure the proper balance between abilities, skills, and ability-boosting powers. Mostly though, I just have a clear concept of my villain's powers - mostly physical enhancement, but with some physical self-transformation that leans into body horror, but isn't too complicated mechanically (mostly because I really don't know how the Shapeshift effect is supposed to work). I'll have a go with the dice roll thread though, at least to see what I get.

Backstory-wise, I've worked on a couple variations. I mentioned that I wanted something where this villain had a former friend on the heroes side before this whole invasion... and even though they were on very bad terms before the invasion, the hero is now dead, and the villain is not taking her death well at all. There are a couple ways to go about that:

One: Hero and Villain (names pending) were childhood friends, then besties as teenagers - and, in the Villain's eyes at least, maybe a little more. ( But the Hero wound up developing superpowers, mostly physical enhancement, due to some ancient bloodline. For a while, the Villain was fine with this... but eventually, she wanted superpowers of her own, so she could fight alongside her longtime friend. So, in secret, she took a sample of the Hero's blood, and went to one of the only people who might help her out... a supervillain specializing in genetics and biological modification, who was only too happy for a new test subject, even if that test subject was going to be a future hero. The process... partially worked. It indeed enhanced the Villain's strength and other physical abilities - but she was unable to use those abilities without twisting her body into a horrifying parody of the human form, turning her into a monster capable of ripping itself apart and stitching itself back together. The more she pushed herself - producing claws and blades from her own bone, restructuring her body to be stronger, faster, and more agile - the more unnatural she visibly became. Even with her abilities inactive, her eyes were no longer human, having become yellow with black sclera, marking her as something other. The Hero, unfortunately, was quite horrified, partly due to the powers, but also what the Villain had done to get them... and their relationship only went downhill from there. The Villain saw this as an abandonment, and became obsessed with making her former friend pay.

Two: Like the above, the two were childhood friends, but in this scenario they were effectively raised (not neccessarily from birth) as test subjects for biological experimentation, but a supervillain seeking to make an army (or at least a platoon) of augmented soldiers. As the experiments began, the two made a promise - they would both make it through the highly dangerous experiments together. But after the process had started, the Hero had the opportunity to escape with her newfound powers, and took it... leaving the Villain alone. Months later, the experiments were finished, but the supervillain responsible had taken an even more radical approach - and in his eyes, it paid off. But the Villain herself was, for lack of a better word, turned into something that was more a living weapon than a human being, much like the above. The Hero eventually returned, with every intention of rescuing the Villain and the other test subjects... but the Villain, perhaps manipulated by the supervillain, believed that the Hero had broken her promise and abandoned her.

In either case, the Villain started a career of villainy, mostly focused around her obsession with the Hero - wanting to punish her for her perceived betrayal, wanting to prove herself stronger than her... and perhaps hoping that, somehow, the two could be on the same side someday, whether through genuine reconciliation or through the Villain mentally breaking the Hero and turning her into a minion. Now, however, the chance for any of that is gone forever... and this has not helped the Villain's emotional instability. She is, however, quite willing to kill the alien invaders responsible for the Hero's death.

...This turned out kinda dark for a character backstory centered around a dynamic based off a character dynamic from a kids' show (Catra and Adora from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power), but then again said show does have some dire character arcs.
She-Ra was that dark? Wow. I like the overall concept though because it's tragic. There's so much tragedy in supervillain backstories.

Posting interest, although not sure as what exactly yet. Might not even bloom into anything, but if it does I'd like to have my foot in the door, haha.
Come on in we're just getting started :smallsmile:

@Red_Stain23: let's do this:

14 is a Speedster!
10 means they're a Veteran, experienced at crime (add Strength 2, Agility 4, Fighting 4, Awareness 2, Stamina 2, Dexterity 3, Intelligence 1, Presence 2)
20 means they're a Team-Player, experienced at working with a crew (add the Interpose, Set-Up and Teamwork advantages)
1 and 10 means they're athletic and a former cop! (add Acrobatics 4, Athletics 8, Perception 10, Insight 4 and Investigation 6 for skills)
8, 14, 14, 19 and 7 gives them Immunity 1 (to poisons), Quickness 12 (limited to physical tasks), Regeneration 5 and Speed 11 (MACH 5!), Ranged Multiattack Damage 4 (accurate 4)

Actually I need another d20 roll to determine your final power or you can just make up a cool speedster power. You're free to change things if you like. Definitely has a Professor Zoom kind of feel, no?


2024-06-15, 06:27 AM

@Red_Stain23: let's do this:

14 is a Speedster!
10 means they're a Veteran, experienced at crime (add Strength 2, Agility 4, Fighting 4, Awareness 2, Stamina 2, Dexterity 3, Intelligence 1, Presence 2)
20 means they're a Team-Player, experienced at working with a crew (add the Interpose, Set-Up and Teamwork advantages)
1 and 10 means they're athletic and a former cop! (add Acrobatics 4, Athletics 8, Perception 10, Insight 4 and Investigation 6 for skills)
8, 14, 14, 19 and 7 gives them Immunity 1 (to poisons), Quickness 12 (limited to physical tasks), Regeneration 5 and Speed 11 (MACH 5!), Ranged Multiattack Damage 4 (accurate 4)

Actually I need another d20 roll to determine your final power or you can just make up a cool speedster power. You're free to change things if you like. Definitely has a Professor Zoom kind of feel, no?
Looks like we got an example build to try and match optimizesion whise.

Soras Teva Gee

2024-06-15, 06:43 AM

Yeah I can go with a free social advantage for each point of Presence. The characters will be getting key Complications too. I'm open to player ideas here.

Query about this what would be considered social enough? Like could Minions or a staffed HQ be used to represent a large following?


2024-06-15, 06:56 AM

I forgot again folks. Sorry. I'm borderline ADHD and have a million things on my mind at any given second so if it seems I've ignored you the reality is I've forgotten. Just throw something at me please post a reminder and I will respond. Eventually.

Below is Brainiac, a supervillain from the DCU created for the official DC Adventures RPG (which is M&M3e for DC):

STR 13
STA 11
INT 12


Android Body: Immunity 30 (Fortitude), Protection 5, Impervious Toughness 8 • 43 points
Computer Mind: Communication 5 (Radio), Comprehend 4 (Languages, Machines), Quickness 10 (Limited to Mental
Tasks) • 33 points


Awesome, STR 20, SPD 14, DEF –10, TOU 20; Features: Extra Limbs 8, Impervious Toughness 20, Missile Battery (Ranged Damage 16, Burst Area 12), Remote Control, Shrink Ray (Ranged Shrinking Attack 20), Space Travel 3, Transporter (Teleport 15, Extended)

Advantages: Accurate Attack, Assessment, Chokehold, Diehard, Eidetic Memory, Equipment 44, Fearless, Improved Initiative, Inventor, Well-informed
Skills: Close Combat: Bio-Shell 2 (+6), Close Combat: Unarmed 7 (+11), Expertise: History 11 (+23), Expertise: Known Space 11 (+23), Insight 8 (+11), Intimidation 8 (+11), Investigation 6 (+18), Perception 8 (+11), Ranged Combat: Bio-Shell Weapons 6 (+9), Technology 11 (+23), Vehicles 10 (+13)
Defenses: Dodge 10, Parry 10, Toughness 16, Fortitude 11, Will 13

Of course those of us familiar with Brainiac might consider him to be a bit beyond PL13 (I'd argue at least PL15) but he's here just to give you an idea of the scope of ability for a PL13 supervillain. This work?


2024-06-15, 07:04 AM

Hmm...maybe it's just me, but a build that goes to the level of buying powers at 1/5 price by taking them as Equipment and combining Inventor + Mental Quickness feels like a very different optimisation level to the core book semi-pregens (or whatever you want to call them) that it looks like were being used before.

Maybe I'll just do two builds at the different optimisation levels and see which one is preferred...


2024-06-15, 07:31 AM

Hmm...maybe it's just me, but a build that goes to the level of buying powers at 1/5 price by taking them as Equipment and combining Inventor + Mental Quickness feels like a very different optimisation level to the core book semi-pregens (or whatever you want to call them) that it looks like were being used before.

Maybe I'll just do two builds at the different optimisation levels and see which one is preferred...

I mean the Brainiac build is kind of goofy (why put ranks in Stamina if you're buying Immunity: Fortitude effects?). I like M&M (and Champions) because you can use modifiers to shape the effect into the exact power you want. On paper it looks like cheese but what they're trying to do is simulate Brainiac's cosmic-level intelligence. So I guess as a GM who appreciates M&M's design, I'm a little more open to optimization than other GMs.


2024-06-15, 09:21 AM

@Red_Stain23: let's do this:

14 is a Speedster!
10 means they're a Veteran, experienced at crime (add Strength 2, Agility 4, Fighting 4, Awareness 2, Stamina 2, Dexterity 3, Intelligence 1, Presence 2)
20 means they're a Team-Player, experienced at working with a crew (add the Interpose, Set-Up and Teamwork advantages)
1 and 10 means they're athletic and a former cop! (add Acrobatics 4, Athletics 8, Perception 10, Insight 4 and Investigation 6 for skills)
8, 14, 14, 19 and 7 gives them Immunity 1 (to poisons), Quickness 12 (limited to physical tasks), Regeneration 5 and Speed 11 (MACH 5!), Ranged Multiattack Damage 4 (accurate 4)

Actually I need another d20 roll to determine your final power or you can just make up a cool speedster power. You're free to change things if you like. Definitely has a Professor Zoom kind of feel, no?

Very interesting o3o a former beat cop who gives in to corruption of sorts? This is going to have me thinking for a while 🤔


2024-06-15, 09:25 AM

Alright, It’s been a while since build a M&M character so I would appreciate feedback and double-checking on the maths.

The bread and butter of this character is meant to be her arsenal of bombs, guns, rockets, etc.
This means it’s a damage, and since property damage is her MO, I think 9 ranks sounds like the place to be (matching toughness of concrete and steel) and of course it’s ranged, so that’s 18 points.

Then turning that into explosion with area, and 30ft sphere looks like enough, so that’s another +1/rank for a total of 27.

Then extended range 4. This should make 1 city block into (31 vp total)

Finally Triggered 2 for time explosives, booby trigger doors, etc. (33 vp total)

Now, where the big thing that feels suspiciously cheap are, Alternates at just 1 vp each. Still broadly speaking hear some ideas:

Guided missiles: Downgrade 1 rank, for homing 3
Mini gun: replace area with Multiattack
EMP: replace damage with affliction(dazed, stunned, incapacitated), Limited (electronical target only), and effects objects.
Guided EMP missiles: combines Guided missiles and EMP
Incendiary: no change in the power, but it's fire based, and not kinetic


2024-06-15, 09:42 AM

Decided to just write up a build and if things need changing I can do that as requested.

Abilities (10 points)
Agi 4 (8 points)
Dex 2 (4 points)
Awe -1 (-2 points)
Intellect 0/20
Presence 0/15

Defences (46 points)
Dodge 8 + 4 Agi
Parry 13 + 0 Fgt
Fort 11 + 0 Sta
Tgh 0 (3 with Defensive Roll, 13 with Armoured Three-Piece Suit and Defensive Roll)
Will 14 - 1 Awe

Advantages (12 points)
Power Attack
Improved Critical 4 (Stage Combat)
Defensive Roll 3
Equipment 2

Bonus Advantages from Presence
Attractive 2

Equipment (10EP)
Armoured Three-Piece Suit - Protection 10

Skills (6 points)
Expertise (Nobility) +7
Expertise (Criminals) +3
Expertise (Superheroes) +2

Powers (126 points)
Confiscated Wealth - Permanent Enhanced Advantage (Wealth 5), Limited (can only access up to Wealth 2 without permission from the authorities) - 3 points

Psionic Personality - Permanent Enhanced Trait 15 (Persuasion +15) - 30 points

Psionic Elegance - Feature 2 (Quick Change), Feature (never appears visibly hurt or damaged) - 3 points

Renaissance Faker - Enhanced Traits 20 (Intellect +20), Limited (practical uses only, and is considered Resistible by Will), Quirk 0 (capped at DC23) - 20 points

Psionic Artist - 65-point dynamic array + 2 alternates = 70 points

Painting - Multiple Effects

Paint Necessities - Immunity 10 (Life Support), Limited (must spend the usual amount of time to eat food, don clothes, inject antidotes, etc), Feature (conjured items can be varied so long as they still fulfil their intended purpose, such as different items of food) - 6 points

Paint For Others - Immunity and Feature adds Affects Others - 6 points

Paint Luxuries - Illusion 1 (All Senses), Area +12 [8000cft] - 17 points

Paint Anything - Create 13, Proportional, Innate, Subtle - 15 points

Backdrops - Damage adds Increased Range and Variable Descriptor 2 (assorted forms of energy), Inaccurate 1 - 14 points

Setting the Scene - Damage adds Burst Area, Limited (must use a move action in addition to a standard action) - 7 points


Enchanting Tune - Affliction 13 (Entranced/Compelled/Controlled; Will), Sense-Dependent (Auditory), Reversible, Noticeable - 7 points

Loud Music - Affliction adds Increased Range II - 19 points

Virtuoso - Affliction adds Variable Conditions 2 - 26 points

Carrying Tune - Affliction adds Burst Area - 13 points


Perfect Actor - Morph 3 - 15 points

Phantom Wires - Platform Flight 4, Subtle, Power-Lifting 5, Subtle - 11 points

Stage Combat - Damage 10, Accurate 8 - 18 points

Unreliable Narrator - Selective Area Luck Control 2 [Spend on other, grant to other] - 10 points

Dazzling Display - Weaken Will 13 (Will), Perception Area (Visual), Limited (only against him), Quirk 2 (only in a round after he successfully damaged a foe) - 11 points

Confiscated Wealth [Skill] - Thorpe was once a billionaire thanks to his (apparent) genius and myriad talents, plus a sizeable inheritance from his parents. After being unmasked and arrested, much of his wealth was confiscated by the authorities; since he's been appealing all the verdicts against him, it is technically still his and could be released to him if the authorities decided to, but without that he's 'only' got what little money wasn't confiscated and what he had transferred to offshore accounts and the like for a rainy day - which is still not a small amount and is enough for him to live well (or, well, would be if he wasn't in prison), but it's nothing like what he used to own.

Psionic Personality [Metahuman] [Reality Warp] [Mental] - Thorpe's best-known (and most reviled) ability is his power to appear far more convincing, attractive and personable than he really is. The real Thorpe is a crude, stammering boor - not least because he's so used to smoothing over everything with his powers that he's virtually forgotten how to actually interact with people normally.

Psionic Elegance [Metahuman] [Reality Warp] - Thorpe passively projects a minor illusion over himself, allowing him to change his (apparent) clothes with the click of a finger, and hide any damage he might have suffered in a battle.

Renaissance Faker [Metahuman] [Reality Warp] - A lot of people think that Thorpe's power is nothing more than illusions and his quasi-mind-control of making himself seem more impressive. The truth is a little more complex; Thorpe's powers allow him to warp reality to make the changes he desires. Some superheroes call it - or rather, called it - 'arrogance turned into a superpower,' and they're not really far off. Thorpe can become extremely capable at anything he does simply by wishing it. For instance, his actual painting skills are on par with a small and slightly disinterested child, but weaving his powers over one of his paintings turns it into an extraordinary work of art. This is not a telepathic effect - he can just as easily disarm an incredibly complex bomb by cutting a random wire - but when it conflicts with another person, particularly strong-willed individuals can resist the effect (which is what brought him down originally).

Psionic Artist [Metahuman] [Reality Warp] - While Thorpe is capable of turning his hand - or more accurately, his powers - to anything, he for the most part portrays himself as a artist par excellence, and he's used his powers to those lengths extensively enough that he's capable of working much more powerful changes to reality than he is with other facets of his powers.

Painting - While Thorpe prefers to paint using traditional methods - he owned an extensive collection of sable-hair brushes, which are now languishing somewhere in an evidence locker - he can fundamentally paint using just a finger or two, and augmented by his powers he doesn't even need a canvas to paint on, simply sketching things into reality from thin air.

Paint Necessities - Thorpe can create lavish food and drink by painting it into existence, something he used to do extensively to entertain celebrities (and himself, since if anyone except him tried to touch the food or drink it would just melt away). Though he doesn't do it as often, he can also create various other minor conveniences, such as warm clothes, breathing apparatus, or even antivenoms.

Paint For Others - It takes Thorpe a little more effort, but he can paint things that other people can benefit from as well.

Paint Luxuries - Painting over a larger scale makes the 'painted' nature of things a little more obvious, but it's still enough to be passable at a casual glance, allowing him to turn a hovel into a luxurious room on par with a five-star least as long as you don't pay too much attention.

Paint Anything - Aside from food, drink and the like, Thorpe can also paint simple objects - something he does extensively to dissuade pursuit at least from weaker heroes and police officers who tend to be somewhat stymied by a brick wall appearing in front of them.

Backdrops - Thorpe can paint more than just solid objects. A flaming sphere, or frigid blizzard, or the like, can be made real just as easily as something tangible - and created from his powers, such things are often more dangerous than they would be if they were mundane.

Setting the Scene - It takes him more time to do, but Thorpe can paint entire areas into fire, or pouring acid, or whatever takes his fancy.

Music - Thorpe owns a genuine Stradivarius violin, which was briefly his signature as a villain before being confiscated after he was arrested for the umpteenth time. These days he contents himself with simply singing. Some superheroes quipped that they wished they weren't strong-willed enough to resist his reality warping, because at least then they wouldn't have to hear his real singing voice.

Enchanting Tune [Sonic] [Mental] - Thorpe's ability to bewitch people with music was something he kept very carefully hidden, even after his initial arrest. But after - to his mind - the unfair treatment he received from the superheroes and governments, he abandoned any pretence at being the 'good guy' and started using it extensively. People under the effect of the music sway and dance in time with it - even after the music itself has stopped - so it's never going to be subtle, but it's a useful tool.

Loud Music - By default, Thorpe plays (or sings) pretty quietly and has to pretty much be on top of someone to hypnotise them, but he can change that by simply playing louder, allowing his music to carry a lot further.

Virtuoso - While Thorpe mostly uses his music to control the actions of his enemies ('enemies' here having the meaning of 'anyone who even slightly upsets him') he can also use it for a variety of other purposes. On the rare occasion he doesn't want to hurt someone, he can put them to sleep with a lullaby, or generally bewilder and dazzle anyone who hears the tune.

Carrying Tune [Air] - By manipulating the air with his powers, Thorpe can cause his music to be audible to an area.

Thespian - All the world's a stage, as the saying goes, and as far as Thorpe's concerned, that's basically true...which honestly explains quite a lot about his personality. Augmented by his powers, his overblown amateur dramatics gain real power.

Perfect Actor - With a little illusion, a little shapeshifting, and a little telepathy, Thorpe can don (or simply paint) a disguise and become completely unrecognisable.

Phantom Wires - Like an actor suspended on wires, Thorpe can lift off and take to the sky - though the wires are genuine, tangible (if hard to notice) things, and attacks can simply cut them and send him plummeting back to earth - and by attaching his phantom wires to objects, he can 'lift' far greater weights than his mundane strength would allow.

Stage Combat [Spirit] - Thorpe's capability in direct combat is...well, not [I]nonexistent - he's actually pretty capable at dodging attacks - but his offensive ability is pretty much what you'd expect from a slightly unfit man who's never had any real combat training. Luckily for Thorpe, his powers make up for it, allowing him to make wild, sweeping, showy attacks that can cause damage even on a glancing blow as his powers erode the very essence of reality around his target.

Unreliable Narrator [Luck] - Thorpe considers himself the protagonist of his story, and the protagonist never loses! Of course this has been disproved time and again by the superheroes of Star City, but all the same, it is undeniable that strange coincidences benefit those that side with Thorpe on occasion.

Dazzling Display [Mental] [Fear] - When Thorpe lands a hit, he can cause various special effects to appear - gouts of stage blood, screams of pain, and so on.
Fundamentally they're nothing more than tricks, and unlikely to intimidate anyone, but boosted by his powers the display can become a genuinely fearsome thing.

Reputation (Criminal)
Enemies (Authorities & Aliens)
Responsibility (Omegans)

I'll Show Them All! (Motivation: Vengeance) - In a nicer world, Thorpe might take the current situation as his cue to turn his life around, to become the hero he'd once pretended to be. This is not that world. Of course, Thorpe has no intention of letting the aliens gallivant all over the Earth and will do his darndest to fight back against them every chance he gets...but he is no hero. As far as he's concerned, the governments of the world, and what remains of Earth's superheroes, are as bad as the aliens.

I Am A Gentleman (Code of Honour) - Now Thorpe might not be a hero, but he does still have a code of conduct that he adheres to. He doesn't see the whole world as his enemy, predominantly because to accept that would mean accepting that he was actually not a good person. He's convinced himself that his downfall was not due to regularly using his powers to affect peoples' opinion of him, but rather down to massive media manipulation by the government and superheroes. As such, he does try his best to avoid getting random, uninvolved people hurt - given the option, even rent-a-cops and the like are more likely to be faced with a bribe than a fireball, at least at first (though that's harder than it used to be on account of most of his accounts being frozen). Of course, people who genuinely oppose him personally, like Mayor Perez or the V'sorai and K'tharen, will get no quarter from him.

A Matter of Will (Power Loss) - Thorpe's powers might be more than just telepathic, but they're still fundamentally him expressing his will on the world - and over other peoples'. This brings with it two weaknesses: first, anything that negatively impacts his willpower can cause his powers to become weaker.
And second, particularly iron-willed individuals may be able to resist not just the powers that come with a Will save but other powers as well. (This was how he was captured in the first place; see below.)

The Name's Steed (Enemy) - Colin Clyde is a former schoolmate of Thorpe's, who immigrated to Star City just a few months before Thorpe himself did.
They dated briefly in high school, but those days are long behind them, ever since Colin took up the mantle of Steed, a gentleman hero whose identity has been around since before World War I, passed down through the decades to worthy inheritors. It was Colin (as Steed) who told the other heroes the weaknesses he'd deduced in Thorpe's powers, Colin who placed a minor psychotropic gas bomb in Thorpe's apartment to debilitate him and stop him using his powers to take out his would-be captors when an arrest warrant was finally approved, and Colin who resisted Thorpe's metahuman-powered attacks through sheer willpower to cuff him with suppressor cuffs. As the son of a diplomat, Colin had been in New York at the time of the V'sorai attack and is officially registered as deceased, but a hero using Steed's name and costume has already resurfaced in Star City, and Thorpe is determined to find them. Exactly what he's going to do when he does he isn't sure - he flip-flops between hating Steed and wanting to utterly destroy the legacy of the hero and thinking that the costume and name has some supernatural power of compulsion (because why else would a close friend and ex-boyfriend turn on him?) and wanting to rescue whoever is now 'trapped' by it.


2024-06-15, 09:53 AM

Folks I've added more detailed info on Star City and the aliens on the OP. The battleground is the city and the supervillians should know it well as they've been fighting their superhero-nemesis in Star City for years.

Very interesting o3o a former beat cop who gives in to corruption of sorts? This is going to have me thinking for a while 🤔
Or maybe an anti-hero cop who, seeing SCPD supporting the aliens, decided to join Omega. The random method can be interesting.

Alright, It’s been a while since build a M&M character so I would appreciate feedback and double-checking on the maths.

The bread and butter of this character is meant to be her arsenal of bombs, guns, rockets, etc.
This means it’s a damage, and since property damage is her MO, I think 9 ranks sounds like the place to be (matching toughness of concrete and steel) and of course it’s ranged, so that’s 18 points.

Then turning that into explosion with area, and 30ft sphere looks like enough, so that’s another +1/rank for a total of 27.

Then extended range 4. This should make 1 city block into (31 vp total)

Finally Triggered 2 for time explosives, booby trigger doors, etc. (33 vp total)

Now, where the big thing that feels suspiciously cheap are, Alternates at just 1 vp each. Still broadly speaking hear some ideas:

Guided missiles: Downgrade 1 rank, for homing 3
Mini gun: replace area with Multiattack
EMP: replace damage with affliction(dazed, stunned, incapacitated), Limited (electronical target only), and effects objects.
Guided EMP missiles: combines Guided missiles and EMP
Incendiary: no change in the power, but it's fire based, and not kinetic
I think your "VP" means "EP" (equipment points)? The arsenal consists of weapons that can be bought with money, after all. 33 EP looks right and the alternates look about right.

MY point: it's PL13 so why not go Damage 13 and pay 50 EP which translates to 10 power points? It's a small price to pay for military-grade weapons. Maybe a special combat vehicle to mount it all on?


2024-06-15, 09:57 AM

Got a few ideas that I need feedback on before I get too deep into building them, just in case they're not acceptable.

Silly Billy
A two-dimensional caricature of a satyr with pie-cut eyes and rubberhose limbs. A trickster type who loves pulling pranks, living up the hedonism, and making stuck-up squares look foolish. Lot of intended classic toon shenanigans in his powers. He's basically invincible: if something manages to "kill" him, all it does is make him stagger around with swirly eyes for a bit, or flattens him like a pancake, or something like that. Intended weakness to comedy - he's just as happy to play the fool as the fooler. A blast from a god of lightning would seem to do nothing, but a joy buzzer with a mild taser built into it would cut through almost all his defenses (still won't actually kill him). I'll try to avoid Variable - might do a really weak one to cover lots of little fluffy cartoon shenanigans, but definitely won't be anything big enough for real combat.

A man with some instinctive temporal abilities. He can see his own immediate future, going out no further than about two minutes. He can watch himself fight the fight over and over, avoiding the seemingly-unavoidable, hitting the seemingly-unhittable. Additionally, with great mental effort, he can "pull" at one or more of his alternate-timeline selves, duplicating himself up to several times; the strain this puts on his concentration means his combat precognition becomes less effective for any given body, but where he loses in maximum capability he gains in action economy. Mechanically the idea here is to lean on metamorph, but instead of different characters for the metamorphs, it's just weaker versions of him that can summon gradually more and more. So like...main build is a single PL 13 guy, but he's got a morph of two PL 12s, four PL 11s, eight PL 10s, and 16 PL 9s. I don't think I'd wanna go further than that, assuming it's even allowed.

A powerful mage specializing in enchantments and illusions, who has a fascination with memetic/antimemetic effects. Brilliant and dangerously genre savvy, he's quite adept at playing foes against each other without anyone ever realizing he was involved at all. Beyond how powerful mages always tend to have way too many alternate effects, and beyond how things affecting perception/control are a coinflip between overpowered and useless depending on immunities, his problematic mechanic would be using mental afflictions with Contagious (not normally something players get to play around with much). Especially when he's using Ritualist to make up new ones from scratch.


2024-06-15, 10:17 AM

I think your "VP" means "EP" (equipment points)? The arsenal consists of weapons that can be bought with money, after all. 33 EP looks right and the alternates look about right.

MY point: it's PL13 so why not go Damage 13 and pay 50 EP which translates to 10 power points? It's a small price to pay for military-grade weapons. Maybe a special combat vehicle to mount it all on?
I was thinking about Villan Points, since equipment can be limited. I might reflavour into some extra-special storage or alike. Main idea is that rather than dealing with loss, destruction or simply not bring the gear. These are always on hand, thus being more properly describe as powers


2024-06-15, 11:56 AM

Got a few ideas that I need feedback on before I get too deep into building them, just in case they're not acceptable.

Silly Billy
A two-dimensional caricature of a satyr with pie-cut eyes and rubberhose limbs. A trickster type who loves pulling pranks, living up the hedonism, and making stuck-up squares look foolish. Lot of intended classic toon shenanigans in his powers. He's basically invincible: if something manages to "kill" him, all it does is make him stagger around with swirly eyes for a bit, or flattens him like a pancake, or something like that. Intended weakness to comedy - he's just as happy to play the fool as the fooler. A blast from a god of lightning would seem to do nothing, but a joy buzzer with a mild taser built into it would cut through almost all his defenses (still won't actually kill him). I'll try to avoid Variable - might do a really weak one to cover lots of little fluffy cartoon shenanigans, but definitely won't be anything big enough for real combat.

A man with some instinctive temporal abilities. He can see his own immediate future, going out no further than about two minutes. He can watch himself fight the fight over and over, avoiding the seemingly-unavoidable, hitting the seemingly-unhittable. Additionally, with great mental effort, he can "pull" at one or more of his alternate-timeline selves, duplicating himself up to several times; the strain this puts on his concentration means his combat precognition becomes less effective for any given body, but where he loses in maximum capability he gains in action economy. Mechanically the idea here is to lean on metamorph, but instead of different characters for the metamorphs, it's just weaker versions of him that can summon gradually more and more. So like...main build is a single PL 13 guy, but he's got a morph of two PL 12s, four PL 11s, eight PL 10s, and 16 PL 9s. I don't think I'd wanna go further than that, assuming it's even allowed.

A powerful mage specializing in enchantments and illusions, who has a fascination with memetic/antimemetic effects. Brilliant and dangerously genre savvy, he's quite adept at playing foes against each other without anyone ever realizing he was involved at all. Beyond how powerful mages always tend to have way too many alternate effects, and beyond how things affecting perception/control are a coinflip between overpowered and useless depending on immunities, his problematic mechanic would be using mental afflictions with Contagious (not normally something players get to play around with much). Especially when he's using Ritualist to make up new ones from scratch.
They all look fine at a glance. I'd go with the one you like the best?

I was thinking about Villan Points, since equipment can be limited. I might reflavour into some extra-special storage or alike. Main idea is that rather than dealing with loss, destruction or simply not bring the gear. These are always on hand, thus being more properly describe as powers
Any power can be either taken (if it's Removable), eliminated (with Nullify) or Countered (with the right descriptor). It's how supervillains usually get captured and imprisoned in the first place :smallamused: Also I wouldn't consider a guided missile a removable power. It's equipment. Unless he can shoot guided missiles out his eyes or something like that?


2024-06-15, 12:00 PM

Does that mean that my removable protection should also be Equipment instead of a Removable Device by the same logic?


2024-06-15, 12:07 PM

My understanding of things:

A normal power can't be stolen, at least not physically.

A "Device" is a power that is Removeable (even Easily Removeable) because it can be physically stolen. However, this is still a Special Piece Of Gear, and won't be destroyed, just taken away. This makes it cheaper than usual (80% or 60% normal cost).

Equipment is like a device, except it's not Special Pieces Of Gear, it's just normal stuff you happen to be carrying. Mass-produced, utterly mundane. This places setting limitations on what all they can actually do (where devices are anything you can justify with your powerset), and also it's totally kosher to actually full on destroy them and make players have to go buy them again (maybe just with dollars, but maybe with PP even). If your bulletproof vest gets shot to hell, or you catch a crit from a 10 ft sword while wielding your sniper rifle, it's reasonable for the DM to say the vest lacks the structural integrity to protect you anymore, or to say that the special effect of this crit is that your bigbox-store sniper rifle took part of the hit and has been bisected. Whereas if the DM says that stuff about your iron man armor, or your katana with carved magic runes, that's worthy of a Complication. In exchange for being so disposable and unimportant, Equipment powers cost 20% normal.

EDIT: As far as how good Equipment can get, I've had GMs who allowed equipment that was better than what was in the book, but not by much. If you've got stuff that's cutting edge for your world but is still in some respect mass produced, it's plausible that it could be maybe a rank or two higher than usual. A sword made of a particularly hard metal that is uncommon but not stupid rare in your world, a top-of-the-line smartphone instead of a basic flip phone, a grenade made with more efficient fuel. But that's purely DM discretion. If you've got stuff that's far and away better than normal equipment, it should really be a Device of some kind.


2024-06-15, 12:46 PM

I mean, if we're using Braniac as the example that our GM posted above, his vehicle has a shrink ray and teleporter and is nonetheless Equipment. Which...yeah, kinda leads to the question of what should actually be a Removable Device.


2024-06-15, 12:49 PM

I mean, if we're using Braniac as the example that our GM posted above, his vehicle has a shrink ray and teleporter and is nonetheless Equipment.

I think sometimes stuff like that is just a matter of the setting. What counts as equipment vs device in the wild west is different than what counts in star wars.

But also, the DM also pointed out that build has Stamina as well as fort immunity. Which is a good sign of the very common problem of the people who design the example characters not being very good at the game. :p


2024-06-15, 01:24 PM

Vehicles are always discounted as equipment because you're expected to leave them behind most of the time.
A personnal floating disc that you can ride on at all times isn't classified as a vehicle.

Dusk Raven

2024-06-15, 02:06 PM

She-Ra was that dark? Wow. I like the overall concept though because it's tragic. There's so much tragedy in supervillain backstories.

Well, I did add a couple layers to it, like the bit with supernatural powers. But yeah, in terms of character drama, She-Ra gets pretty dark. And I'm making my character even darker! ...Once again, I make an edgy character, but I like characters with a lot of internal conflict and turmoil.

Now, to figure out how to build her... my first instinct was to focus on Abilities, but that's expensive when it comes to points. I think I'll have her base statline be... well, superhuman, but somewhat modestly so. It's just that her self-modification powers (one might describe it as "transforming" but she calls it "deforming") let her massively boost her physical strength, speed, and toughness, as well as giving her claws and other natural weapons. Oh, and a few points in regeneration and immunity might help. And just a little bit in Elongation... though it's not as simple as just stretching...

I also rolled 10 d20s in the dice roller channel, just to see what I'd get.


2024-06-15, 03:00 PM

He still needs a lot of work, but here is the sheet for The Peak (

Broad strokes of his background;

Former German scientist seeks to help humanity by discovering true immortality without removing the things that make us human. On the brink of a great discovery, an accident caused by the hero General Freedom causes the scientist to achieve his goal, with the unfortunate side effect of narcissism and megalomania. Now he seeks to control the world, because who else deserves to other than the Peak of Humanity?

I'll give more detail and keep working on mechanics once I'm out of work.


2024-06-15, 03:30 PM

Okay, finally got an idea.

The Frozen Warlord
An ancient queen from the Ice Age, Aurora was grievously injured in her last conquest, and froze herself in a glacier as part of a ritual to restore her strength. However, her foes had gotten wind of her plan, and managed to disrupt the ritual-instead of healing her and releasing her as soon as she was ready, it kept her unconscious for eons, waiting for the glacier to thaw.

In the modern day, she has only recently unfroze. The V'sori wanted more water, so they turned their thermal devices to the frozen tundra. The melting would've caused a flood disrupting one of the bases belonging to [INSERT VILLAINOUS PC OR APPROPRIATE NPC HERE], so an assault was launched on the thermal project. It got far enough for Aurora to be freed, though, and she is still adjusting to the new world.

I'm not entirely sure yet. Gonna work on mechanics.


2024-06-15, 03:38 PM

Would a minor Devil count as "other dimensions"?

Have a half-built character named Fitz ( who is not The Devil but rather on his payroll, assigned to tempt or trick mortals into damnation. Apart from that he's not a bad fellow — he more or less follows the law, tips his bartenders and likes animals. Not all animals like him, though, and he trouble attending friends' weddings or handling silver.

Powers would be a mix of mental influence — not control, free will is important — and pyrokinesis.


2024-06-15, 03:59 PM

Working on my GM notes. Just remembered NE is a campaign with Star City being a super-sandbox. You could literally play this multiple times and have a different plot (player decided storyline) every time, even with the same group. It's designed the way many published adventures should be: player choices MATTER.

Does that mean that my removable protection should also be Equipment instead of a Removable Device by the same logic?
If you mean the Armored Suit, yeah that's equipment.

Well, I did add a couple layers to it, like the bit with supernatural powers. But yeah, in terms of character drama, She-Ra gets pretty dark. And I'm making my character even darker! ...Once again, I make an edgy character, but I like characters with a lot of internal conflict and turmoil.

Now, to figure out how to build her... my first instinct was to focus on Abilities, but that's expensive when it comes to points. I think I'll have her base statline be... well, superhuman, but somewhat modestly so. It's just that her self-modification powers (one might describe it as "transforming" but she calls it "deforming") let her massively boost her physical strength, speed, and toughness, as well as giving her claws and other natural weapons. Oh, and a few points in regeneration and immunity might help. And just a little bit in Elongation... though it's not as simple as just stretching...

I also rolled 10 d20s in the dice roller channel, just to see what I'd get.
Let's do it!

11 is a Powerhouse
7 means innate (racial) powers that can't be Nullified only Weakened (maybe an Atlantean, which is an important species in this setting, or a member of a fantastic species hidden in some remote wilderness like Trolls or Tieflings): STR 4, AGL 1, FGT 6, AWE 1, STA 4, DEX 0, INT 1, PRE 1
18, 17 and 13 mean they're Quick and a Team-Player: add the Improved Initiative and Interpose advantages
7, 7 and 15 mean they had a Rough Upbringing and are Ex-Military: add Expertise: Streetwise 4, Expertise: Military 4, Intimidation 6, Ranged Combat 4, Close Combat: Unarmed 2 and Perception 6
3 adds Superhuman Density: Growth 8, limited to Strength and Stamina AND Protection 4
15 links 10 ranks of Penetrating to Strength damage (which is kind of 'meh') or links Close Instant Move Object 10, (limited to away from them and limited to the target failing the Damage Toughness check) to Strength damage (for knocking targets through walls and such)

You ran out of rolls (you need 7 more) due to a couple of rerolls, but at least you have an initial concept: a physically-powerful stranger with military training from a strange land. It's up to you :smallsmile:

He still needs a lot of work, but here is the sheet for The Peak (

Broad strokes of his background;

Former German scientist seeks to help humanity by discovering true immortality without removing the things that make us human. On the brink of a great discovery, an accident caused by the hero General Freedom causes the scientist to achieve his goal, with the unfortunate side effect of narcissism and megalomania. Now he seeks to control the world, because who else deserves to other than the Peak of Humanity?

I'll give more detail and keep working on mechanics once I'm out of work.
Looks fine so far.

Okay, finally got an idea.

The Frozen Warlord
An ancient queen from the Ice Age, Aurora was grievously injured in her last conquest, and froze herself in a glacier as part of a ritual to restore her strength. However, her foes had gotten wind of her plan, and managed to disrupt the ritual-instead of healing her and releasing her as soon as she was ready, it kept her unconscious for eons, waiting for the glacier to thaw.

In the modern day, she has only recently unfroze. The V'sori wanted more water, so they turned their thermal devices to the frozen tundra. The melting would've caused a flood disrupting one of the bases belonging to [INSERT VILLAINOUS PC OR APPROPRIATE NPC HERE], so an assault was launched on the thermal project. It got far enough for Aurora to be freed, though, and she is still adjusting to the new world.

I'm not entirely sure yet. Gonna work on mechanics.
Looks good to me.

Would a minor Devil count as "other dimensions"?

Have a half-built character named Fitz ( who is not The Devil but rather on his payroll, assigned to tempt or trick mortals into damnation. Apart from that he's not a bad fellow — he more or less follows the law, tips his bartenders and likes animals. Not all animals like him, though, and he trouble attending friends' weddings or handling silver.

Powers would be a mix of mental influence — not control, free will is important — and pyrokinesis.
Yes, that would be extradimensional and prohibited. Reason being: if Earth goes down the tubes why would a villainous alien stick around? Why not just go home or find a new planet/dimension to dominate? :smallconfused:


2024-06-15, 04:03 PM

Aurora's Sheet (

WIP, but a good(?) base.


2024-06-15, 04:12 PM

Reason being: if Earth goes down the tubes why would a villainous alien stick around? Why not just go home or find a new planet/dimension to dominate?

Well, in Fitz's case, he's just a middle manager and stuck here (he's originally human, died in the 70s and brought back after a stay in Hell as a petitioner). And his usual schtick of harvesting souls with promises of wealth/love/guitar mastery don't work when his marks keep getting vaporized by alien invaders. He wants his status quo back.

But if it doesn't work with the cosmology, it doesn't work. No worries, will keep thinking.


2024-06-15, 04:52 PM

Well, in Fitz's case, he's just a middle manager and stuck here (he's originally human, died in the 70s and brought back after a stay in Hell as a petitioner). And his usual schtick of harvesting souls with promises of wealth/love/guitar mastery don't work when his marks keep getting vaporized by alien invaders. He wants his status quo back.

But if it doesn't work with the cosmology, it doesn't work. No worries, will keep thinking.
Reading what you posted, I'd say Fitz is from Earth not "Hell" and that works.


2024-06-15, 05:09 PM

Alright, I got a draft sheet ( I can translate this to MW, but I deel like this format let's be present the lore better. She started as just Jinx with a twist, how did it end like this. I think I acidently myself into an anti-hero, with I have to goverment, but I hate-space-goverment, attitute.

This is also, a character with fair bit of eage. With added weakness of entropic essence, witch acts as traume in a bottle.


2024-06-15, 09:42 PM

I just saw this thread, and am unsure as to a recruitment deadline, but wanted to express interest and say I'll have something up shortly. I have a pocket dimension character I was fiddling with, and generally have a fondness for Darkforce-style sorts.


2024-06-15, 10:10 PM,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg

Attributes (26)
Strength 0
Stamina 8
Agility 0
Dexterity 0
Fighting 0
Intellect 0
Awareness 0
Presence 5

Defenses (55)
Dodge 18 (+18)
Fortitude 11 (+18)
Parry 18 (+18)
Toughness 0 (+8)
Will 8 (+8)

Skills (34)
Acrobatics 23 (+23)
Close Combat/Toon Shenanigans 3 (+3)
Deception 18 (+23)
Expertise/Comedy 18 (+23)
Insight 3 (+3)
Ranged Combat/Toon Shenanigans 3 (+3)

Feats (6)
All-Out Attack
Benefit 1
Performer: Expertise/Comedy is Pre-based
Fascinate: Expertise/Comedy
Move-By Action
Power Attack

Rubberhose Body (5)
Silly Billy is made more of jokes and ink than flesh and blood.

Immunity 1 (aging)

Insubstantial 1

Playing The Fool (9)
Silly Billy can't actually die. Even the injuries are him playing along. But some hits are so big he has to put some extra mustard into the performance.

Immortality 20
-2/r: Side Effect (always happens)
-1: Quirk (additional deaths do not undo this power's side effect)

Side Effect: Affliction 13
Fort to resist
1st Degree: Dazed/Vulnerable
2nd Degree: Defenseless/Stunned
3rd Degree: Incapacitated/Transformed
+1/r: Cumulative
+1/r: Extra Condition
+1: Variable Descriptor (toon violence)

Silly Billy can pull a lot of classic cartoon pranks. Of course, gut-punchers don't land as well face-to-face as when you've got a screen between ya.

The Cat Came Back (58)
The more effort they expend avoiding you, the funnier it is when they turn around and you're right there. You're wherever you need to be, with whatever you need to have, to make the joke work.

Teleport 15
+1/r: Accurate
+1: Change Direction
+1: Change Velocity
+10: Increased Mass 11

Wanton Destruction (1)
Property damage is funny any day of the week!

Damage 13
+4/r: Area/Burst 4 (250 ft radius)
+1/r: Selective
-1/r: Limited (does not affect creatures; still affects objects)
-2/r: Side-Effect (Always Occurs)
+13: Penetrating 13
+2: Variable Descriptor (Energy)
-1: Quirk: Neither Selective nor Limited protects Silly Billy from the initial effect or the side-effect

Slapstick Humor (1)
Real injuries aren't funny. Cartoon injuries are hilarious! If perhaps traumatic for someone expecting violence to hurt...

Affliction 13
Fort to resist
1st Degree: Dazed/Vulnerable
2nd Degree: Defenseless/Stunned
3rd Degree: Incapacitated/Transformed
+1/r: Cumulative
+1/r: Extra Condition
+5: Accurate 5
+13: Penetrating 13
+1: Variable Descriptor (toon violence)

Reverse Psychology (1)
It's like if lying was a superpower. As long as he commits to the bit, Silly Billy can get people to believe whatever he wants about reality

Affliction 13
Will to resist
1st Degree: Dazed/Vulnerable
2nd Degree: Compelled/Defenseless
3rd Degree: Incapacitated/Transformed
+1/r: Cumulative
+1/r: Extra Condition
+1/r: Increased Ranged (Ranged)
-1/r: Limited Degree
+5: Accurate 5
+1: Insidious
+13: Penetrating 13
+1: Subtle 1
+1: Variable Descriptor (toon violence)
-2: Diminished Ranged 2

Tech Whiz (1)
Oooooh! What's this button do??

Nullify 13
+1/r: Alternate Resistance (Parry)
+1/r: Broad
+1/r: Concentration
+1/r: Sustained
-1/r: Reduced Range (Touch)
+5: Accurate 5
+1: Subtle 1

Straight Man (1)
Silly Billy can select a special assistant from the audience to help with his jokes, bestowing upon them all the invincibility of a toon.

Immunity 116 (58)
Aging, Entrapment, All effects resisted by Fortitude or Toughness
+1/r: Affects Others
+0/r: Sustained
-1/r: Concentration
-1/r: Only Affects Others

Weakness: Comedy
If someone fights funny with funny, Silly Billy can't resist playing along with the joke. All defenses except Immortality are completely ignored by attacks that are quite humorous on purpose.

It's interesting making a villain who can't directly hurt anybody.


2024-06-15, 10:37 PM

I also recently saw this thread and was wondering about deadlines and if there's room for more. I have a few ideas to pick from (that in good form or already sort-of made for a different campaign that I GM'd I already have some outline on them) depending on what sort of evil is most necessary, such as...

Oblivion, a Hellfire, Mind, and Shadow-themed cambion wizard, wanted in many lands for trying to take over. (Backstory and goals are narratively, a what if DC's Raven was actually evil.) Technically from another dimension, but she's been on Earth for a couple decades and has plenty of roots there, too. Possibly also a summoner.
---> Would probably require Metamorph for a couple different modes/stances to fight in. Mild use of Arrays, would also use Ritualist at the least. Really a JOAT in that she actually has Jack-of-All-Trades and access to some decent stats.

Errant, a bruiser mutant/metahuman who's basically, a what if for if Superman were an amoral mercenary.
---> Pure combatant

Immortal or CARVR: artificially-created super-soldiers. Immortal is a genemod built with heavy emphasis on victory by endurance while CARVR would be a robot with a heavy weaponry array to blast away enemies quickly. (Both would be adaptations from the decade-old Civilization: Beyond Earth game.)
---> Combatant with either stealth or technology buffs.

The Dishonored or Nemesis: A Mad Scientist who wants to find redemption, but isn't on track yet. It happens that the most effective way to get objects important for the next artifice is larceny, and secret labs don't pay for themselves.
---> Slightly less villainous than the rest. Huge bag-of-tricks play with Inventor.

I also have a character in mind who isn't so much someone who has a base, and more is a base. Multiple bases, actually. Panopticon, built by a mad scientist/necromancer binding a soul to a supercomputer. I doubt this character could be meaningfully imprisoned to escape in the first place, so probably not her.

Use Mythweaver M&M3e sheets if you can or at least create a coherent sheet of your own. PL trade-offs are +/-5 (8-18). You can have an individual base and minions if you like, but they won't come online until after you escape authorities.
PL trade-off? So we wouldn't be allowed to have, say, Fort at 6 but Will at 20? How would this interact with a special little power that made me quite proud of the "Shapeable" area (in that I can make a force field with Impervious Toughness of "No")?

I don't have a Mythweaver account, but I have a template that sort-of matches the format used in the NPCs on the SRD just in a slightly-different order. (I use the order: Abilities, Offense, Defense, Defense Ranks, Advantages, Skills, Powers, Equipment, Complications, points-spent accounting). Would that likely count as coherent?

Any opinions on Quickness + Ritualist & Artificer or Quickness + Inventor?


2024-06-15, 11:19 PM

Definitely interested!

Philo the Announcer
You know how they say "Video killed the radio star?" Philo's here to make sure there's never a sequel.

Self-proclaimed archon of the "modern" age, he liked the world as it was. EXACTLY as it was. He's used his supernatural gifts to terrorize tech heroes and inventors for years, with little real impact but a lot of collateral damage along the way. Trying to discern what new advancements he might find unacceptable is maddening, his internal definitions inconsistent or hypocritical at the best of times



Voice of the People - Base Power + 2 alternates [14]

Comprehend 3 (Read, Understand, Be Understood), Perception (Hearing), Affects Others [12]

Broadcast: Communication 2 (Mental), Area (1 mile), Rapid, Subtle
Omnilingual: Comprehend 4 (Read All, Speak All, Machines/Electronics)

Image from Property of Hate webcomic

Idea is an anti-tech technopath with some additional magical tools or spells to round out his kit, willing to shelve his one-man crusade against advancement to remove all this new alien tech from Earth


2024-06-15, 11:27 PM

I just saw this thread, and am unsure as to a recruitment deadline, but wanted to express interest and say I'll have something up shortly. I have a pocket dimension character I was fiddling with, and generally have a fondness for Darkforce-style sorts.
I added the sheet deadline (6/21/24) to the OP so everyone can find it easier. "Darkforce" is a Marvel term but "Darkness Control" works just as well. Looks like a good concept.

Dusk Raven

2024-06-16, 02:02 AM

Let's do it!

11 is a Powerhouse
7 means innate (racial) powers that can't be Nullified only Weakened (maybe an Atlantean, which is an important species in this setting, or a member of a fantastic species hidden in some remote wilderness like Trolls or Tieflings): STR 4, AGL 1, FGT 6, AWE 1, STA 4, DEX 0, INT 1, PRE 1
18, 17 and 13 mean they're Quick and a Team-Player: add the Improved Initiative and Interpose advantages
7, 7 and 15 mean they had a Rough Upbringing and are Ex-Military: add Expertise: Streetwise 4, Expertise: Military 4, Intimidation 6, Ranged Combat 4, Close Combat: Unarmed 2 and Perception 6
3 adds Superhuman Density: Growth 8, limited to Strength and Stamina AND Protection 4
15 links 10 ranks of Penetrating to Strength damage (which is kind of 'meh') or links Close Instant Move Object 10, (limited to away from them and limited to the target failing the Damage Toughness check) to Strength damage (for knocking targets through walls and such)

You ran out of rolls (you need 7 more) due to a couple of rerolls, but at least you have an initial concept: a physically-powerful stranger with military training from a strange land. It's up to you :smallsmile:

Hmm... while I'm still going to go with my own concept, that does call to mind that there are things about the system that the SRD... either doesn't have, or that I haven't found the pages for, like what Impervious is. Working on that, though.

Otherwise, while things are largely going well, there are a couple things I'm uncertain about. The biggest thing - I want to give her some sort of active ability enhancement, as a substitute for the Shapeshift ability... since, really, her transformation is mostly limited to giving herself specific traits (like her claws), or shifting into a couple of different "combat forms." As I understand things, distinct powers are made up of components, the implication being that some powers, at least, can be turned on independently of one another. The idea I had was to give her, say, a power with Enhanced Strength at the cost of a little Dexterity and Agility, and another power that does the exact opposite. This thus gives her, effectively, a strength form, a speed form, and an in-between form where both powers are active at once, boosting a bunch of her abilities at once but not to the same extent a dedicated form would have... although I really don't know why the speed form would decrease her strength compared to her normal, human-looking self. Which is just one flaw for this. Hmm. Also, apparently powers with alternate effects are a thing but I haven't figured out how those work yet. Might be what I should go for.

...Also, I probably will change the duration of the ability enhancements to Permanent instead of Sustained, since transformations (in her case) aren't the kind of thing that go away if you incapacitate her, but then I couldn't turn them off... unless, I suppose, I had each individual transformation as Alternates of the same power, like before, but also had a third form which is essentially just her (relatively) normal self. Hmm.

Though, in the middle of all this, I have to wonder what the actual benefit is to having a permanent Enhanced Trait power over, say, just putting the same points in my Abilities to begin with, since that costs the same and can't be countered. Unless one takes flaws for the power, of course.

I'm thinking maybe I just buy the books, I used to have a PDF but not anymore.,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg

Attributes (26)
Strength 0
Stamina 8
Agility 0
Dexterity 0
Fighting 0
Intellect 0
Awareness 0
Presence 5

Defenses (55)
Dodge 18 (+18)
Fortitude 11 (+18)
Parry 18 (+18)
Toughness 0 (+8)
Will 8 (+8)

Skills (35)
Acrobatics 23 (+23)
Close Combat/Toon Shenanigans 3 (+3)
Deception 18 (+23)
Expertise/Comedy 18 (+23)
Insight 5 (+5)
Ranged Combat/Toon Shenanigans 3 (+3)

Feats (6)
All-Out Attack
Benefit 1
Performer: Expertise/Comedy is Pre-based
Fascinate: Expertise/Comedy
Move-By Action
Power Attack

Rubberhose Body (5)
Silly Billy is made more of jokes and ink than flesh and blood.

Immunity 1 (aging)

Insubstantial 1

Playing The Fool (9)
Silly Billy can't actually die. Even the injuries are him playing along. But some hits are so big he has to put some extra mustard into the performance.

Immortality 20
-2/r: Side Effect (always happens)
-1: Quirk (additional deaths do not undo this power's side effect)

Side Effect: Affliction 13
Fort to resist
1st Degree: Dazed/Vulnerable
2nd Degree: Defenseless/Stunned
3rd Degree: Incapacitated/Transformed
+1/r: Cumulative
+1/r: Extra Condition
+1: Variable Descriptor (toon violence)

Silly Billy can pull a lot of classic cartoon pranks. Of course, gut-punchers don't land as well face-to-face as when you've got a screen between ya.

The Cat Came Back (58)
The more effort they expend avoiding you, the funnier it is when they turn around and you're right there. You're wherever you need to be, with whatever you need to have, to make the joke work.

Teleport 15
+1/r: Accurate
+1: Change Direction
+1: Change Velocity
+10: Increased Mass 11

Wanton Destruction (1)
Property damage is funny any day of the week!

Damage 13
+4/r: Area/Burst 4 (250 ft radius)
+1/r: Selective
-1/r: Limited (does not affect creatures; still affects objects)
-2/r: Side-Effect (Always Occurs)
+13: Penetrating 13
+2: Variable Descriptor (Energy)
-1: Quirk: Neither Selective nor Limited protects Silly Billy from the initial effect or the side-effect

Slapstick Humor (1)
Real injuries aren't funny. Cartoon injuries are hilarious! If perhaps traumatic for someone expecting violence to hurt...

Affliction 13
Fort to resist
1st Degree: Dazed/Vulnerable
2nd Degree: Defenseless/Stunned
3rd Degree: Incapacitated/Transformed
+1/r: Cumulative
+1/r: Extra Condition
+5: Accurate 5
+13: Penetrating 13
+1: Variable Descriptor (toon violence)

Reverse Psychology (1)
It's like if lying was a superpower. As long as he commits to the bit, Silly Billy can get people to believe whatever he wants about reality

Affliction 13
Will to resist
1st Degree: Dazed/Vulnerable
2nd Degree: Compelled/Defenseless
3rd Degree: Incapacitated/Transformed
+1/r: Cumulative
+1/r: Extra Condition
+1/r: Increased Ranged (Ranged)
-1/r: Limited Degree
+5: Accurate 5
+1: Insidious
+13: Penetrating 13
+1: Subtle 1
+1: Variable Descriptor (toon violence)
-2: Diminished Ranged 2

Tech Whiz (1)
Oooooh! What's this button do??

Nullify 13
+1/r: Alternate Resistance (Parry)
+1/r: Broad
+1/r: Concentration
+1/r: Sustained
-1/r: Reduced Range (Touch)
+5: Accurate 5
+1: Subtle 1

Straight Man (1)
Silly Billy can select a special assistant from the audience to help with his jokes, bestowing upon them all the invincibility of a toon.

Immunity 116 (58)
Aging, Entrapment, All effects resisted by Fortitude or Toughness
+1/r: Affects Others
+0/r: Sustained
-1/r: Concentration
-1/r: Only Affects Others

Weakness: Comedy
If someone fights funny with funny, Silly Billy can't resist playing along with the joke. All defenses except Immortality are completely ignored by attacks that are quite humorous on purpose.

It's interesting making a villain who can't directly hurt anybody.

Definitely interested!

Philo the Announcer
You know how they say "Video killed the radio star?" Philo's here to make sure there's never a sequel.

Self-proclaimed archon of the "modern" age, he liked the world as it was. EXACTLY as it was. He's used his supernatural gifts to terrorize tech heroes and inventors for years, with little real impact but a lot of collateral damage along the way. Trying to discern what new advancements he might find unacceptable is maddening, his internal definitions inconsistent or hypocritical at the best of times

Image from Property of Hate webcomic

Idea is an anti-tech technopath with some additional magical tools or spells to round out his kit, willing to shelve his one-man crusade against advancement to remove all this new alien tech from Earth

Man, if we get enough of the... less-than-serious (in presentation if not in attitude) villains in the final party, and I end up being chosen too, my character's just going to look like this brooding, edgy stick-in-the-mud and the others might just make it a side-quest to get her to lighten up. Honestly, she kinda needs it.

Soras Teva Gee

2024-06-16, 04:03 AM

Ice queen finally decided me, because Fire and Ice together would be amazing.

About 90% complete.

"So God has abandoned you and now you turn to Lucifer for strength?'

'Do not think for a moment that irony is lost on me... or the hypocrisy! I dared to break with the established order and you decided the Queen of Flames was a tyrant, a terrorist, and a villain. You compromised Dalmatia's independence, raised a rebellion against my flag and then marched your jackboots in under the title of peacekeepers. Now your great powers have fallen, crushed by tyrants that put your darkest visions of me to shame, and yet here I remain.'

'I should leave you all to rot, but then... you were not wrong. These invaders are everything I despise, they have taken the lives of those I respected, heroes whose strength I respected.'

'I shall aid you, but remember Invicta has her price."

SHEET: [Here] (

Sol Invicta hails from what is today the nation of Dalmatia on the Adriatic Coast of the Balkans. Born Danica Dragovic a mutant in the former Yugoslavia during the latter days of the Cold War she was a pariah in her small village before being taken to a "Special Institute for Gifted Youths" though prison weapon program would have been more accurate. Fortunately for Danica the "school" lay on right side the line when the communist state broke down. What followed were several brutal years of war, years which made Danica's growing command of flame a powerful asset. More powerful still perhaps was her capacity to rouse the hearts of others, combined with a sharp intelligence. When the Dalmati war for independence was over she was one of its most distinguished leaders at an age many children were still finishing college. It was at this time she acquired her moniker, the unconquered general who shone like the sun on the flag she waved.

Her ascension to the Presidency was supposed to be a show, a young idealistic leader trotted out for the masses, and token superhuman in a region still rife with anti-mutant bias, while the real powers got to work. Unfortunately the young Invicta was more ruthless and effective then they imagine, and one by one eliminated her political rivals out of pure self-defense. The Western powers, the de facto hyperpower though didn't see things that way, and soon Invicta was called a dictator for her dominance of Dalmati politics. When her increasingly leftist political leanings became clear and she began expelling foreign companies for "exploiting the Dalmati people" or perhaps just not showing enough deference to her rule, they began to take action. Propaganda campaigns, funding the opposition, and economic measures pushing Invicta out of office, or if you believe the media accounts a natural reaction to her brutal political tactics. Yet unlike other authoritarians Invicta accepted her defeat in the election and left after a narrow vote came against her. Yet the peaceful transition did not last long, the new government passed several measures that backfire spectacularly, and within a year Dalmatia was headed toward civil war. Not content to see their puppets fall though soon a Western backed UN peacekeeping force stepped in, along with a contingent of "heroes" there to prevent any superhuman interference in the war. Those Sol Invicta defeated and for a brief time reclaimed rulership over Dalmatia. Yet Western backed proxies fought on with foreign aid and eventually precipitated a battle in the capital of Raguxa that saw several powerful heroes stepping in to counter Invicta.

Forced to free the country Invicta began to champion increasingly radical ideology painting herself as a champion not just of Dalmatia but oppressed peoples everywhere, particularly those victimized for daring to have superhuman powers. In exile with mighty opponents against her though Invicta soon did as countless other marginal factions have chosen to do throughout history, striking softer less expected targets to prove their own relevance. Or as the media would put it... terrorism. Which in turn led to more conflicts with the world's heroes and a shift in focus from the mundane to the super human.

Finally a few years ago at the Battle on the Sea Bridge saw Invicta go down in defeat at the hands of Champion, Gloriana, and other heroes after which she dropped off the grid. Or so it was proclaimed at least, some have speculated a bargain was struck that day, though with death of the heroes any agreement is clearly moot.


2024-06-16, 04:13 AM

Man, if we get enough of the... less-than-serious (in presentation if not in attitude) villains in the final party, and I end up being chosen too, my character's just going to look like this brooding, edgy stick-in-the-mud and the others might just make it a side-quest to get her to lighten up. Honestly, she kinda needs it.
would ne a first time some goofly ass characters got into more serious camping


2024-06-16, 05:32 AM

Hmm... while I'm still going to go with my own concept, that does call to mind that there are things about the system that the SRD... either doesn't have, or that I haven't found the pages for, like what Impervious is. Working on that, though.

Impervious is in the modifiers ( section. More or less, if you buy a defense as a power (typically Toughness), then a given effect has to have an effect rank of at least half your defense rounded up - otherwise, the whole thing just slides off without doing anything. It's comparable to partial immunity. So for example, if you took Protection 18 and added the Impervious extra, anybody trying to hit you with a Damage 9 or lower power just...fails. Pistol, shotgun, frag grenade, laser rifle? It all just bounces off your chest. Maybe if they bring a rocket launcher you'll feel it.

As to whether it's worth it, generally it's maybe worth it for Toughness, because Toughness DCs are 5 points higher by default, and even minor fails build up penalties. A standard hero with Toughness 12 who gets shot by a dozen assault rifles is either making 12 rolls at +12 against DC 20 (and is likely to fail 4 of them to some degree) or is going to face a single team attack with +12 vs DC 25 (60% chance to fail). Either way, if that hero had Impervious Toughness, then team check or otherwise, assault rifles are water off their back. And that remains true even if they're rocking huge toughness penalties - yeah I'm significantly hurt, but that doesn't mean bullets are any better at penetrating my flesh.

Other defenses have base DC 10, and it's harder for a bunch of weak effects to nickel-and-dime your bonus lower, so while it's kinda funny to play with the idea of a speedster who's soooooo fast that you need an attack bonus of at least +9 to even have a chance at hitting, to use Silly Billy as an example, he's got the max tradeoff of Dodge/Parry +18, so his defense is 28. Unless you get a nat 20 to auto-hit, you already need at least a +9 to have a chance at hitting him. If we were lower level, with a lower trade off (again, PL 10 hero doing 12/8 tradeoff), that's Defense 22, so people need at least a +3 to hit them without a nat 20...but even if it were Impervious, that'd just mean enemies need at least a +6 to try and hit you instead.

On the flip side, Impervious has a problem where it's mainly for a style of combat (that at least IME) isn't very popular: it only matters if you're gonng get targeted with a ton of weak powers, instead of a few that are closer to your level. Impervious Toughness 12 means shotguns can't hurt you...but unless you're facing a villain with maximum tradeoff favoring attack bonus, or an army of minions who are doing their best with the weapons they've got, you're not gonna ever get shot by a shotgun. Combat against minions tends to be a very predictable state of affairs, whereas playing against people in your own weight class is more exciting. In such games, it might fit the character to have an Impervious defense, but unless the villain is an attack specialist, it's points spent on something that will never come up.

Man, if we get enough of the... less-than-serious (in presentation if not in attitude) villains in the final party, and I end up being chosen too, my character's just going to look like this brooding, edgy stick-in-the-mud and the others might just make it a side-quest to get her to lighten up. Honestly, she kinda needs it.

I've got similar concerns. Silly Billy thinks the incoming aliens are the biggest squares, but that doesn't make him a great team player; if the rest of the party is a bunch of edgy brooder villains, he's either gonna go find someone more fun to hang out with, or be just as annoying towards the party as the enemy.


2024-06-16, 10:35 PM

I loved running this in Savage Worlds way back in the day. Would I be able to throw my hat into this or is recruiting over?


2024-06-17, 02:50 AM

Oblivion (
Species: Cambion
Role: Wizard

She was difficult to design due to the arrays, but here we are. I recommend reading my sheet instead of my summary, but for posterity, here's my breakdown:

Oblivion is a Cambion Wizard (though she's also a natural Sorceress). At a young age, she was shunned by her people who feared her demonic heritage. She awakened to her power by accidentally teleporting to Earth. With her tremendous magical power and her shadowy themes, she was feared by everyone, cast out by various tyrannical organizations, from HOA to police, to legislatures finding ways to target just her.

Inspired by their disdain for her, she decided she wanted to conquer a kingdom of her own so that people would have to listen to her and would fear her instead of being able to cast her out.

She was captured by a hero while attempting to browbeat a local gang into serving her. Curiously, she was reserved enough and had suffered enough early setbacks that in the process of gaining power, she was not wanted for any form of killing.

Strength 4
Agility 0
Fighting 0
Awareness 6
Stamina 8
Dexterity 0
Intellect 10
Presence 0

Dodge 8 (8 points)
Fortitude 9 (1 point)
Parry 8 (8 points)
Toughness 8 + up to impervious 10 (protection from a power) (0 points)
Willpower 17 (11 points)

Artificer (1 point)
Attractive +5 (2 points)
Equipment 30pts (6 points)
Jack-of-all-Trades (1 point)
Power Attack (1 point)
Ritualist (1 point)
Skill Mastery: Expertise (Magic) (1 point)
Wealth: Independently Wealthy (2 points)

Close Combat (Unarmed) 16 (8 points)
Deception (0 points, but Attractive +5)
Expertise (Magic) 13 and Skill Mastery (6.5 points)
Persuasion (0 points, but Attractive +5)
Ranged Combat (Magic) 13 (6.5 points)

Everything else: Jack of All Trades, just use the raw ability

POWERS ARE A DOOZY. As such, I'm mostly providing summaries of my powers and leaving them on the sheet I linked in the first word of this post. Please; copy/pasting from my document does NOT give bullet points properly in this format. It'd be a nightmare; just look at my Google Doc

Oblivion's demonic heritage has partially manifested. She has more power that she can acquire.
Focused Strike: Str-based Damage 6 (6 points)
Extrasensory: Uncontrolled Precognition 2 points, Alternate Effect Uncontrolled Postcognition: total 3 points; Divine and Mental
Languages of Temptation: Comprehend All Languages, 2 ranks for 4 points; Divine and Mental

Oblivion's shadows can be tangible at times. These magical shadow powers are more tangible than most shadows.
Defensive Force Fields is a Dynamic Array for 22 points
2/r Power 1: Personal Force Fields: Impervious Protection up to rank 10. By default, I'll always have it at max here until/unless we go up in rank enough for me to upgrade this.
1/r Power 2: Force Bubbles: Selective Impervious Create (and Stationary) with Distracting, Limited to Barriers, and Feedback. I can go up to Impervious 20 on this. ...I also have a calculation spreadsheet already made for how to get the toughness a lot higher on this one and I can provide my calculations at need; let's just say I'm fairly proud of my math and fairly sure the game designers, instead of making Shapeable Volume too weak, made it too strong.

Descriptors: Darkness, Magic

This is an array of 8 spells that each cost 13 points. I lean HEAVILY into Side Effects, making me mostly a cast-from-Willpower-and-Intelligence build that loves to stay at range. My magic is also Distracting; hence why I lean heavily into Protection instead of active defenses

Concealing Shadows: Makes the party invisible to the visible light spectrum
Countermagic: ranged effect that zilches any magic effect (Broad)
Destroyer's Strike: A powerful but unwieldy blast to hit slower targets (shorter range, damage)
Dispelling Blast: Makes an attempt on all magic effects in a radius of me. Last-ditch power since it's tiring. Note: A careful reading of Close Area means I won't be affected
Healing Shadows: A bog-standard heal effect. Spammable due to not being on my cast-from-willpower system
Hellfire Burst: A blast centered on myself that damages everyone and afflicts with fatigue into exhaustion
Red Lightning: A ranged area blast that does electric damage and briefly afflicts targets with Dazed and Vulnerable
Shadows of the Mind: Mind Control

Natural Mage: Literally just Quickness 15 on doing my rituals and ONLY rituals; 5 points

15 points of being able to teleport across dimensions or anywhere on the planet and bring anyone with me. Portal or Burst Area.
Also a 5-point winged flight effect (activation required)

The Demon's Pit: 24 points isolated and hidden cavern with some amenities
The Darkness within: Alternate Installation that's a nightclub and secret base: 1 point
Smartphone: 4 points
Comm-Link: 1 point

The Demon's Pit gives me enough Quickness that I can easily research and make artifices very quickly, complementing my natural Quickness for rituals.

Oh, and here's my Force Fields calculator: Hollow Spheres ( are strong!


2024-06-17, 03:30 AM

I've got similar concerns. Silly Billy thinks the incoming aliens are the biggest squares, but that doesn't make him a great team player; if the rest of the party is a bunch of edgy brooder villains, he's either gonna go find someone more fun to hang out with, or be just as annoying towards the party as the enemy.
Uh .......

I loved running this in Savage Worlds way back in the day. Would I be able to throw my hat into this or is recruiting over?
I changed the recruitment deadline to 11:59 p.m. on 6/21/24. Until then anyone can post a supervillain.

Oblivion (
Species: Cambion
Role: Wizard

She was difficult to design due to the arrays, but here we are. I recommend reading my sheet instead of my summary, but for posterity, here's my breakdown:

Oblivion is a Cambion Wizard (though she's also a natural Sorceress). At a young age, she was shunned by her people who feared her demonic heritage. She awakened to her power by accidentally teleporting to Earth....
Again, there are 3 kinds of villains that won't work:

Psychos like Joker who kill for fun
Villains from other planets or other dimensions
Annoying trolls like Silly Billy (removed from the list)


2024-06-17, 03:33 AM

Uh .......

I changed the recruitment deadline to 11:59 p.m. on 6/21/24. Until then anyone can post a supervillain.

Again, there are 3 kinds of villains that won't work:

Psychos like Joker who kill for fun
Villains from other planets or other dimensions
Annoying trolls like Silly Billy (removed from the list)

So, having been on Earth for a couple decades (since early childhood) isn't enough of a tie to Earth?

EDIT: That part of her backstory is easily changeable, the important parts are: far from home, shunned by many, demonic heritage.


2024-06-17, 03:40 AM

Hey, SwordCoastTaxi, I was hoping to hear some feedback on the my sheet, aspecially the fluff and weather it's sheet is organized well enough or MW sheet is requierd

Alright, I got a draft sheet ( I can translate this to MW, but I deel like this format let's be present the lore better. She started as just Jinx with a twist, how did it end like this. I think I acidently myself into an anti-hero, with I have to goverment, but I hate-space-goverment, attitute.

This is also, a character with fair bit of eage. With added weakness of entropic essence, witch acts as traume in a bottle.


2024-06-17, 03:42 AM

I still basically just have different parts of ideas swirling around in my head, no idea how to turn it into anything thematically and mechanically coherent, but it usually works out sooner or later.

The only thing I'm sure-ish about is that I wanna try out the teleport power. I've barely used that one before and it should have plenty of villainous applications. :smallamused:


2024-06-17, 05:01 AM

So, having been on Earth for a couple decades (since early childhood) isn't enough of a tie to Earth?

EDIT: That part of her backstory is easily changeable, the important parts are: far from home, shunned by many, demonic heritage.
Fixing the backstory helps. A villain based in Star City would be ideal.

Hey, SwordCoastTaxi, I was hoping to hear some feedback on the my sheet, aspecially the fluff and weather it's sheet is organized well enough or MW sheet is requierd
I'll give notes on completed (stats, complications and backstory) villains this week.

I still basically just have different parts of ideas swirling around in my head, no idea how to turn it into anything thematically and mechanically coherent, but it usually works out sooner or later.

The only thing I'm sure-ish about is that I wanna try out the teleport power. I've barely used that one before and it should have plenty of villainous applications. :smallamused:
Basing a character on an established Marvel or DC villain can't hurt. The writers at M&M certainly think so 😁 Teleport is a great power to play with and let me know if I can help.


2024-06-17, 05:38 AM

A couple of questions - first, what kind of PL (roughly) are the V'Sori and K'tharen and Star City police? Just to get a sense for how powerful we're likely to be in comparison to our presumable main enemies, for calibrating backstory/personality. And second, is the idea that we were apprehended by Star City police following the invasion (or...I dunno, arrested elsewhere and transferred to Star City for whatever reason) or were we already in prison when the invasion happened?


2024-06-17, 07:07 AM

Basing a character on an established Marvel or DC villain can't hurt. The writers at M&M certainly think so 😁 Teleport is a great power to play with and let me know if I can help.

I usually try to avoid that, but it did just occur to me that one of my ideas is a little similar to Cloak (as in "and Dagger"). In case I do go with that one, would it be okay to fluff the portal from the teleport extra of the same name as a cloak?

Maybe I'll make them a little more distinct from Cloak by giving in to my previously established fondness for the create power and have stuff come out of the cloak too? Hmm. We'll see.


2024-06-17, 08:13 AM

A couple of questions - first, what kind of PL (roughly) are the V'Sori and K'tharen and Star City police? Just to get a sense for how powerful we're likely to be in comparison to our presumable main enemies, for calibrating backstory/personality. And second, is the idea that we were apprehended by Star City police following the invasion (or...I dunno, arrested elsewhere and transferred to Star City for whatever reason) or were we already in prison when the invasion happened?
Tentatively, the authorities are PL6 and aliens are PL8. Also most of them will be Minions meaning players can make Routine ('Take 10') attacks on them instead of rolling and they are immediately incapacitated by any failed check against your attacks. Their strength is in their numbers which increase each subsequent round of combat. Players and your villains know the V'sori have very dangerous tech (since they wiped all the heroes).

My idea is the PC villains were captured by authorities either before or after the invasion. They have been brought to Star City because it's an alien stronghold and they have 'plans' for the villians (usually torture, painful experiments and execution). The villians would know about this because there's been rumors circulating the underground.

Thoughts? I'm open to player ideas here, to a degree.

I usually try to avoid that, but it did just occur to me that one of my ideas is a little similar to Cloak (as in "and Dagger"). In case I do go with that one, would it be okay to fluff the portal from the teleport extra of the same name as a cloak?

Maybe I'll make them a little more distinct from Cloak by giving in to my previously established fondness for the create power and have stuff come out of the cloak too? Hmm. We'll see.
Sure that works. The Marvel villain Sidewinder is similar along with Cloak. What do you mean "fluff the portal"?


2024-06-17, 08:17 AM

Fixing the backstory helps. A villain based in Star City would be ideal.

I'll give notes on completed (stats, complications and backstory) villains this week.

Basing a character on an established Marvel or DC villain can't hurt. The writers at M&M certainly think so 😁 Teleport is a great power to play with and let me know if I can help.
3rd bit: My character is "what if Raven from DC was evil, and had slightly different powers?" So, yeah, based on her.
(also made a couple modifications from the previous version; changed up one thing the Alternate Installation has. Removed an extraneous line in Natural Mage from a previous version. Ditched Wings of Shadow and Extrasensory for some Immortality benefits.)

1st bit: Okay, first a relink: Oblivion's character sheet ( and since her Fields of Shadow power has a dynamic effect to let me create large barriers, I've calculated the rank needed to make a spheres of various radii and thickness here ( I mention the thickness of my barriers because each increase in thickness is +1 Toughness, per the Damaging Objects section of the Damage effect. (Sacrificing Toughness down the minimum you allow would let me have a Toughness 25, Impervious 20 forcefield we can shoot out from.)

Modified backstory:
Charlotte Tanas still doesn't know the name of her hometown. When she was three, her shadowy powers manifested and frightened the townsfolk. After a couple years, they drove her out. Then, her teleportation powers came in, though she did not yet have control. With each teleport, she found help. But the help did not last. It was apparent from her quasi-demonic powers and unearthly beauty that she was part-demon, probably part-succubus. (Part-demon was later confirmed by testing during one of her arrests, though the nature of her demonic father is still unknown.)

In her mid-teens, she found herself in Star City. There, they did not drive her out. They distrusted her, but allowed her to remain. The heroes kept an eye on her (after all, a half-demon could be a disaster waiting to happen), and she chafed under their watchful gaze. She practiced her dark arts and created a base for herself on a nearby mountain to rain down her vengeance on those who had restricted her.

That changed when she was finally captured. The only charge that stuck was money laundering for the local mob, and she was in prison for that at the time of the campaign start. A cavern outside the city was her primary base, but she's fairly sure her nightclub still stands in Downtown, where it served as a mob hangout before the invasion.

Her greatest desire? To be in control. Mostly of her own life, but everything around it, too. Second greatest? Revenge.

She thought the heroes were bad about keeping tabs on her. These aliens and what they're doing to the people of her only real home? This might just be the first time she's felt sympathy. But first and foremost, this is HER city. It's time for those monsters to go DOWN.
__________________________________________________ ____________________

Appearance: Gold eyes, strawberry blonde hair (kept loose, halfway down between shoulders and waist), very toned muscles, ruby-colored spectacles that do nothing, as close to refined as sports-worthy gear that has high-class designs can be (sports wear which uses creative coloration that tries to at least pass for elegant).


2024-06-17, 08:20 AM

My idea is the PC villains were captured by authorities either before or after the invasion. They have been brought to Star City because it's an alien stronghold and they have 'plans' for the villians (usually torture, painful experiments and execution). The villians would know about this because there's been rumors circulating the underground.

Thoughts? I'm open to player ideas here, to a degree.

Oh, I thought we were supposed to have been based in Star City to begin with?


2024-06-17, 08:21 AM

My idea is the PC villains were captured by authorities either before or after the invasion. They have been brought to Star City because it's an alien stronghold and they have 'plans' for the villians (usually torture, painful experiments and execution). The villians would know about this because there's been rumors circulating the underground.

Thoughts? I'm open to player ideas here, to a degree.
Lowkey, I imagined we would be in starcity becouse it's full of villans in general, something like Gotham. A larger mutant population currently means there is more vilance in the stare city


2024-06-17, 08:33 AM

Sure that works. The Marvel villain Sidewinder is similar along with Cloak. What do you mean "fluff the portal"?

I just meant that I (if I go with that concept) would like to have the portal as my character's cloak rather than a "traditional" portal (but with the same mechanics).

Also, didn't check out Oblivion's sheet until now and there's certainly a bit of potential overlap there, but that's just another reason to lean into Create a bit more, currently I'm thinking a power that teleports (actually creates, in terms of mechanics) various useful stuff to my character, whether equipment or just something very heavy at an opponent.


2024-06-17, 10:53 AM

3rd bit: My character is "what if Raven from DC was evil, and had slightly different powers?" So, yeah, based on her.
(also made a couple modifications from the previous version; changed up one thing the Alternate Installation has. Removed an extraneous line in Natural Mage from a previous version. Ditched Wings of Shadow and Extrasensory for some Immortality benefits.)

1st bit: Okay, first a relink: Oblivion's character sheet ( and since her Fields of Shadow power has a dynamic effect to let me create large barriers, I've calculated the rank needed to make a spheres of various radii and thickness here ( I mention the thickness of my barriers because each increase in thickness is +1 Toughness, per the Damaging Objects section of the Damage effect. (Sacrificing Toughness down the minimum you allow would let me have a Toughness 25, Impervious 20 forcefield we can shoot out from.)

Modified backstory:
Charlotte Tanas still doesn't know the name of her hometown. When she was three, her shadowy powers manifested and frightened the townsfolk. After a couple years, they drove her out. Then, her teleportation powers came in, though she did not yet have control. With each teleport, she found help. But the help did not last. It was apparent from her quasi-demonic powers and unearthly beauty that she was part-demon, probably part-succubus. (Part-demon was later confirmed by testing during one of her arrests, though the nature of her demonic father is still unknown.)

In her mid-teens, she found herself in Star City. There, they did not drive her out. They distrusted her, but allowed her to remain. The heroes kept an eye on her (after all, a half-demon could be a disaster waiting to happen), and she chafed under their watchful gaze. She practiced her dark arts and created a base for herself on a nearby mountain to rain down her vengeance on those who had restricted her.

That changed when she was finally captured. The only charge that stuck was money laundering for the local mob, and she was in prison for that at the time of the campaign start. A cavern outside the city was her primary base, but she's fairly sure her nightclub still stands in Downtown, where it served as a mob hangout before the invasion.

Her greatest desire? To be in control. Mostly of her own life, but everything around it, too. Second greatest? Revenge.

She thought the heroes were bad about keeping tabs on her. These aliens and what they're doing to the people of her only real home? This might just be the first time she's felt sympathy. But first and foremost, this is HER city. It's time for those monsters to go DOWN.
__________________________________________________ ____________________

Appearance: Gold eyes, strawberry blonde hair (kept loose, halfway down between shoulders and waist), very toned muscles, ruby-colored spectacles that do nothing, as close to refined as sports-worthy gear that has high-class designs can be (sports wear which uses creative coloration that tries to at least pass for elegant).
Great backstory. I'll review her sheet this week but it seems like you're doing the math for me 👍

Oh, I thought we were supposed to have been based in Star City to begin with?
Sorry I might have communicated that but it looked like (from backstories I browsed) that a few villains were more "international". So I was allowing bases outside Star City but the villains are currently in the custody of Star City Police (SCPD). Of course there's a large amount of aliens in the city and the setting info in the OP offers more details.

Star City is now an alien stronghold but your villains know the terrain from previous "activities" there. This city is where the villains need to hit the hardest.


Lowkey, I imagined we would be in starcity becouse it's full of villans in general, something like Gotham. A larger mutant population currently means there is more vilance in the stare city
Agreed. Star City is every comic book city combined. I like the effort the writers put into it so much so it's become my favorite city for running supers over Freedom City and Century Station.

Post-invasion, there's a handful of (lower level) superheroes left, along with the larger supervillain community either in hiding or (like you lucky ducks) in-custody.


I just meant that I (if I go with that concept) would like to have the portal as my character's cloak rather than a "traditional" portal (but with the same mechanics).

Also, didn't check out Oblivion's sheet until now and there's certainly a bit of potential overlap there, but that's just another reason to lean into Create a bit more, currently I'm thinking a power that teleports (actually creates, in terms of mechanics) various useful stuff to my character, whether equipment or just something very heavy at an opponent.
I'm good with all you're posting 👍


2024-06-17, 11:17 AM

Please ask questions, folks. I've posted a bit of info for you, but there's always more you need to know.

Like: arrested and imprisoned supervillains have been fitted with a "Cooler", a FlexSteel techno-collar that nullifies powers AND weakens the crook physically (-5 all physical-related checks). Even after it's removed, it takes about a minute before you're back to normal (1 rank regained per round). Powers come online as soon as the collar is removed but at -5 rank (they recover ranks like Abilities). For effects without ranks I'll use the villain's Stamina rank.

If the villain relies on devices, they'll probably need to track down the holding facility (in Star City) and go take them back.


Dusk Raven

2024-06-17, 12:29 PM

Again, there are 3 kinds of villains that won't work:

Psychos like Joker who kill for fun
Villains from other planets or other dimensions
Annoying trolls like Silly Billy (removed from the list)

Is the "no offworlder villains" stipulation because they're less likely to be invested, or because they could plausibly just leave the poor planet if things get too rough for them? I can think of ways around both of those. Purely an intellectual exercise for me, of course, since my character doesn't fit any of those bullet points, but still. Wouldn't be hard to imagine a villain who's gotten invested in this world, either for anti-villain reasons or just because they see this world as theirs to conquer.


Please ask questions, folks. I've posted a bit of info for you, but there's always more you need to know.

Like: arrested and imprisoned supervillains have been fitted with a "Cooler", a FlexSteel techno-collar that nullifies powers AND weakens the crook physically (-5 all physical-related checks). Even after it's removed, it takes about a minute before you're back to normal (1 rank regained per round). Powers come online as soon as the collar is removed but at -5 rank (they recover ranks like Abilities). For effects without ranks I'll use the villain's Stamina rank.

If the villain relies on devices, they'll probably need to track down the holding facility (in Star City) and go take them back.


Alas, my questions are entirely mechanical at this point - mostly I'm grappling with the fact that the most thematic way I can see to represent some minor transforming powers doesn't seem to be particularly optimal in terms of points or mechanics - like, I was talking about having Enhance Strength with an alternate in the form of Enhance Agility, but what's the benefit to doing that instead of just having them both up at the same time? Or having them as base abilities and not powers, for that matter? Actually that's really the main point of contention I've got, everything else I think I've got down.

Oh yeah, if my character has claws as a power, and also has a spiked tail, is that arguably a claw as well or do I need a second Close Combat skill for it?

Also, I think I've got a name - Chimera.


2024-06-17, 01:09 PM

Please ask questions, folks. I've posted a bit of info for you, but there's always more you need to know.

Like: arrested and imprisoned supervillains have been fitted with a "Cooler", a FlexSteel techno-collar that nullifies powers AND weakens the crook physically (-5 all physical-related checks). Even after it's removed, it takes about a minute before you're back to normal (1 rank regained per round). Powers come online as soon as the collar is removed but at -5 rank (they recover ranks like Abilities). For effects without ranks I'll use the villain's Stamina rank.

If the villain relies on devices, they'll probably need to track down the holding facility (in Star City) and go take them back.

so… a round in 6 seconda, meaning there 10 round in minute. Meaning recovery, at 1 every other round, would heal a -5 over a course of a minute.
Full nullification is probably the only way they can keep some of them locked, specially ones that are more on the side of 'magic'. Maths aside, it might a bit weird to have all the smaller flavour power disappear for a few rounds, with access to only the main gun, at slightly reduced power.

Still, capturing all the villains sounds like no small feat on the part of SCPD. Also, if torture, painful experiments and execution is something they regularly do. Bashing their heads in, doesn't sound very villainous

Alas, my questions are entirely mechanical at this point - mostly I'm grappling with the fact that the most thematic way I can see to represent some minor transforming powers doesn't seem to be particularly optimal in terms of points or mechanics - like, I was talking about having Enhance Strength with an alternate in the form of Enhance Agility, but what's the benefit to doing that instead of just having them both up at the same time? Or having them as base abilities and not powers, for that matter? Actually that's really the main point of contention I've got, everything else I think I've got down.

Oh yeah, if my character has claws as a power, and also has a spiked tail, is that arguably a claw as well or do I need a second Close Combat skill for it?

Also, I think I've got a name - Chimera.
Alt powers are actually quite a big thing. Like you can spend
20 points to have +10 str
and then at 21 you will have +10 str or +10 agl (but not both at the same time)

This is compend to 40 points it would cost to have both.

That said, Enhanced Trait is a power that is lives and dies by modifiers as you can add limitations. It can become quite a few different things, depending on how you modify it

Of course, perhaps Meta-Morph is better suited for such effect. At it costs 5 got baseline morph and then 1 cost per form. Meaning, you can have form A that is strong and form B that is agile, and they can have different power sets as well.

M&M is can get quite crazy with options that give you more points that you put it. For example, an AI side-kick that answers your questions is way cheaper than having the knowledge yourself.

Soras Teva Gee

2024-06-17, 01:29 PM

Aye my questions too are mostly specific and crunchy too:

1) Asked this before but it got lost: are we actually doing that house rule of social Advantages for Presence? If so uhh I have rather a bit can I spend it on things like Sidekick, Minions, or a staffed HQ to represent a following?

2) Fire is mentioned at multiple levels of Immunity, how broad would a 10 point Immunity be? Alternately could I use something like Heat or Temperature understanding that Invicta doesn't get burned from anything hot be it a flamethrower, molten steel, or laser?

(Sidebar: Outside immunity I use "fire" a bunch I just want to be clear I mean it in comicbook BS physics sense where fire is more energy projection and thermodynamics)

3) I'm using Variable as my core power, which will 'mostly' be energy projection and self buffs an 'embodiment of fire', and will sometimes want more powerful versions of stuff I have otherwise. Will you allow me to stack say more Flight or should I start from zero on a temporary but better version?

Alas, my questions are entirely mechanical at this point - mostly I'm grappling with the fact that the most thematic way I can see to represent some minor transforming powers doesn't seem to be particularly optimal in terms of points or mechanics - like, I was talking about having Enhance Strength with an alternate in the form of Enhance Agility, but what's the benefit to doing that instead of just having them both up at the same time? Or having them as base abilities and not powers, for that matter? Actually that's really the main point of contention I've got, everything else I think I've got down.

Oh yeah, if my character has claws as a power, and also has a spiked tail, is that arguably a claw as well or do I need a second Close Combat skill for it?

Also, I think I've got a name - Chimera.

So I'm not the biggest expert on M&M but for what you are looking to do I think you might want to look through the Advantages section and identify all the ones like Power Attack, All Out Attack, etc that let you trade values on the spot. Like Power Attack works like well Power Attack, take -5 to attack rolls for +5 effect rank aka damage. Take them as Powers and they can become shapeshifting.

NEXT you want to be sure your Dodge, Parry, Toughness, Attack Bonuses, and Damage ranks are all at Power Level (aka 13) which combined with the above Advantages would let you attack in the most optimal fashion by either say getting more power against an easy to hit enemy (or when the team can set up bonus) or being super accurate to hit that speedster who's gone over level on dodge/parry.

ALSO you can get those base values to 13 a couple of different ways Abilities are the most expensive but come with other benefits you'd need to decide if you really wanted. Like Strength makes all your melee Damage increase in rank but if you don't also need to chuck tanks you can just buy Damage directly with say "Adamant Claws" that can cut up that tank instead.

In general there's a lot of room for 'swapping stances' in the game but its modified by somewhat screwy way Power Level restricts things. So swapping stances would depend on what you wanted to do in terms of Fighting vs Ranged, Parry/Dodge vs Toughness, Needing Speed/Flight 10 to chase someone down two states away, and Doing Damage vs Doing Other Things.


2024-06-17, 01:50 PM

Vampiress was a neat mechanical concept but definitely trying too hard to be everything. Got a new one in mind though...


2024-06-17, 02:17 PM

Alas, my questions are entirely mechanical at this point - mostly I'm grappling with the fact that the most thematic way I can see to represent some minor transforming powers doesn't seem to be particularly optimal in terms of points or mechanics - like, I was talking about having Enhance Strength with an alternate in the form of Enhance Agility, but what's the benefit to doing that instead of just having them both up at the same time? Or having them as base abilities and not powers, for that matter? Actually that's really the main point of contention I've got, everything else I think I've got down.

Oh yeah, if my character has claws as a power, and also has a spiked tail, is that arguably a claw as well or do I need a second Close Combat skill for it?

Also, I think I've got a name - Chimera.
Chimera, a reference to the Please Don't Tell My Parents I'm a Supervillain series?

The benefit to not having them both up at the same time is it costs a lot fewer character points, though abilities are generally not where I would do that.

Anyway, for claws and tail, I would do:
Claws: Str-Based Damage with the Accurate benefit. Accurate is +2 accuracy per rank
ALTERNATE EFFECT: Tail with the Accurate benefit.
EDIT: Though IMO you could make a case for "Close Combat (Natural Attacks)" applying to both.

For Str vs Agility, then... remember Agility affects one of your defenses, Dodge.
I'd go for an array:
Power 1: Enhanced Str linked with Enhanced Dodge
Alternate Power 2: Enhanced Agility with a linked 1/r power. Possibly an accuracy modifier to compensate for doing lower melee damage.
the highest-cost power, +1 point. Or +2 total for Dynamic Array letting you split the points between both powers and possibly have a weaker form of both and not just one or the other.

Arrays/Alternate effects really help you keep point costs down for multiple ways of attacking in a similar way; sort of like my various spells. Morph with Metamorph does something great, too, but it has a high entry cost. You'll need lots of powers on arrays to make swapping them to Metamorph for it to be worth it. Third option, with GM approval, is Variable with the of "Abilities only" restriction (won't be limited) and maybe a weakness like Distracting -- can't defend yourself as effectively when transforming -- to get it to 6 points cost per 5 you can allocate anywhere. (For Abilities, I'd add in a Dynamic Array with mulltiple alternate effects to boost your defenses to compensate for not always having all abilities at the same level.)


2024-06-17, 02:17 PM

I have two working ideas right now, not sure which one I should pursue.

The Magnificent Seven Three, mercenaries out for blood after losing half the team in the invasion, or

Morgul the Transfigurated, an ancient sorcerer, artificer and alchemist who seeks to remove people from where they don't belong (and put his crusade against america on hold to deal with the bigger alien invasion).


2024-06-17, 02:19 PM

@SwordCoastTaxi - Thoughts on alternate option for Impervious


2024-06-17, 02:56 PM

I'm currently thinking of an Psychic genius, a man who unlocked the potential of the human mind, of course he did so with some rather unethical experiments and sought to bring humanity to a new age of power, until a hero (were there any robot heroes or ones otherwise immune to mental attacks, that'd make sense for who stopped him) managed to defeat him and lock him up.
Although there's just so many cool options in M&M, so I might change my mind.

Finally I think I can actually answer a question!

2) Fire is mentioned at multiple levels of Immunity, how broad would a 10 point Immunity be? Alternately could I use something like Heat or Temperature understanding that Invicta doesn't get burned from anything hot be it a flamethrower, molten steel, or laser?

Fire/Heat will generally be the same immunity for damage, but might differ if it's total immunity to the descriptor (because that could apply to someone using "solid flames" to grab you as an affliction or similarly odd stuff).

As for cost, the base cost depends on how broad a descriptor is, which you either get from rules or talk about with the GM. Default rules assume Fire is worth 10 points for total immunity to anything with that descriptor (just fire based damage would be 5pts) and that will include environmental fires as well as all fire based powers and attacks.

Immunity to temperature would be more expensive as that's effectively both immunity to heat and immunity to cold, 20 pts. Wouldn't recommend it, if you just want to handle cold environments that's either a 1 pt immunity, or perhaps you might instead simple use your variable fire powers to grab Environment and Heat it up until it suits you, depends whether you see your character as unharmed by cold or merely able to make themself warm.


2024-06-17, 03:10 PM

Enhanced Skills 60
Enhanced Acrobatics 10
Enhanced Deception 10
Enhanced Insight 10
Enhanced Intimidation 10
Enhanced Persuasion 10
Enhanced Stealth 10
-1/r: Limited (max rank per skill = number of pints of blood drunk within the last month)

I think you calculated this wrong. Skills are 1/2r, not 2/r. So with that Limit, it would be 1/3r meaning that only costs 20.


2024-06-17, 03:16 PM

I think you calculated this wrong. Skills are 1/2r, not 2/r. So with that Limit, it would be 1/3r meaning that only costs 20.


Enhanced Abilities 136 (136pp)
Enhanced Advantages 20 (10pp)
Enhanced Skills 60 (20pp)
Flight 6 (6pp)
Immunity 13 (14pp)
Senses 16 (8pp)

136+10+20+6+14+8=194pp...exactly what I calc'd it as.

I already know skills are 2 ranks per PP.

EDIT: To be clear, I do appreciate the attempt to save me 40pp. It's just already taken care of, don't worry.


2024-06-17, 03:25 PM


Enhanced Abilities 136 (136pp)
Enhanced Advantages 20 (10pp)
Enhanced Skills 60 (20pp)
Flight 6 (6pp)
Immunity 13 (14pp)
Senses 16 (8pp)

136+10+20+6+14+8=194pp...exactly what I calc'd it as.

I already know skills are 2 ranks per PP.

EDIT: To be clear, I do appreciate the attempt to save me 40pp. It's just already taken care of, don't worry.
Sorry; I thought I saw others with the reduction noted (actually, looks like you edited for clarity), and didn't see it noted. My bad.


2024-06-17, 04:32 PM

Ok, here is a preliminary submission. I present the junkie speedster, Breakneack. Think a gritty, Iron Age villain who was put up in the 90s against a sillier 70s Silver Age origin hero.

Breakneck (PL 13)
Breakneck, once a notorious mid-tier speedster villain, gained his powers from an experimental drug. Unknown to most, his addiction to this drug has become both source of his power and his greatest weakness. He used to partner with another speedster villain called Whiplash, engaging in straightforward schemes like bank robberies, and occasionally working for craftier villains. The two frequently clashed with the heroic speedster duo Jack B Nimble and Jack B Quick. After an alien invasion that decimated most of Earth's heroes, Breakneck has joined forces with other villains, now posing as heroes to resist the alien occupation.

Breakneck (PL 13)
Power Level Points Breakdown:
Attributes: (56 points)
Strength 2: 4 points
Stamina 3: 6 points
Agility 8: 16 points
Dexterity 4: 8 points
Fighting 4: 8 points
Intellect 2: 4 points
Awareness 3: 6 points
Presence 2: 4 points
Powers: (65 points)
Super-Speed: (Rank 13)

Enhanced Traits:
Quickness 13: 13 points
Speed 13: 13 points
Enhanced Defense:
Enhanced Dodge 7: 7 points
Enhanced Parry 7: 7 points
Improved Initiative 4: 4 points
Rapid Attack: (Multiattack with Speed) 1 point
Tornado (Area Move Object 8): 16 points
Vibrating Strike (Penetrating Strike 8): 8 points
Run Up Walls (Movement 2): 4 points
Water Running (Movement 1): 2 points
Enhanced Reflexes:

Danger Sense 1 (Visual senses): 1 point
Evasion 2: 2 points
Skills: (38 points)
Acrobatics 12: 6 points
Athletics 8: 4 points
Close Combat (Unarmed) 12: 6 points
Perception 8: 4 points
Stealth 8: 4 points
Technology 6: 3 points
Each skill point represents 2 ranks

Advantages: (14 points)
Improved Initiative 4: 4 points
Evasion 2: 2 points
Move-by Action: 1 point
Power Attack: 1 point
Improved Critical (Unarmed) 2: 2 points
Uncanny Dodge: 1 point
Takedown 2: 2 points
Agile Feint: 1 point
Defenses: (27 points)
Dodge 15: 7 points (base 8, +7 Enhanced Dodge)
Parry 15: 7 points (base 8, +7 Enhanced Parry)
Fortitude 9: 6 points (base 3, +6 ranks)
Toughness 6: 0 points (base 3, +3 Stamina)
Will 10: 7 points (base 3, +7 ranks)
Addiction: Breakneck's super-speed abilities are derived from an experimental drug. He requires regular doses to maintain his powers, and withdrawal symptoms include severe debilitation and loss of powers. (Story driven)
Enemy: Jacks B Nimble & B Quick (possibly dead or worse?), Whiplash (also possibly dead or worse), the aliens
Motivation: Redemption. Breakneck is secretly wracked by guilt and shame surrounding his addiction and wishes he could quit, but doesn't want to lose the benefits.
Relationship: Former partner Whiplash, who might be an ally or an adversary depending on circ*mstances. May be dead, as might his former adversaries.
Total: 200 points
Attributes: 56 points
Powers: 65 points
Skills: 38 points
Advantages: 14 points
Defenses: 27 points
Total: 200 points

It has been a LONG time since I tried anything in M&M, so feedback is welcome. Let me know if you want this sheet transferred to Mythweavers or similar. Also, I know speedsters can be troublesome, so happy to discuss any house rules or anything. Thanks!


2024-06-17, 04:37 PM

Is the "no offworlder villains" stipulation because they're less likely to be invested, or because they could plausibly just leave the poor planet if things get too rough for them? I can think of ways around both of those. Purely an intellectual exercise for me, of course, since my character doesn't fit any of those bullet points, but still. Wouldn't be hard to imagine a villain who's gotten invested in this world, either for anti-villain reasons or just because they see this world as theirs to conquer.

If someone really wants to play an alien, I'm okay with it IF (big if) that supervillain is like stranded on Earth and can't leave. Maybe the V'sori already conquered their homeworld and the villain ended up on Earth. They saw what happened to their world and the villain wants to make sure it doesn't happen again? I'm willing to work with a player on this.

Alas, my questions are entirely mechanical at this point - mostly I'm grappling with the fact that the most thematic way I can see to represent some minor transforming powers doesn't seem to be particularly optimal in terms of points or mechanics - like, I was talking about having Enhance Strength with an alternate in the form of Enhance Agility, but what's the benefit to doing that instead of just having them both up at the same time? Or having them as base abilities and not powers, for that matter? Actually that's really the main point of contention I've got, everything else I think I've got down.

Oh yeah, if my character has claws as a power, and also has a spiked tail, is that arguably a claw as well or do I need a second Close Combat skill for it?

Also, I think I've got a name - Chimera.
I did a character like that once: he had like five or six arrays each with different skills, advantages and powers to simulate different insect abilities. He was really fun to play.

On the claws and tail, you just need the one skill (if you're going that route): Close Combat: Natural Weaponry. That covers the suite of attacks, like how 'Ranged Combat: Firearms' covers most guns.

so… a round in 6 seconda, meaning there 10 round in minute. Meaning recovery, at 1 every other round, would heal a -5 over a course of a minute.
Full nullification is probably the only way they can keep some of them locked, specially ones that are more on the side of 'magic'. Maths aside, it might a bit weird to have all the smaller flavour power disappear for a few rounds, with access to only the main gun, at slightly reduced power.

Still, capturing all the villains sounds like no small feat on the part of SCPD. Also, if torture, painful experiments and execution is something they regularly do. Bashing their heads in, doesn't sound very villainous.
Star City PD has a special unit that carries alien weaponry, a license to kill and some very nasty attitudes. But it's the aliens who want to get their hands on your villains. The aliens are literally Space Nazis :smalltongue:

Alt powers are actually quite a big thing. Like you can spend
20 points to have +10 str
and then at 21 you will have +10 str or +10 agl (but not both at the same time)

This is compend to 40 points it would cost to have both.
Um. You mean Alternate Effects? If so, alternates only cost 1 point.

That said, Enhanced Trait is a power that is lives and dies by modifiers as you can add limitations. It can become quite a few different things, depending on how you modify it

Of course, perhaps Meta-Morph is better suited for such effect. At it costs 5 got baseline morph and then 1 cost per form. Meaning, you can have form A that is strong and form B that is agile, and they can have different power sets as well.

M&M is can get quite crazy with options that give you more points that you put it. For example, an AI side-kick that answers your questions is way cheaper than having the knowledge yourself.
Right. The system is very flexible to the point of being broken, which is why GM "agreement" is such a crucial part of character creation. It's easy to build broken powers or powers that can break the game. I know, I've done it. Many times we'll have the concept, but we're unsure how to manifest it within the matrix of the ruleset. Seems like Morph: Metamorph is the right direction and if you need help putting it together let me know.

Aye my questions too are mostly specific and crunchy too:

1) Asked this before but it got lost: are we actually doing that house rule of social Advantages for Presence? If so uhh I have rather a bit can I spend it on things like Sidekick, Minions, or a staffed HQ to represent a following?
Yes we're doing that (a free Social advantage for every rank of Presence). But by "Social" I meant the advantages in the "Skill" section that apply to Deception, Intimidation or Persuasion. That work?

2) Fire is mentioned at multiple levels of Immunity, how broad would a 10 point Immunity be? Alternately could I use something like Heat or Temperature understanding that Invicta doesn't get burned from anything hot be it a flamethrower, molten steel, or laser?

(Sidebar: Outside immunity I use "fire" a bunch I just want to be clear I mean it in comicbook BS physics sense where fire is more energy projection and thermodynamics)
Immunity 10, fire effects would give you complete immunity to any fire or heat-based effect (100% resistance). Which is what you're looking for. I don't want you to waste points though so players should know your opponents will be using firearms, some with armor-piercing (Penetrating) rounds, and energy (different descriptor from 'fire' and 'heat' is a sub-descriptor of energy) weapons.

3) I'm using Variable as my core power, which will 'mostly' be energy projection and self buffs an 'embodiment of fire', and will sometimes want more powerful versions of stuff I have otherwise. Will you allow me to stack say more Flight or should I start from zero on a temporary but better version?
I'm okay with stacking (within arrays) as long as you keep Power Level (13) limits and as long as ranks for the same power are not linked in different alternate effects (unless the effects are Dynamic).

I have two working ideas right now, not sure which one I should pursue.

The Magnificent Seven Three, mercenaries out for blood after losing half the team in the invasion, or

Morgul the Transfigurated, an ancient sorcerer, artificer and alchemist who seeks to remove people from where they don't belong (and put his crusade against america on hold to deal with the bigger alien invasion).
Go with the most-entertaining one, right?

@SwordCoastTaxi - Thoughts on alternate option for Impervious
What's the issue?


2024-06-17, 04:56 PM

Oh, is this setting conductive to slow redemption arcs? (Aka, you either die a villain or live long enough to see yourself become the hero.)

Either way, I have an idea for a great speech (after coming up with a ritual or artifice: Blessing of Glibness for +10 Presence one scene). It would just affect which directions the speech could go.


2024-06-17, 05:00 PM

Ok, here is a preliminary submission. I present the junkie speedster, Breakneack. Think a gritty, Iron Age villain who was put up in the 90s against a sillier 70s Silver Age origin hero.

Breakneck (PL 13)
Breakneck, once a notorious mid-tier speedster villain, gained his powers from an experimental drug. Unknown to most, his addiction to this drug has become both source of his power and his greatest weakness. He used to partner with another speedster villain called Whiplash, engaging in straightforward schemes like bank robberies, and occasionally working for craftier villains. The two frequently clashed with the heroic speedster duo Jack B Nimble and Jack B Quick. After an alien invasion that decimated most of Earth's heroes, Breakneck has joined forces with other villains, now posing as heroes to resist the alien occupation.

Breakneck (PL 13)
Power Level Points Breakdown:
Attributes: (56 points)
Strength 2: 4 points
Stamina 3: 6 points
Agility 8: 16 points
Dexterity 4: 8 points
Fighting 4: 8 points
Intellect 2: 4 points
Awareness 3: 6 points
Presence 2: 4 points
Powers: (65 points)
Super-Speed: (Rank 13)

Enhanced Traits:
Quickness 13: 13 points
Speed 13: 13 points
Enhanced Defense:
Enhanced Dodge 7: 7 points
Enhanced Parry 7: 7 points
Improved Initiative 4: 4 points
Rapid Attack: (Multiattack with Speed) 1 point
Tornado (Area Move Object 8): 16 points
Vibrating Strike (Penetrating Strike 8): 8 points
Run Up Walls (Movement 2): 4 points
Water Running (Movement 1): 2 points
Enhanced Reflexes:

Danger Sense 1 (Visual senses): 1 point
Evasion 2: 2 points
Skills: (38 points)
Acrobatics 12: 6 points
Athletics 8: 4 points
Close Combat (Unarmed) 12: 6 points
Perception 8: 4 points
Stealth 8: 4 points
Technology 6: 3 points
Each skill point represents 2 ranks

Advantages: (14 points)
Improved Initiative 4: 4 points
Evasion 2: 2 points
Move-by Action: 1 point
Power Attack: 1 point
Improved Critical (Unarmed) 2: 2 points
Uncanny Dodge: 1 point
Takedown 2: 2 points
Agile Feint: 1 point
Defenses: (27 points)
Dodge 15: 7 points (base 8, +7 Enhanced Dodge)
Parry 15: 7 points (base 8, +7 Enhanced Parry)
Fortitude 9: 6 points (base 3, +6 ranks)
Toughness 6: 0 points (base 3, +3 Stamina)
Will 10: 7 points (base 3, +7 ranks)
Addiction: Breakneck's super-speed abilities are derived from an experimental drug. He requires regular doses to maintain his powers, and withdrawal symptoms include severe debilitation and loss of powers. (Story driven)
Enemy: Jacks B Nimble & B Quick (possibly dead or worse?), Whiplash (also possibly dead or worse), the aliens
Motivation: Redemption. Breakneck is secretly wracked by guilt and shame surrounding his addiction and wishes he could quit, but doesn't want to lose the benefits.
Relationship: Former partner Whiplash, who might be an ally or an adversary depending on circ*mstances. May be dead, as might his former adversaries.
Total: 200 points
Attributes: 56 points
Powers: 65 points
Skills: 38 points
Advantages: 14 points
Defenses: 27 points
Total: 200 points

It has been a LONG time since I tried anything in M&M, so feedback is welcome. Let me know if you want this sheet transferred to Mythweavers or similar. Also, I know speedsters can be troublesome, so happy to discuss any house rules or anything. Thanks!
Really nice supervillain so I'm going to go ahead and mark him ACCEPTED! Once I look the sheet over again later this week, I might have some notes but you're in. Congrats and thanks :smallbiggrin:


2024-06-17, 05:01 PM

@SwordCoastTaxi: Could I get a ruling on how detailed Created objects can be with the Precise extra? For reference, the rules says "You can create more precise and detailed objects. The exact parameters of Precise Create are up to the GM, but generally, you can create objects with moving parts, and considerable detail." For example, would workable firearms be okay? Electronics?

Soras Teva Gee

2024-06-17, 05:15 PM

Yes we're doing that (a free Social advantage for every rank of Presence). But by "Social" I meant the advantages in the "Skill" section that apply to Deception, Intimidation or Persuasion. That work?

Okay so that would be: Animal Empathy, Attractive, Connected, Daze, Fascinate Monologuing, Startle, Taunt, and Well-Informed.

What about Skill Mastery for each?

Also not on the same chart but could I roll Persuasion to talk you into any of the following: Inspire, Leadership, Ultimate Effort (Deception/Intimidation/Persuasion), or Teamwork?


2024-06-17, 05:19 PM

Really nice supervillain so I'm going to go ahead and mark him ACCEPTED! Once I look the sheet over again later this week, I might have some notes but you're in. Congrats and thanks :smallbiggrin:

Oh, wow! That was fast, which I suppose is in-character for Breakneck. Thanks! Excited to join!


2024-06-17, 05:32 PM

@SwordCoastTaxi: Could I get a ruling on how detailed Created objects can be with the Precise extra? For reference, the rules says "You can create more precise and detailed objects. The exact parameters of Precise Create are up to the GM, but generally, you can create objects with moving parts, and considerable detail." For example, would workable firearms be okay? Electronics?
I'm thinking firearms are okay, but it would depend on the type of electronic device and if the device relies on an external power source.

Oh, is this setting conductive to slow redemption arcs? (Aka, you either die a villain or live long enough to see yourself become the hero.)

Either way, I have an idea for a great speech (after coming up with a ritual or artifice: Blessing of Glibness for +10 Presence one scene). It would just affect which directions the speech could go.
That's the best parts :smalltongue:

Okay so that would be: Animal Empathy, Attractive, Connected, Daze, Fascinate Monologuing, Startle, Taunt, and Well-Informed.

What about Skill Mastery for each?

Also not on the same chart but could I roll Persuasion to talk you into any of the following: Inspire, Leadership, Ultimate Effort (Deception/Intimidation/Persuasion), or Teamwork?
Skill Mastery for the social skills works, yes. Since I'm giving the players Villain Points you can use the Fortune advantages, but you have to pay for them like normal.

Dusk Raven

2024-06-17, 05:40 PM

Alt powers are actually quite a big thing. Like you can spend
20 points to have +10 str
and then at 21 you will have +10 str or +10 agl (but not both at the same time)

This is compend to 40 points it would cost to have both.

That said, Enhanced Trait is a power that is lives and dies by modifiers as you can add limitations. It can become quite a few different things, depending on how you modify it

Of course, perhaps Meta-Morph is better suited for such effect. At it costs 5 got baseline morph and then 1 cost per form. Meaning, you can have form A that is strong and form B that is agile, and they can have different power sets as well.

M&M is can get quite crazy with options that give you more points that you put it. For example, an AI side-kick that answers your questions is way cheaper than having the knowledge yourself.

I did a character like that once: he had like five or six arrays each with different skills, advantages and powers to simulate different insect abilities. He was really fun to play.

... The system is very flexible to the point of being broken, which is why GM "agreement" is such a crucial part of character creation. It's easy to build broken powers or powers that can break the game. I know, I've done it. Many times we'll have the concept, but we're unsure how to manifest it within the matrix of the ruleset. Seems like Morph: Metamorph is the right direction and if you need help putting it together let me know.

Morph would have been the most obvious choice... but the last time I tried to play M&M, I tried to make someone with that power effect, and it was really not clear to me how that was supposed to work. ...The SRD is kinda bad at that in general, I find. But it probably does fit what I want the best, especially since I'd like to add multiple abilities to each form.

EDIT: Actually, it's Shapeshift I was looking at. Morph is apparently just cosmetic.


2024-06-17, 05:44 PM

Got a new concept that's not quite so stupid strong. Have a...I guess a type of nemesis I'm looking for, but I'm not familiar with the setting. Is there a list of heroes somewhere?

Edit: regarding above convo, dynamic arrays can cover shapeshifters with less drastic overall changes pretty well.


2024-06-17, 06:14 PM

The effectiveness of the Impervious extra seem to be lacking, while the options outlined in the Power Profiles seem preferable despite requiring twice the amount of points.

Dusk Raven

2024-06-17, 07:35 PM

Chimera, a reference to the Please Don't Tell My Parents I'm a Supervillain series?

No, to the mythical creature. Haven't heard of this series before, though the title does make it sound amusing.

The benefit to not having them both up at the same time is it costs a lot fewer character points, though abilities are generally not where I would do that.

Anyway, for claws and tail, I would do:
Claws: Str-Based Damage with the Accurate benefit. Accurate is +2 accuracy per rank
ALTERNATE EFFECT: Tail with the Accurate benefit.
EDIT: Though IMO you could make a case for "Close Combat (Natural Attacks)" applying to both.

For Str vs Agility, then... remember Agility affects one of your defenses, Dodge.
I'd go for an array:
Power 1: Enhanced Str linked with Enhanced Dodge
Alternate Power 2: Enhanced Agility with a linked 1/r power. Possibly an accuracy modifier to compensate for doing lower melee damage.
the highest-cost power, +1 point. Or +2 total for Dynamic Array letting you split the points between both powers and possibly have a weaker form of both and not just one or the other.

Arrays/Alternate effects really help you keep point costs down for multiple ways of attacking in a similar way; sort of like my various spells. Morph with Metamorph does something great, too, but it has a high entry cost. You'll need lots of powers on arrays to make swapping them to Metamorph for it to be worth it. Third option, with GM approval, is Variable with the of "Abilities only" restriction (won't be limited) and maybe a weakness like Distracting -- can't defend yourself as effectively when transforming -- to get it to 6 points cost per 5 you can allocate anywhere. (For Abilities, I'd add in a Dynamic Array with mulltiple alternate effects to boost your defenses to compensate for not always having all abilities at the same level.)

Edit: regarding above convo, dynamic arrays can cover shapeshifters with less drastic overall changes pretty well.

Hmm... hang on, does the above mean that I can have a power with several different effects linked together under one Alternate? The impression I've been getting is that that's not the case, each effect has to be isolated. I would like each form to have a couple related abilities - Growth for the strength form, Speed for the speed form, etc. I could just give her Growth as a different power that she can use independently, perhaps likewise with Speed. On a related note, if I were to, say, have Growth 1 base and then add another Growth 1 as an Alternate (or Shapeshift), would they stack? There is likely to be some... variability in her size.

Another reason I haven't gone for Shapeshift, though, is that it seems that it's very... open-ended. In Chimera's case, she just has a couple of forms that she can switch between, one of them being a relatively human one, although she can contort her body to some extent regardless of what form she's in, and her claws are likewise independent. Though, I'd like to give her claws Multiattack but I'm not quite sure how to price that when her Strength is variable.


2024-06-17, 08:40 PM

Hmm... hang on, does the above mean that I can have a power with several different effects linked together under one Alternate? The impression I've been getting is that that's not the case, each effect has to be isolated. I would like each form to have a couple related abilities - Growth for the strength form, Speed for the speed form, etc. I could just give her Growth as a different power that she can use independently, perhaps likewise with Speed. On a related note, if I were to, say, have Growth 1 base and then add another Growth 1 as an Alternate (or Shapeshift), would they stack? There is likely to be some... variability in her size.

Another reason I haven't gone for Shapeshift, though, is that it seems that it's very... open-ended. In Chimera's case, she just has a couple of forms that she can switch between, one of them being a relatively human one, although she can contort her body to some extent regardless of what form she's in, and her claws are likewise independent. Though, I'd like to give her claws Multiattack but I'm not quite sure how to price that when her Strength is variable.

Alright, so there's two kinda of Arrays.

Alternate Arrays tend to be different applications of the same power, even if sometimes that power is broad. Like maybe you've got a freeze gun, and your first power is Ranged Damage 10 (20 pp), and then you spend 1 pp to have an Alternate Effect that's less about hurting them through sheer temperature change and more about freezing them in place (Ranged Affliction 10, 20 pp), and maybe you spend 1 pp to have another Alternate Effect that nullifies fire powers in a cone in front of you (Close/Cone Area 2 Nullify Fire 10, 20 pp). That three power array would end up being 22pp overall, for 3 different 20pp powers that you can't really use at the same time. This matters more for magic arrays, where some of your spells are attacks and some are passive defenses like immunities, or utility stuff like senses and movement - that way you have to choose which capability you're losing in order to blast someone with fire or negative energy or whatever.

Dynamic Arrays are different. In an Dynamic Array, the base power costs +1pp above normal, and each alternate power costs 2pp, but in exchange...okay so in the above Alternate Array, you have three 20pp powers. 1/round as a free action, you can assign points as 20/0/0, 0/20/0, or 0/0/20. Dynamic Array would cost a bit more for each alternate effect, but you don't have to assign points all-or-nothing, you can split them up however you choose. This is a bad choice for the freeze gun, but amazing for magic...or shapeshifting. You could do something like this:

Dynamic Array (43pp)
Enhanced Strength 12 (Multiattack)
Enhanced Stamina 9 (double Impervious)
Enhanced Agility 12 (Impervious)
Enhanced Fighting 12 (Impervious)

A low-level hero could split those 36pp up into Strength 6/Multiattack (18) and Enhanced Stamina 9 (18).

Or It could be Strength 4 (8), Stamina 4 (8), Agility 4 (8), Fighting 4/Impervious (12).

Or it could just be Stamina 9 (double Impervious) if you really need to just hunker down and survive some poisoned weapons.

And you can switch between any possible configuration of points round-to-round.

Part of what makes dynamic arrays really interesting is that the way to design them is to say "what if I poured absolutely all of my power into this one particular thing", and then do that like 10 times, and link them all in a dynamic array. If you have anything close to a reasonable amount of power for all the powers you want to have at once, than the "what if I specialized in just this one" looks incredibly broken, especially at higher PLs.

Actual cost of this array would be 107 pp: 100pp to spread through the array, +1pp for the base power, +2 for the other powers.

Basic Telekinesis
Move Object 33
+1/r: Increased Range (Perception)
+1: Precise

(standard lift: 200 million tons, about 3 Great Walls Of China)

Zero-Point Telekinetic Blast
Damage 13
+1/r: Increased Ranged (Ranged)
+1/r: Multiattack
+3/r: Reaction (someone looks at you)
+13: Penetrating 13
+9: Homing 9

(Triggers anytime someone looks at you, with multiattack benefits. If it misses, it tries to hit them again every round for the next 9 rounds until it hits, without any input from you.)

Telekinetic Bubble
Protection 16 (64)
+0/r: Linked (Immunity)
+0/r: Sustained
+1/r: Impervious
+1/r: Affects Others
+1/r: Area (Burst)

Immunity 12 (36)list]
Critical Hits, Life Support
+0/r: Linked (Protection)
+0/r: Sustained
+1/r: Affects Others
+1/r: Area (Burst)

Telekinetic Flight
Flight 50

(standard speed: 22 quadrillion ft as a move, this is approximately 22 million c)

Total of 100 points to spread between your various powers.

Basic Telekinesis (40)
Move Object 13
+1/r: Increased Range (Perception)
+1: Precise

(standard lift: 200 tons, like Statue Of Liberty with room to spare)

Zero-Point Telekinetic Blast (26)
Damage 13
+1/r: Increased Range (Ranged)

Telekinetic Bubble (26)
Protection 16
+0/r: Linked (Immunity)
+0/r: Sustained

Immunity 10
Life Support
+0/r: Linked (Protection)
+0/r: Sustained

Telekinetic Flight (8)
Flight 4

(standard speed: 30 mph, or 500 ft per move action)

That point assignment looks absolutely fine - positively boring, even. But at any time, you could theoretically move points away from two towards the third, and turn it into one of those absolutely monstrous base powers, just for a moment.


2024-06-17, 09:21 PM

Morph would have been the most obvious choice... but the last time I tried to play M&M, I tried to make someone with that power effect, and it was really not clear to me how that was supposed to work. ...The SRD is kinda bad at that in general, I find. But it probably does fit what I want the best, especially since I'd like to add multiple abilities to each form.

EDIT: Actually, it's Shapeshift I was looking at. Morph is apparently just cosmetic.
Is there a character you saw with this power? I'm not getting the concept: does he have multiple forms, one being stronger, another being quicker and another being smarter?

Got a new concept that's not quite so stupid strong. Have a...I guess a type of nemesis I'm looking for, but I'm not familiar with the setting. Is there a list of heroes somewhere?

Edit: regarding above convo, dynamic arrays can cover shapeshifters with less drastic overall changes pretty well.
You can make up your nemesis and your villain's relationship with them.

The effectiveness of the Impervious extra seem to be lacking, while the options outlined in the Power Profiles seem preferable despite requiring twice the amount of points.
Impervious Defenses are great vs. Minion-level foes and players will face an army of them in Star City. I have the Power Profiles: which powers do you like?

Hmm... hang on, does the above mean that I can have a power with several different effects linked together under one Alternate? The impression I've been getting is that that's not the case, each effect has to be isolated. I would like each form to have a couple related abilities - Growth for the strength form, Speed for the speed form, etc. I could just give her Growth as a different power that she can use independently, perhaps likewise with Speed. On a related note, if I were to, say, have Growth 1 base and then add another Growth 1 as an Alternate (or Shapeshift), would they stack? There is likely to be some... variability in her size.

Another reason I haven't gone for Shapeshift, though, is that it seems that it's very... open-ended. In Chimera's case, she just has a couple of forms that she can switch between, one of them being a relatively human one, although she can contort her body to some extent regardless of what form she's in, and her claws are likewise independent. Though, I'd like to give her claws Multiattack but I'm not quite sure how to price that when her Strength is variable.
But the more you describe what the villain can do, the more I'm thinking "Variable 10, 50 points limited to physical adaptations" or something similar. That way you can switch the points to whatever trait you want to change on-the-fly. It'll be more fluid and that's exactly what the Variable effect is for.


2024-06-17, 09:44 PM

Dynamic Arrays are different. In an Dynamic Array, the base power costs +1pp above normal, and each alternate power costs 2pp, but in exchange...okay so in the above Alternate Array, you have three 20pp powers. 1/round as a free action, you can assign points as 20/0/0, 0/20/0, or 0/0/20. Dynamic Array would cost a bit more for each alternate effect, but you don't have to assign points all-or-nothing, you can split them up however you choose. This is a bad choice for the freeze gun, but amazing for magic...or shapeshifting. You could do something like this:

Dynamic Array (43pp)
Enhanced Strength 12 (Multiattack)
Enhanced Stamina 9 (double Impervious)
Enhanced Agility 12 (Impervious)
Enhanced Fighting 12 (Impervious)

For a long while now, I've been misreading it as a net effect of the array costing one more point than it should, miscounting "dynamic" as covered under "alternate" reducing it to one point...

I have a change to make to Oblivion... Focused Strike is now Demon Claws with Move Activation -1 and Quirk: Claws cannot be hidden -1 with variable descriptor (piercing or slashing) +1.

That frees up one point for me to fix the dynamic array. (EDIT: it's a tiny bit wasteful right now, but I mean to spend a while pumping that array with maybe half my spare power points, of which I won't have many until we reach PL 14.)


But the more you describe what the villain can do, the more I'm thinking "Variable 10, 50 points limited to physical adaptations" or something similar. That way you can switch the points to whatever trait you want to change on-the-fly. It'll be more fluid and that's exactly what the Variable effect is for.
Actually, "I would like each form to have a couple related abilities" implies Morph with the Metamorph extra - one metamorph per alternate form. Common powers to go outside the morph, powers that one or another form lacks going inside the morph forms that do have it along with that form's unique stuff.


2024-06-17, 10:59 PM

EDIT: Actually, it's Shapeshift I was looking at. Morph is apparently just cosmetic.
Main thing is, shapeshift is ultimate flex points. You make on the spot decisions on what you turn into and how to distribute your power points

Meanwhile meta-morth is 1 form per rank.

Dusk Raven

2024-06-17, 11:17 PM


I figured that it worked like that in some way... I just wasn't quite sure how to divide the points up or figure out a bunch of stuff because I don't know if I want things that complicated for my first (in practice) character, but honestly that's starting to look like the way to go.

Is there a character you saw with this power? I'm not getting the concept: does he have multiple forms, one being stronger, another being quicker and another being smarter?

I suppose I haven't described her fluff much, have I? If there's a character I know with this exact power, I can't think of them, but it's not dissimilar to a lycanthropic transformation with multiple possible forms... if said lycanthrope was from the Resident Evil series (yes I know RE8 has lycans and they look rather normal for the series, but bear with me). While I haven't figured out the exact details, the basics of it is that she can somewhat control her biology and anatomy, reforming flesh and bone to make herself more powerful. Anatomy being what it is (trade-offs and all), she can adapt herself to specialize in speed, or power, or take on a form that compromises between the two. She can also extrude claws, and maybe even armor now that I think of it, but that's independent of her literal shapechanging, and can even do it in her "human" form (which is, mechanically, just the form she has when she's not using her power to change her shape - her biology is still massively overclocked and she's much more powerful than a typical human, but there's only so much power you can squeeze out of a human shape). I've previously been assuming that her body has a few "presets" that she can switch between and she otherwise doesn't have exact control, but that was a decision dictated by the fact that I don't want things too complicated. However, if you can't get it done the simple way, no choice left but the complex way.

But the more you describe what the villain can do, the more I'm thinking "Variable 10, 50 points limited to physical adaptations" or something similar. That way you can switch the points to whatever trait you want to change on-the-fly. It'll be more fluid and that's exactly what the Variable effect is for.

...But not that complex. I really don't want that much freedom in changing form, especially since most of Chimera's abilities (like her claws) are common to all her forms. Though I suppose I could just take a few ranks in Variable, just enough to handle the shapechaning stuff, which at this point really isn't much... but then I'd have to figure out whether this or Dynamic Alternate is superior in terms of points or mechanics. Hmm. Well, Variable does take a Standard to switch, but honestly I'd been curious if there was a way to increase the time, since it seems to me that the mutations Chimera goes through wouldn't happen instantly.

Actually, "I would like each form to have a couple related abilities" implies Morph with the Metamorph extra - one metamorph per alternate form. Common powers to go outside the morph, powers that one or another form lacks going inside the morph forms that do have it along with that form's unique stuff.

Why are there so many ways to do this concept and why am I only finding out about them now?! Also, I finally get what you guys were talking about with Morph. That being said, I can rule out Metamorph, it would be too expensive - more ranks are required the more different the forms get, and Chimera's alternate shapes are not exactly humanoid, so... that'd be, what, 24 points for this? I think that's more than the actual value of the abilities I'd be shifting.


2024-06-17, 11:19 PM

Main thing is, shapeshift is ultimate flex points. You make on the spot decisions on what you turn into and how to distribute your power points

Meanwhile meta-morth is 1 form per rank.

My general thoughts on the three methods:

1) Dynamic Array is for when you've got a few things you want to mix-and-match things that enhance an otherwise static build, giving you a bit of variety in how you approach the combat. For shapeshifters, this is more like somebody who takes on bestial aspects but isn't fully transforming - maybe like a silly hero concept of a guy who's contracted like a dozen different lycanthropy strains.

2) Variable is for when you want more flexibility than Dynamic can really give you, but your different forms aren't sooooo different from each other that they only make sense as fully different characters. This works for like a druid situation, where you might turn into basically anything from the animal kingdom, but that's largely window-dressing for how you're doing druid magic regardless of what form you take. That's not to say it's the wrong move here - the druid thing is just, in my mind, like the ideal scenario for variable shapeshifting.

3) Metamorph is for when you have a select number of things you wanna turn into, and they are so fundamentally different from each other that if you tried to build them using either of the other methods, the difference from one form to the other would take up 90+% of your points. Best example I can think of is like...Ben 10.


2024-06-17, 11:36 PM

In terms of overall background, I'm thinking that Breakneck was military at some point, voluntold to take part in an experiment. When he and his former comrade Whiplash discovered that their bosses couldn't stop them, they stole a massive stockpile of their drug and went on a crime spree. They've been apprehended a few times, but speedsters are notoriously slippery, so they've never stayed trapped long. The drug stays in his system for a long time (no as-yet determined meaningful game effect, but we should have fun playing with this), and they left caches of the stuff in safehouses throughout the city.

BN & WL teamed up regularly, engaging in crime sprees to fuel their drug use and lavish lifestyles. They frequently clashed with cheesy 70s Silver Age style speedsters Jacks B Nimble and Quick. Whiplash, overdosing on the drug, hospitalized one of the Jacks, causing a rift between him and Breakneck. They'd still occasionally cross paths, but they mostly worked solo, as a courier for very special packages, as speedster support for more powerful villains, or as part of a villainous gang. Since the invasion, he's been laying low as "Ryan O'Neill," a local delivery driver. In the wake of the alien invasion, Ryan has taken on this unassuming role for a local courier service. This job allows him to move freely throughout the city, gather information, and make connections with the underground resistance. And score drugs. Or engage of crimes of opportunity. Ryan rents a small, inconspicuous apartment in a busy part of town. He keeps a low profile, blending in with the hustle and bustle of city life. His job as a delivery driver provides the perfect cover for his clandestine activities, allowing him to stay one step ahead of both the aliens and those who might recognize him.

EDIT: Oh, and looking to the future, if we get past what I assume is the usual villain competitive posturing, Breakneck would be willing to take Teamwork and Setup type advantages as we level. It suits his background, and it's always fun to zonk the enemy while the rest of the team beats him down.


2024-06-17, 11:36 PM

Why are there so many ways to do this concept and why am I only finding out about them now?! Also, I finally get what you guys were talking about with Morph. That being said, I can rule out Metamorph, it would be too expensive - more ranks are required the more different the forms get, and Chimera's alternate shapes are not exactly humanoid, so... that'd be, what, 24 points for this? I think that's more than the actual value of the abilities I'd be shifting.
Yeah, the 5-point entry fee is harsh, from my attempts to design an NPC for something else. But it's not +1/rank, it's a FLAT +1 per application, like Increased Mass on Teleport. I am not the GM, but my reading is that Metamorph itself is ranked. Meaning Morph 1, Metamorph 5 would have 5 alternate forms (6 total) for 10 points, or Morph 1, Metamorph 3 would have 3 alt forms (4 forms total).

Dusk Raven

2024-06-18, 12:01 AM

My general thoughts on the three methods:

1) Dynamic Array is for when you've got a few things you want to mix-and-match things that enhance an otherwise static build, giving you a bit of variety in how you approach the combat. For shapeshifters, this is more like somebody who takes on bestial aspects but isn't fully transforming - maybe like a silly hero concept of a guy who's contracted like a dozen different lycanthropy strains.

2) Variable is for when you want more flexibility than Dynamic can really give you, but your different forms aren't sooooo different from each other that they only make sense as fully different characters. This works for like a druid situation, where you might turn into basically anything from the animal kingdom, but that's largely window-dressing for how you're doing druid magic regardless of what form you take. That's not to say it's the wrong move here - the druid thing is just, in my mind, like the ideal scenario for variable shapeshifting.

3) Metamorph is for when you have a select number of things you wanna turn into, and they are so fundamentally different from each other that if you tried to build them using either of the other methods, the difference from one form to the other would take up 90+% of your points. Best example I can think of is like...Ben 10.

Hmm... well, 3 is out, these forms aren't that different at all. So it's between 1 and 2.

It might help if I described what exactly I wanted to have fluctuate. At its most basic, Chimera's Strength and Agility, possibly the physical stats. I've currently got the baseline at 7 Strength, 10 Stamina (which isn't going to change except for Growth - she's always tanky), 8 Agility, and 8 Dexterity. She leans more towards the agile than the powerful normally. So, some Enhance Strength and Enhance Agility. The former is going to be less, because I've also got Growth in mind - not very much, just a couple ranks, and I'm not quite sure how big that would make her. I'd also like a couple ranks in Speed, though there it gets tricky, since I'd like to give her a few ranks in Speed as a baseline - even in human form, she can be fast, but she gets faster when in a more speedy form. Also likely to be related to a speed form are a couple Movement effects - Safe Fall and Wall-Climb, namely. ...I think that's it, really, might have to add a few things on the power side, like Protection.

Otherwise, the rest of her power suite is independent of what form she's in. Regeneration? Always active. Claws? Whenever she wants. Senses? She wishes she could shut those off sometimes. Elongation? Well, it's cheaper than adding Reach to a damage power, and it seems fitting for someone who can dislocate their entire lower half. Hmm... was there anything else that would fit a character whose transformation is influenced by Resident Evil, Bloodborne, and maybe the Pure Forms from Halo 3? Well, maybe not that far gone...

(Note: I've somewhat been using this ( build I found online as a rough guide, though I have been scaling some things up. If nothing else, I have something to go off of)

Yeah, the 5-point entry fee is harsh, from my attempts to design an NPC for something else. But it's not +1/rank, it's a FLAT +1 per application, like Increased Mass on Teleport. I am not the GM, but my reading is that Metamorph itself is ranked. Meaning Morph 1, Metamorph 5 would have 5 alternate forms (6 total) for 10 points, or Morph 1, Metamorph 3 would have 3 alt forms (4 forms total).

Well, most of that cost was for 4 ranks of Morph - that's what it takes to get to very different forms like nonhumanoids, as I understand.


2024-06-18, 12:51 AM

Well, most of that cost was for 4 ranks of Morph - that's what it takes to get to very different forms like nonhumanoids, as I understand.

Not necessarily; higher ranks in Morph are required if you want your shapeshifting to be more versatile, but it has nothing to do with how different from your base form they are. A hero with 1 rank in Morph has access to a single, specific alternate form: that form could be humanoid, or it might be a bald eagle, or a velociraptor, or a chair. Morph 2 gets you access to a narrow subset of related forms - like birds, or dinosaurs, or furniture. Morph 3 would get you a broader but still limited category, like all animals. And Morph 4 doesn't have limits - you can turn into anything, at least cosmetically speaking.

It sounds like you would definitely want more than 1, but how much more depends on how you're imagining your shapeshifting working. If your character doesn't have the fine control needed to turn into a perfect simulacrum of a wolf, Dave the neighbor, or Dave's sofa, then you don't need Morph 4.

It is also worth noting that you can cut down on the costs for Morph a fair bit by increasing the action needed to shapeshift; by default it's a free action, but if you bump it up to a Standard action you can save 2 points per rank.

(Having said all this, I prefer dynamic arrays when building this sort of "my body is an organic toolbox" shapeshifter; I find Metamorph is overkill here.)


2024-06-18, 01:05 AM

Not necessarily; higher ranks in Morph are required if you want your shapeshifting to be more versatile, but it has nothing to do with how different from your base form they are. A hero with 1 rank in Morph has access to a single, specific alternate form: that form could be humanoid, or it might be a bald eagle, or a velociraptor, or a chair. Morph 2 gets you access to a narrow subset of related forms - like birds, or dinosaurs, or furniture. Morph 3 would get you a broader but still limited category, like all animals. And Morph 4 doesn't have limits - you can turn into anything, at least cosmetically speaking.

It sounds like you would definitely want more than 1, but how much more depends on how you're imagining your shapeshifting working. If your character doesn't have the fine control needed to turn into a perfect simulacrum of a wolf, Dave the neighbor, or Dave's sofa, then you don't need Morph 4.

It is also worth noting that you can cut down on the costs for Morph a fair bit by increasing the action needed to shapeshift; by default it's a free action, but if you bump it up to a Standard action you can save 2 points per rank.

(Having said all this, I prefer dynamic arrays when building this sort of "my body is an organic toolbox" shapeshifter; I find Metamorph is overkill here.)
Dynamic Arrays are probably best, but to add to this: Make it Distracting for saving 3 points per rank, making it a 2/rank power. 6 points total (before Metamorph) for "All Mythological Creatures," Or 4 points entry fee for "Monsters from [Specific Mythology]" or the like.


2024-06-18, 05:32 AM

Actually, "I would like each form to have a couple related abilities" implies Morph with the Metamorph extra - one metamorph per alternate form. Common powers to go outside the morph, powers that one or another form lacks going inside the morph forms that do have it along with that form's unique stuff.
Variable does all that but sure use Morph if you prefer 👍

In terms of overall background, I'm thinking that Breakneck was military at some point, voluntold to take part in an experiment. When he and his former comrade Whiplash discovered that their bosses couldn't stop them, they stole a massive stockpile of their drug and went on a crime spree. They've been apprehended a few times, but speedsters are notoriously slippery, so they've never stayed trapped long. The drug stays in his system for a long time (no as-yet determined meaningful game effect, but we should have fun playing with this), and they left caches of the stuff in safehouses throughout the city.

BN & WL teamed up regularly, engaging in crime sprees to fuel their drug use and lavish lifestyles. They frequently clashed with cheesy 70s Silver Age style speedsters Jacks B Nimble and Quick. Whiplash, overdosing on the drug, hospitalized one of the Jacks, causing a rift between him and Breakneck. They'd still occasionally cross paths, but they mostly worked solo, as a courier for very special packages, as speedster support for more powerful villains, or as part of a villainous gang. Since the invasion, he's been laying low as "Ryan O'Neill," a local delivery driver. In the wake of the alien invasion, Ryan has taken on this unassuming role for a local courier service. This job allows him to move freely throughout the city, gather information, and make connections with the underground resistance. And score drugs. Or engage of crimes of opportunity. Ryan rents a small, inconspicuous apartment in a busy part of town. He keeps a low profile, blending in with the hustle and bustle of city life. His job as a delivery driver provides the perfect cover for his clandestine activities, allowing him to stay one step ahead of both the aliens and those who might recognize him.

EDIT: Oh, and looking to the future, if we get past what I assume is the usual villain competitive posturing, Breakneck would be willing to take Teamwork and Setup type advantages as we level. It suits his background, and it's always fun to zonk the enemy while the rest of the team beats him down.
Actually (the meme continues 😜), Breakneck starts out in police custody with the other supervillains. But I really like how you've established him in Star City. Gives me hooks for you.

Regarding "leveling-up": as your villain crew completes missions you will gain Power Points to improve and accomplish more. Read over "Team checks" because I'll be calling for them often and adding the Teamwork advantage makes the check even more effective. I like your plan.


2024-06-18, 09:41 AM

[Footage of superheroes busting in the doors of secret lairs, beating up villains, and loading cuffed villains into police cruisers. Muffled noises are audible that don't align with the footage.]

"Are you infested with do-gooders and plan-thwarters? Are you tired of checking in on your patrolling minions, only to find they've been picked off one by one? Do you find yourself constantly thinking you just can't get good help these days? Looking for a way to even the odds with those cheaters blessed with more power than sense? Then it sounds like you need Hench Wench!"

[Cut. A woman with an hourglass figure in a classic-but-generic henchperson outfit: dark jeans, shirt with no logo, leather jacket, ski mask, scary-looking gun. The environment seems to be cement floor and plaster walls, with no decorations.]

"I'm Hench Wench. You might remember me from The Chase Through Tempest--"

[Cut. Footage of a police chase. The roof of the pursuee car opens up, and Hench Wench pops out, spraying the pursuers with a burst of gunfire. Every tire on 5 different cruisers seems to pop at the same time, and they all crash together in a big pile-up.]

"--The Northpoint Riots--"

[Cut. Footage of an enormous crowd of rough-looking characters ransacking several office buildings. A speedster zips through the crowd, spiriting people away one by one too fast for even the camera to properly follow, until he suddenly catches a bat to the head from some normal guy, and the rest of the crowd descends on his dazed figure. Hench Wench is nowhere to be seen.]

"--or my special collaboration with the incomparable Doctor Insidious, that resulted in the demise of his long-time nemesis Heatstroke!"

[Cut. Three figures. The first figure: a short, balding doctor in classic villainous-scientist-chic. Behind him, several screens appear to be projecting hypnotic patterns, although none of them affect the viewer due to a moire effect. The second figure: A willowy woman wearing a burned artist's smock and a classic cowl, motes of fire sparking uselessly at her fingertips as she stares into the screens. The third figure: Hench Wench.]

"Need someone to keep your minions on task, or give them practice fighting someone out of their weight class? I'll whip 'em into shape! Need a getaway driver? You won't be able to find anyone better out there on the street. Got a hero snooping around? I'll send 'em to the hospital...or maybe the morgue! Even if I can't take them down myself, I can at least soften them up for you and your mooks! For a bit extra, I also offer the Nemesis package, where you're guaranteed the last laugh, even if I've got the shot. If you don't mind me killstealing though, feel free to save me the headache and save yourself the money."

[She approaches the camera, and lifts it off whatever stabilization device she was using.]

"If you're still not convinced, listen to this testimonial!"

[The camera swings around, and three battered heroes enter the frame. The first: Doll Queen, a classic magical girl, bound with tight ropes. Her tiara and puppet control rod are nowhere in sight. The second: Cinnabar, a man seemingly made entirely of a bright red gemlike substance, commonly considered close to invulnerable...currently heavily chipped and unconscious. The third: an unknown figure stripped to underclothes with a bag over their head, also bound with tight ropes. Several pieces of disassembled high-tech armor are scattered on the floor; their decorations tentatively identifying the third figure as Sir Vey, a knight-themed tinkerer focused on reconnaissance (so speed, stealth, and sensors). Hench wench taps on the bagged head, and the figure begins struggling in earnest.]

"C'mon hun, we talked about this. Say the line, or the bag comes off!"

[A tired voice with uncertain tone emanates from the bag]

"We...we didn't stand a chance. We came here to try and capture Hench Wench in her home, see if we could take her by surprise. But it didn't matter. She beat all of us at the same time, without any help."

"Cheers, sweetie. Thanks for playing along!"

[She pecks the top of the bag, and the person flinches away.]

"Don't worry about these three, I'll make sure they get home. After all, I haven't been paid to kill 'em by anybody. And you know what they say: if you're good at something, never do it for free."

[Cut to black.]

Abilities (16)
Strength -1
Stamina 5
Agility 0
Dexterity 0
Fighting 0
Intellect -1
Awareness 0
Presence 5

Defenses (15)
Dodge 5 (+5/+13)
Fortitude 0 (+5/+13)
Parry 5 (+5/+13)
Toughness 0 (+5/+13)
Will 5 (+5/+13)

Skills (32)
Acrobatics 6/14 (+6/+14)
Deception 0/8 (+5/+13)
Insight 10 (+10)
Intimidation 10/18 (+15/+23)
Perception 13 (+13)
Persuasion 0/8 (+5/+13)
Ranged Combat/Guns 10/18 (+10/+18)
Vehicles 15/23 (+15/+23)

Advantages (22)
All-Out Attack
Attractive 2
Equipment 11
Favored Foe (Capes)
Improved Initiative 3
Move-By Action
Power Attack
Quick Draw
Takedown 2

Modern Smartphone (7ep)
1: Camera
1: Cell Phone
1: Computer
2: Video Camera
1: Flashlight
1: GPS

Milspec Assault Rifle (24ep)
Damage 8
+1/r: Increased Range (Ranged)
+1/r: Multiattack

Muscle Car (16 ep)
1: Size (Large)
2: Strength 6
6: Speed 6
2: Toughness +9
5: Features[list]
Alarm 3 (DC 30)
Communications (CB Radio)
Navigation System

Home Sweet Home (8ep)
0: Size (Small)
0: Toughness 6
9: Features
Fire Prevention System
Living Space
Security System 3
Trophy Room

Absorb Confidence (120)
Hench Wench's unconscious psychic powers sap her target's ability to act to their full potential, while bolstering her own capabilities to superhuman levels.

Weaken 8
All Abilities
Will to resist
+1/r: Broad
+1/r: Increased Range (Ranged)
+1/r: Multiattack
+2/r: Progressive
+1/r: Simultaneous
-1/r: Limited (does not Debilitate abilities, so can't no-save incapacitate people)
+9: Accurate 9
+2: Affects Insubstantial
+1: Insidious
+2: Subtle 2

Protection 8
-1: Quirk (Rank cannot exceed points currently weakened)

Enhanced Dodge 8
-1: Quirk (Rank cannot exceed points currently weakened)

Enhanced Fortitude 8
-1: Quirk (Rank cannot exceed points currently weakened)

Enhanced Parry 8
-1 Quirk (Rank cannot exceed points currently weakened)

Enhanced Will 8
-1: Quirk (Rank cannot exceed points currently weakened)

Enhanced Acrobatics 8
-1: Quirk (rank cannot exceed points currently weakened)

Enhanced Deception 8
-1: Quirk (rank cannot exceed points currently weakened)

Enhanced Intimidation 8
-1: Quirk (rank cannot exceed points currently weakened)

Enhanced Persuasion 8
-1: Quirk (rank cannot exceed points currently weakened)

Enhanced Ranged Combat/Guns 8
-1: Quirk (rank cannot exceed points currently weakened)

Enhanced Vehicles 8
-1: Quirk (rank cannot exceed points currently weakened)

Enemy - Phantom Menace

Phantom Menace was a middling hero-detective when he was alive, a brilliant mind trapped in a mediocre body. He was scrappy enough in a fistfight to play at the street level, but eventually he bit off more than he could chew, and died to a gutshot. Whether it's cuz he had unfinished business, or was buried in a cursed graveyard, or made a deal with a devil, or whatever the hell happened, his spirit has stuck around. Death is the best thing that ever happened to him, as his "physical" capabilities are now determined by his wit and resolve instead of his fitness and stature. It's mostly just a quirk of fate that he's ended up as Hench Wench's nemesis: his ghostly abilities make him almost impossible to detect until it's too late; he moves at the speed of thought, making him almost impossible to hit; and he's always had a mind like a steel trap, so even the strongest psychic assaults seem to just slide right off him. All of this combines to make him one of very few heroes Hench Wench consistently fails to affect with her powers, and it drives her crazy.

Motivation/Justice - We Live In A Society

Most people who turn to crime aren't just psychopaths who want to hurt people, but normal folk in dire straits who need help and have few good ways to get any help. Villains redistribute wealth from the wealthy (via theft) to the poor (via minion wages), and lots of them are working on technology that'll help push society forward. Meanwhile, heroes are fighting in defense of the status quo that's responsible for so many people turning to crime in the first place - defending a system that demonstrably doesn't work, else it wouldn't have so many people trying to break it. And so, Hench Wench has joined the War On Crime on the side of crime. Bit of a twisted sense of morality, but that's how it goes sometimes.

Motivation/Thrills - The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall

The money is good, of course, but it's not about the money really. She makes enough to live comfy, and that's what matters. No, what keeps her coming back is the adrenaline rush of grinding some arrogant pissant into the ground. Bringing the high and mighty down to her level, making it so even normal mooks can kick the crap out of's a deep satisfaction.

Reputation - My Most Trusted Advisor

Hench Wench mostly acts against heroes, but has on occasion made an exception and gone after some dyed-in-the-wool psychopath villain who just liked going on killing sprees. For most villains, she is a dependable assistant, and loyal enough. Of course, that doesn't stop rumors from spreading around. Every con artist is worried everyone's trying to scam him, and every supervillain is worried a rival with a bone to pick might have outbid them for Hench Wench's services. Her unwillingness to sign up long-term with any particular villain or even a league of evil doesn't help quell the doubts about her loyalty.

Secret - Idiot Savant

Hench Wench's power is monstrously strong, but she herself is a bit dim. She knows what she does isn't just skill, but can't really explain how her powers work - and nobody else seems to be sure she even has powers. Things just seem to go wrong for people around her she doesn't like, and things seem to just go right for her and those she's fighting alongside. Luck manipulation? Psychic sabotage? Ki theft? Pheromones? She's found a lot of neat theories on how this kind of thing might function, but nothing concretely provable. What really worries her, is that some people seem to be completely unaffected, and she doesn't know why. But if someone follows the patterns of fights she loses, or has the right sensory abilities, they might be able to figure out what she's doing...and thus figure out how it can be mitigated, outright countered, or even turned against her.

EDIT: When I was initially doing the build, having it as a reactive power made sense. But as HW has developed into an anti-super activist (sorta), and the idea behind the power became that latent psychic potential manifested by stealing her hated targets' confidence for herself, something that's designed for shutting down crowds doesn't really fit as well as a single-target thing, and it was always weird for reactive+multiattack anyway. Getting rid of reactive gives me some points to work with elsewhere, probably to round out her skills a bit more...anyway it's probably gonna change a bit sometime today, just not sure about how exactly it'll look. The end goal where she's really good at shutting down supers will still be there. This also means that at the start of combat she's really squishy unless we get like a minion to volunteer to be a heat sink for her power to charge, but idk if she'd be on board with that.

EDIT: Taking away Reactive (and Selective) saved me enough points that I can turn all the Limiteds to Quirks (that felt kinda cheesy too, initially), and still left a few points for fixing skills up a bit. The end result: a rapid-fire undetectable psychic blast where targets don't realize they've been depowered until they're getting their faces stomped in by regular mooks, but one that's not automatically turning whole crowds of people into useless lumps. As a result, she's also pretty squishy until she gets a turn, at which point a spray of Weaken brings her up to snuff with everybody else.

EDIT: I'm not above a tiny bit of cheese, so the defenses and now the skills are split up so the Quirk is counting for each of them. I feel this is a very fair exchange for playing a PL 13 character who is, at the start of every fight, effectively PL 4.

Soras Teva Gee

2024-06-18, 12:37 PM

I think I am finished...

"So God has abandoned you and now you turn to Lucifer for strength?'

'Do not think for a moment that irony is lost on me... or the hypocrisy! I dared to break with the established order and you decided the Queen of Flames was a tyrant, a terrorist, and a villain. You compromised Dalmatia's independence, raised a rebellion against my flag and then marched your jackboots in under the title of peacekeepers. Now your great powers have fallen, crushed by tyrants that put your darkest visions of me to shame, and yet here I remain.'

'I should leave you all to rot, but then... you were not wrong. These invaders are everything I despise, they have taken the lives of those I respected, heroes whose strength I respected.'

'I shall aid you, but remember Invicta has her price."

SHEET: [Here] (


Reputation -- One of the most well known villains in the world. Not simply for her many grand villainous schemes that have challenged some Earth's mightiest, but for her charismatic nature and seductive call for revolution against all the powers of the world.
Enemies -- All of Invicta's greatest enemies are dead for she deliberately sought out the world's A-list heroes and even came to enjoy clashing with them. Yet her many of her most hated and dire foes remain. Anti-meta and anti-mutant purists like the Sacred Society or Blood Tribe still lurk in the shadows hiding amongst the flatliner populace. Villains like Citadel and Storm Fuhrer have old grudges unresolved. The worst though don't have fancy names or signature outfits but remain anonymous worms and sycophants happy to bow their heads to the powers that be.
Relationship -- Invicta's greatest secret is that she is not the unconquerable spirit of revolution the world believes her to be, and there is no greater proof of that then her twin children Stela and Alex. When the heroes reigned she knew they were safe in anonymity with carefully chosen foster parents only seeing their mother occasionally. Now with the world on fire Invicta fears them being far from side almost as much as she fears exposing their existence to others.


Responsibility: "With great power comes a responsibility to see that the world is ruled correctly. There is no good man who sits back and does nothing. I have never craved power for its own sake but when I look at children starving in dusty backwaters, workers slaving away their best years in sweatshops making shoes for fat men a hemisphere away, and metahumans the world over condemn for no crime but existing while superhuman... I cannot stand back and merely let things continue as they have been."
Acceptance: "I was born in a small village, there were maybe three working cars between the entire population. There I was marked by this hair and these eyes even before my powers manifested. When they did things only got worse."
Love: "It did not begin that way but today everything I do is for my children, and the world will burn if anything happens to them."

Sol Invicta hails from what is today the nation of Dalmatia on the Adriatic Coast of the Balkans. Born Danica Dragovic a mutant in the former Yugoslavia during the latter days of the Cold War she was a pariah in her small village before being taken to a "Special Institute for Gifted Youths" though prison weapon program would have been more accurate. Fortunately for Danica the "school" lay on right side the line when the communist state broke down. What followed were several brutal years of war, years which made Danica's growing command of flame a powerful asset. More powerful still perhaps was her capacity to rouse the hearts of others, combined with a sharp intelligence. When the Dalmati war for independence was over she was one of its most distinguished leaders at an age many children were still finishing college. It was at this time she acquired her moniker, the unconquered general who shone like the sun on the flag she waved.

Her ascension to the Presidency was supposed to be a show, a young idealistic leader trotted out for the masses, and token superhuman in a region still rife with anti-mutant bias, while the real powers got to work. Unfortunately the young Invicta was more ruthless and effective then they imagine, and one by one eliminated her political rivals out of pure self-defense. The Western powers, the de facto hyperpower though didn't see things that way, and soon Invicta was called a dictator for her dominance of Dalmati politics. When her increasingly leftist political leanings became clear and she began expelling foreign companies for "exploiting the Dalmati people" or perhaps just not showing enough deference to her rule, they began to take action. Propaganda campaigns, funding the opposition, and economic measures pushing Invicta out of office, or if you believe the media accounts a natural reaction to her brutal political tactics. Yet unlike other authoritarians Invicta accepted her defeat in the election and left after a narrow vote came against her. Yet the peaceful transition did not last long, the new government passed several measures that backfire spectacularly, and within a year Dalmatia was headed toward civil war. Not content to see their puppets fall though soon a Western backed UN peacekeeping force stepped in, along with a contingent of "heroes" there to prevent any superhuman interference in the war. Those Sol Invicta defeated and for a brief time reclaimed rulership over Dalmatia. Yet Western backed proxies fought on with foreign aid and eventually precipitated a battle in the capital of Raguxa that saw several powerful heroes stepping in to counter Invicta.

Forced to free the country Invicta began to champion increasingly radical ideology painting herself as a champion not just of Dalmatia but oppressed peoples everywhere, especially those victimized for daring to have superhuman powers. In exile with mighty opponents against her though Invicta soon did as countless other marginal factions have chosen to do throughout history, striking softer less expected targets to prove their own relevance. Or as the media would put it... terrorism. Which in turn led to more conflicts with the world's heroes and a shift in focus from the mundane to the super human.

Finally a few years ago at the Battle on the Sea Bridge saw Invicta go down in defeat at the hands of Champion, Gloriana, and other heroes after which she dropped off the grid. Or so it was proclaimed at least, some have speculated a bargain was struck that day, nor has this been the first time she has gone into hiding only to return seemingly stronger then ever...

Everyone thinks they know Sol Invicta's story. Her ascension to power at a young age made her a celebrity, her charisma and powers and unaging looks made her an icon. The ever unconquered crusader ever unceasing in her march for vengeance, justice, power or liberation depending on who is speaking. No one ever imagines what Invicta might do on her days off, when even the wicked rest. No one pictures her getting drunk of her ass in a bar and having a passionate one night stand, no one pictures her as a young mother determined to remain part of her children's lives even as her cause and crimes mean those children's entire lives must be ones of careful deception.

Invicta's children Stela and Aleksandar are her greatest secret, her greatest liability, and her trite as she might otherwise mock it for being her greatest love. Raised by foster parents sympathetic to Invicta's cause the twins, now 17, return their mother's affection do not resemble her much in manner. Something Invicta only sees this as a positive not wanting her children to suffer as she did and to only make a choice to fight by her side as adults.

Stela and Aleksandar were the lever that the the heroes used to get Invicta to stand down. Not with threats, in fact the hero Champion had learned of them long ago, but to offer a pardon. Not for Invicta but for her children, who would get new government backed identities if Invicta would agree to a five-year ceasefire. She accepted the bargain and the heroes made good on their word, though Stela and Aleksandar had barely settled into their lives as Dalmati citizens before the invasion began and now all those plans were in ruins.


Republic of Dalmatia: Invicta's homeland on the Adriatic coast of the Balkans marked by a distinct mixture of Italic and Slavic cultural traditions. Invicta was its first President and some still openly display her portrait there, though Invicta herself has moved on from simply reclaiming power in Dalmatia. On the eve of the invasion it had emerged from the wars of the late 20th century as a popular tourist destination.

Stela Dragovic: The elder twin and daughter. A laid back and easy going teenager who can turn into a firebreathing dragon. Changes interests frequently enough Invicta never knows what she'll be into next

Aleksandar Dragovic: The younger twin and more serious and studious of the two. Inherited his mother's pyrokinesis but his passions lie in artistic directions then revolution.

But one side question... is Language ever going to be relevant? If so since I have to buy a few anyways can I speak V'sori?


2024-06-18, 01:10 PM

@SwordCoastTaxi I'd just like to verify why Oblivion hasn't been added to the list in the OP. Is it because I need the picture, to actually copy over every detail from my sheet to the forum, just you haven't had time to review her yet, or something else?


2024-06-18, 01:26 PM

Skulk ( sheet update. Some point shuffled around, and some points in later parts of the backstory changed to include capture by the SCPD, I think that's a good state to call the sheet ready. Unless there is some DM feedback to account for

Dusk Raven

2024-06-18, 02:36 PM

I think I'll just commit to the Dynamic Array, at least unless I think of more things to add to the list. Actually, since, so far as I know, the cost goes up with each new effect added, it might be better to go for Variable after all... ugh. Either way, if time is critical, I can have Chimera done by tonight.


2024-06-18, 02:50 PM

I would enjoy the third or fourth of the four choices presented.


2024-06-18, 06:40 PM


EDIT: Taking away Reactive (and Selective) saved me enough points that I can turn all the Limiteds to Quirks (that felt kinda cheesy too, initially), and still left a few points for fixing skills up a bit. The end result: a rapid-fire undetectable psychic blast where targets don't realize they've been depowered until they're getting their faces stomped in by regular mooks, but one that's not automatically turning whole crowds of people into useless lumps. As a result, she's also pretty squishy until she gets a turn, at which point a spray of Weaken brings her up to snuff with everybody else.
Thanks and I'll add her to the OP list.

I think I am finished...
But one side question... is Language ever going to be relevant? If so since I have to buy a few anyways can I speak V'sori?
It sucks when you buy Languages and the GM ignores it :smallyuk: I'll make sure languages count and V'sori is a great choice.

@SwordCoastTaxi I'd just like to verify why Oblivion hasn't been added to the list in the OP. Is it because I need the picture, to actually copy over every detail from my sheet to the forum, just you haven't had time to review her yet, or something else?
I didn't see a Motivation or complications for the character so I thought it was a WIP.

Skulk ( sheet update. Some point shuffled around, and some points in later parts of the backstory changed to include capture by the SCPD, I think that's a good state to call the sheet ready. Unless there is some DM feedback to account for
Thank you for the update.

I think I'll just commit to the Dynamic Array, at least unless I think of more things to add to the list. Actually, since, so far as I know, the cost goes up with each new effect added, it might be better to go for Variable after all... ugh. Either way, if time is critical, I can have Chimera done by tonight.
The deadline is 6/21 so you have some time.

I would enjoy the third or fourth of the four choices presented.

Soras Teva Gee

2024-06-18, 06:58 PM

Alright now 105% complete then.


2024-06-18, 10:00 PM

I didn't see a Motivation or complications for the character so I thought it was a WIP.

Motive: Control, Reveenge
Other: Somatic and Verbal spell components (applies to Hellish Magic)

It was listed, but while at the end of the sheet proper, it was above my useful notes (from some times I hosted something and provided it as a template for others) and I have my Ritualist and Artificer notes after that, so it was hard to find. Sorry about that.

Done except that I may wish to use the presence houserule and sac some str and attractive for better claws and presence (giving me attractive anyway).

Also, is "mutant" the only way to describe her? I viewed her power as being a dark, divine power from being half-demon, not any human mutations.

EDIT 2: Sacrificed 2 Awe, 1 Str, and both Attractive ranks [8 points] for +1 damage rank on my claws [1], +innate on claws [1], +2 Presence with both Attractive ranks by the Presence houserule [4], and buying my Willpower back up by 2 [2], to what it was before losing the 2 Awe.


2024-06-18, 10:08 PM

Of course those of us familiar with Brainiac might consider him to be a bit beyond PL13 (I'd argue at least PL15) but he's here just to give you an idea of the scope of ability for a PL13 supervillain. This work?

Just saw this for reasons. I'd agree with that conclusion. I'd also agree that Braniac would be a very good villain to submit for this game, constraints allowing.

Dusk Raven

2024-06-19, 02:18 AM

Finally got a first draft of Chimera. I say "first draft" because I'm still unsure about how a few things work, and since I'm still new to this I expect to have to tweak things.

Supervillain Name: Chimera
Real Name: Eshe
Player: Dusk Raven
Gender: Female
Age: 21

Eshe doesn't remember her last name, or who her parents were beyond them being Middle-Eastern, if her name and appearance were any indication. She just remembers spending more time on the street than in the "home," just trying to scrape by, and not succeeding. So it wasn't that much of a downgrade when she was kidnapped at age 8 by a supervillain called The Optimizer. Optimizer was something of a radical biologist, who believed he could refine the human body into something superhuman, without the need for random mutations, weird sorcery, or bizzare cosmic phenomena. But Eshe didn't know that at the time, she just knew that she went from poverty to being confined in a secret underground lab with dozens of other kids. She dealt with the change well, all things considered, but that's mostly because she was just trading one misery for another. On the one hand, Optimizer never lost his temper or yelled at her like her biological father had, but he was still quite strict with her, and he had far more effective means of enforcing discipline than what her parents had used. She was well-fed, but could no longer escape her "home" by wandering around.

One thing was the same, though - the only source of social warmth she could feel was from other kids. But none really came as close to her as Madeline Shaw, a girl a few months older than her who'd been taken around the same time. Madeline missed her family very much, but she kept up a brave face, and did her best to try and keep morale up among the kids. Eshe was the one most receptive, and it wouldn't be too long before the two were best friends. For Eshe at least, this friendship had a particular intensity - after all, she'd never had a friend this close, or for as long. On top of that, being at the lab gave things a certain permanency that was quite a welcome change. It was nice to have someone you knew would be there the next day.

When it came to raising the kids, Optimizer and the small cadre of scientists loyal to him were distant and cold, but never cruel, and the made sure all the kids basic needs were accounted for. The food was nutritious but bland, which meant the kids were quite eager to earn candy for good behavior. None of the staff were much inclined to take up an education role, but Optimizer did dump an avalanche of educational books, videos, and games, on the kids, on every conceivable topic. This worked quite well, the childrens' education aided both by boredom and by the oldest of the kids, Sarah, who with her glasses and mature appearance played the role of teacher quite well. Physical education was somewhat harder to come by, mostly due to the lack of space, but a makeshift gym and playground was provided. It could be worse, Eshe thought.

And then it got worse, for Optimizer began his experiments once the oldest of the kids started to enter their early teens - he believed making radical biological changes was best done while a person was still growing. As such, Sarah was the first. Things initially went well - but things went rapidly downhill within a few months, beginning with the hemoraging and ending in death. Terrified by this, one of the other kids attempted to flee the base, and he ended up being killed by the automated defenses before Optimizer could stop either the escape or the AI's reaction to it.

Despite this extremely poor first impression, the actual results of the tests were mixed - some experienced some measure of success, some were crippled or left deformed, and a few died. Eshe and Madeline, though frightened of this, made a promise - they'd both make it through the experiments together, whatever it took. They didn't know if there was anything they could do (other than eat well and exercise, as Optimizer suggested), but hope was all they had. And indeed, the two responded quite well to initial testing, so much so that Optimizer decided to take his tests to another level, pushing their physiologies even further. For Eshe, the next few months were a terrifying blend of feeling pain, nausea, and a strange sort of euphoria. Her body rebelled against the changes being forced on it, but at the same time she was getting stronger, faster, tougher. It was still up in the air whether she'd survive or not... but Eshe knew she would. She and Madeline had made that promise, after all, and Madeline was also progressing quite well. They'd make it, together.

And then, one day, during a lapse in security, Madeline took advantage of her newfound strength to break out of the lab and escape into the wilderness... leaving Eshe, and the other test subjects, behind.

Afterwards, for the first time, Optimizer showed cracks in the calm, calculating persona he'd shown so far. As he said it, he was left with only one prime specimen - Eshe. He redoubled his efforts, putting all his focus into making her, in his words, "the perfect living weapon." Eshe's superhuman abilities were enhanced even further - but, Optimizer had come to the conclusion that the human form was only capable of so much, and so Eshe needed to be able to became superhuman in shape as well as power. Every step of the process brought more pain to Eshe... but, in truth, the real pain was in her heart. As she saw it, Madeline had abandoned her. They were supposed to have stuck together no matter what, but as soon as the opportunity came, Madeline simply left, and didn't even bother trying to take anyone with her. Optimizer, consciously or not, fed into these perceptions, telling her that Madeline was so afraid of death she'd do anything to escape it - or, perhaps, just afraid of what she could become.

Eventually, though, Optimizer pushed too far with his experiments, yet still succeeded. The end result was that Eshe gained the ability to control, at least to some extent, her muscles and bones, to the point of being able to change her very shape, from that of a human woman to that of a powerful brute, or of a lithe predator, depending on whether she needed speed or raw strength. In each form, however, she still had some of her "normal" agility and grace, but it was no longer the grace of a beautiful woman, but that of a deadly predator. On top of that, she could extrude claws from her fingers (or any part of her body, really), as well as extend her reach by dislocating entire sections of her body, even if she had to tear her own flesh to do it. After all, there was nothing her body could do to herself that she couldn't heal in seconds. However, just as there was always a trace of her in every form she took, she was no longer able to completely look human - every time she tried to change back, there was always something still off... and her eyes never became normal, their sclera turning from white to black, and her pupils dilating like that of a cat's, or a snake's.

Optimizer was quite pleased with the results. He even gave her a new designation, of sorts: "Chimera." Eshe, on the other hand was horrified with her ability to transform - or, as she would come to call it, "deform."

A few months later, Madeline returned, with a small group of lesser superheroes, and using her own enhanced abilities to fight her way through the lab, seeking to shut down Optimizer's experiments and rescue the remaining children. Optimizer, in turn, drafted the various test subjects as impromptu defenders... and when Eshe saw some of the heroes attacking her fellow test subjects, her family (even if she was never close to them), she lost control, fully gave in to her transformations, and fought back. But in the midst of the chaos, she came face-to-face with Madeline, and caught the letter's horrified reaction to what Eshe had physically become. That alone was enough to stop Eshe in her tracks, and make her shift back to her normal form in an attempt to reassure her friend. The two talked, each of them desperately trying to explain themselves - before one of Madeline's superhero allies took advantage of the distraction to try and restrain Eshe with a technological lasso. But this sent Eshe back into a rage. She became convinced that Madeline had abandoned her for new friends - if, indeed, she cared about things like "friends" at all. This rage gave her the strength to push herself even further, breaking free of her restraints and continuing the fight.

Ultimately, Eshe would escape, along with Optimizer. Although the supervillain had lost a lot in the lab assault, he still had his most powerful experiment, because Eshe stayed with him - not out of any particular loyalty, but because, after interacting with "normal" people, she quickly realized something like her had no place in normal society. Meanwhile, Madeline became a superhero herself, under the moniker Retriever, so named because of her apparent obsession with finding victims of kidnapping and other missing persons, though of course her powers let her fight all sorts of crime. Eshe quickly developed her own obsession, with Madeline herself. Her feelings were extremely mixed. She saw Madeline in news reports, and was always so envious. Madeline had none of the flaws of Optimizer's experimentation, and many of the benefits - strength, speed, vitality, and a certain amount of beauty (an unintended side-effect of the healthy constitution she'd been given by Optimizer, including an extreme resistance to disease and poison). People liked her, not just because of her powers or apparent selflessness, but also because of her charm, and she soon had several superhero friends. Meanwhile, Eshe was once again friendless, and while she could do great good if she wanted, who would ever look at her as anything but a monster? Who but Optimizer... and, perhaps, Madeline? For Eshe truly wanted to be with her again, but that was made difficult when she couldn't decide whether Madeline must have had good reasons for what she did... or if she truly didn't care about Eshe.

What followed were years of tumultuous adventuring, as the two former friends went through their own independent, but highly entwined, careers as supers. For a while, Eshe followed after Optimizer, but it soon became clear to the both of them that Eshe's increasing physical power, and emotional instability, meant he couldn't really control her - and he wasn't particularly good at influencing her, at least not in ways he actually wanted. The last straw was when Eshe, in a moment of self-hatred due to her monstrous abilities, asked Optimizer if she was still human - to which he responded "You're better than human," which was very much not what Eshe wanted to hear. And so she went off on her own, acting as she saw fit - and mostly, that was following after Madeline. Eshe's feelings towards her changed by the day and sometimes by the hour, and Madeline seemed just as conflicted, even if she was more... stable. Though much of this was because they kept finding themselves as enemies, then as friends. There was the time Eshe saved Madeline from the clutches of a villain who'd captured her by threatening hostages... followed by the time Eshe teamed up with an anti-mutant, human supremacist who promised a cure for her condition. Sometimes Eshe tried to win Madeline's approval, other times she tried to push her to the breaking point, trying to get her to show the world she wasn't the noble hero she claimed to be. Eshe even once kidnapped Madeline, planning to perform her own version of Optimizer's experiments on her, to make her "better than human" too so Eshe wouldn't be alone. She had a brief stint as a hero, trying unsuccessfully to fit in, and another time where she assembled her own team of villains to fight Madelin and her friends - she might not have had the best social skills due to her upbringing, but she was intelligent, had a certain amount of charisma about her when things were going her way, and she'd learned a few things about Optimizer about keeping people in line when you have power over them. That "team" didn't really fill the hole in her heart - but at the time, she thought she could fill it by killing Madeline.

Speaking of Optimizer... there was also another time Madeline and Eshe teamed up to take him down. Optimizer had nearly completed his experiments, and was in the process of creating an army of superhuman soldiers. The two heroes broke into Optimizer's sanctum after fighting his minions, only to find that he had tested his newest enhancements on himself first. The battle pushed all of them to their limits, especially Eshe, who saved Madeline's life more than once. In the end, it was Eshe who brought Optimizer down - and then, to Madeline's protestations, finished him off. Optimizer's last words were, "You always were my greatest success."

In the aftermath, Eshe tried to reconcile with Madeline... but Madeline, in turn, had her own reservations about Eshe, not the least of which being her willingness to kill, and seeming inability to care about anyone but Madeline. The two parted once more, not realizing that that would be the last time they would speak. For soon afterwards, the alien invasion occurred, followed by the second, true conquest. Eshe felt just as much shock and horror as anyone else at the betrayal - and not just because Madeline was sure to be in the thick of it.

Shortly afterward, Eshe herself would be captured, trying to find her former friend, and during her captivity she has done nothing but seethe. She hasn't been able to confirm Madeline's death, but holds little hope of her survival - she might not have been at the ceremony where many of the top heroes were killed, but Madeline was never the strongest hero herself, and while her wits and ability to improvise had served her well, even she had her limits. Eshe wanted so many things when it came to Madeline - to punish her for abandoning her, to prove herself stronger, to find out what was really going on with her, and find a way to be on the same side again. Maybe even be friends, maybe even more. But the potential for all that is gone now. On top of that, Eshe is a prisoner once again, possibly bound for more experimentation, and not even of the type meant to improve her this time. Every negative emotion possibly, it seems, has gone through her lately... but the most dominant ones are rage and hate towards the aliens who took everything away from her, from everyone.

Now if she could just escape...

Ability Scores:
Strength: 7
Stamina: 8
Agility: 8
Dexterity: 6
Fighting: 7
Intellect: 5
Awareness: 4
Presence: 3

96 Points Total

Dodge: 12 (8 + 4 Ranks)
Fortitude: 16 (8 + 8 Ranks)
Parry: 16 (7 + 9 Ranks)
Toughness: 8
Will: 7 (4 + 3 Ranks)

Initiative: 8

24 Points Total

Acrobatics: 2 Ranks (10 total)
Athletics: 2 Ranks (9 total)
Close Combat (Natural Weapons): 16 Ranks (23 total)
Deception: 4 ranks (7 total)
Intimidation: 6 Ranks (9 total)
Perception: 16 Ranks (20 total)
Persuasion: 2 Ranks (5 total)
Stealth: 6 Ranks (14 total)
Treatment: 2 Ranks (7 total)

28 Points total

All-out Attack
Evasion x1
Improved Critical (Natural Weapons) x1
Move-by Action
Uncanny Dodge

Bonus Advantages (Presence):

5 Points total

Superior Biology:
Regeneration - 5 Ranks, 5 Points
Immunity (Diseases, Poison) - 2 Ranks, 2 Points
Speed - 2 Ranks, 2 Points
Senses - Darkvision, Extended Sense (Visual), Tracking - 3 Ranks, 4 Points (+1 flat)

Variable - Shapechanging - 3 Ranks, 21 Points

Independent Mutations:
Damage (Claws) - +Multiattack - 2 Ranks, 11 Points (Multiattack: +1 per damage point for +9)
Elongation - 1 Rank, 1 Point

45 Points Total

Ability Scores: 96
Defenses: 24
Skills (56 Ranks): 28
Advantages: 5
Powers: 45

Total: 199

...So, I've still got a couple points to spend. Things are still in flux, really. In particular, thinking of removing Multiattack, mostly since it's supposed to cost one point per point of damage the effect does, but I'm not sure how to cost that when the damage value goes up whenever Chimera boosts her Strength. Also, figuring out Defenses is also confusing sometime for the same reason. Really, I'm uncertain of a lot of stuff here, especially since I unexpectedly ran out of points to spend and trying to figure out what I really need, and what I ought to trim to get it.

Also, I just realized I forgot to add complications, but it's late, I should have finished this, and should have gone to bed, over an hour ago, and I just want to get this done. I have an idea of what the complications are, I'm sure they aren't hard to figure out from her backstory.

Also, is "mutant" the only way to describe her? I viewed her power as being a dark, divine power from being half-demon, not any human mutations.

Just took a look at the list myself, we've got two unknowns and four "mutants." Makes me wonder what the categories actually are. Chimera is probably a mutant, but the supervillain who made her the way she is would object to that terminology - she's the result of augmentation, not natural genetic mutation.


2024-06-19, 03:41 AM

So, Oblivion ( is truly done now. Has been sort-of done for a bit, though with my Rituals and Artifices taking up space, Motive and Complications can be hard to find.

Reposting them (including the amendment for Rituals being targeted with spell components)

Motive: Control, Revenge
Other: Somatic and Verbal spell components (applies to Hellish Magic and Rituals)

I've also added her backstory to the document, and a picture, though I'm not sure how to post the image here.

"Oblivion" (Charlotte Tanas)
Species: Cambion (Human-Demon Hybrid)
Powers: Umbrakinesis, Magic
Age: 28, Female


...So, I've still got a couple points to spend.
I recommend Advantage: Equipment 5pts (1 power point)
Comm-link, 1 Equipment point
Modern Smart Phone, 4 Equipment points
--> Cell Phone, Computer, GPS: 3
--> Alt: Camera, Audio/Video recorder: 3 (1)


2024-06-19, 05:15 AM

Motive: Control, Reveenge
Other: Somatic and Verbal spell components (applies to Hellish Magic)

It was listed, but while at the end of the sheet proper, it was above my useful notes (from some times I hosted something and provided it as a template for others) and I have my Ritualist and Artificer notes after that, so it was hard to find. Sorry about that.

Done except that I may wish to use the presence houserule and sac some str and attractive for better claws and presence (giving me attractive anyway).

Also, is "mutant" the only way to describe her? I viewed her power as being a dark, divine power from being half-demon, not any human mutations.

EDIT 2: Sacrificed 2 Awe, 1 Str, and both Attractive ranks [8 points] for +1 damage rank on my claws [1], +innate on claws [1], +2 Presence with both Attractive ranks by the Presence houserule [4], and buying my Willpower back up by 2 [2], to what it was before losing the 2 Awe.
I love the energy you're putting into this character. I can't not accept her but the full review is pending.

Just saw this for reasons. I'd agree with that conclusion. I'd also agree that Braniac would be a very good villain to submit for this game, constraints allowing.
Your supervillains are so "against type" it's almost annoying. But seeing them in a campaign intrigues me. I like how you approach the genre.

Finally got a first draft of Chimera. I say "first draft" because I'm still unsure about how a few things work, and since I'm still new to this I expect to have to tweak things.

Supervillain Name: Chimera
Real Name: Eshe
Player: Dusk Raven
Gender: Female
Age: 21

Eshe doesn't remember her last name, or who her parents were beyond them being Middle-Eastern, if her name and appearance were any indication. She just remembers spending more time on the street than in the "home," just trying to scrape by, and not succeeding. So it wasn't that much of a downgrade when she was kidnapped at age 8 by a supervillain called The Optimizer. Optimizer was something of a radical biologist, who believed he could refine the human body into something superhuman, without the need for random mutations, weird sorcery, or bizzare cosmic phenomena. But Eshe didn't know that at the time, she just knew that she went from poverty to being confined in a secret underground lab with dozens of other kids. She dealt with the change well, all things considered, but that's mostly because she was just trading one misery for another. On the one hand, Optimizer never lost his temper or yelled at her like her biological father had, but he was still quite strict with her, and he had far more effective means of enforcing discipline than what her parents had used. She was well-fed, but could no longer escape her "home" by wandering around.

One thing was the same, though - the only source of social warmth she could feel was from other kids. But none really came as close to her as Madeline Shaw, a girl a few months older than her who'd been taken around the same time. Madeline missed her family very much, but she kept up a brave face, and did her best to try and keep morale up among the kids. Eshe was the one most receptive, and it wouldn't be too long before the two were best friends. For Eshe at least, this friendship had a particular intensity - after all, she'd never had a friend this close, or for as long. On top of that, being at the lab gave things a certain permanency that was quite a welcome change. It was nice to have someone you knew would be there the next day.

When it came to raising the kids, Optimizer and the small cadre of scientists loyal to him were distant and cold, but never cruel, and the made sure all the kids basic needs were accounted for. The food was nutritious but bland, which meant the kids were quite eager to earn candy for good behavior. None of the staff were much inclined to take up an education role, but Optimizer did dump an avalanche of educational books, videos, and games, on the kids, on every conceivable topic. This worked quite well, the childrens' education aided both by boredom and by the oldest of the kids, Sarah, who with her glasses and mature appearance played the role of teacher quite well. Physical education was somewhat harder to come by, mostly due to the lack of space, but a makeshift gym and playground was provided. It could be worse, Eshe thought.

And then it got worse, for Optimizer began his experiments once the oldest of the kids started to enter their early teens - he believed making radical biological changes was best done while a person was still growing. As such, Sarah was the first. Things initially went well - but things went rapidly downhill within a few months, beginning with the hemoraging and ending in death. Terrified by this, one of the other kids attempted to flee the base, and he ended up being killed by the automated defenses before Optimizer could stop either the escape or the AI's reaction to it.

Despite this extremely poor first impression, the actual results of the tests were mixed - some experienced some measure of success, some were crippled or left deformed, and a few died. Eshe and Madeline, though frightened of this, made a promise - they'd both make it through the experiments together, whatever it took. They didn't know if there was anything they could do (other than eat well and exercise, as Optimizer suggested), but hope was all they had. And indeed, the two responded quite well to initial testing, so much so that Optimizer decided to take his tests to another level, pushing their physiologies even further. For Eshe, the next few months were a terrifying blend of feeling pain, nausea, and a strange sort of euphoria. Her body rebelled against the changes being forced on it, but at the same time she was getting stronger, faster, tougher. It was still up in the air whether she'd survive or not... but Eshe knew she would. She and Madeline had made that promise, after all, and Madeline was also progressing quite well. They'd make it, together.

And then, one day, during a lapse in security, Madeline took advantage of her newfound strength to break out of the lab and escape into the wilderness... leaving Eshe, and the other test subjects, behind.

Afterwards, for the first time, Optimizer showed cracks in the calm, calculating persona he'd shown so far. As he said it, he was left with only one prime specimen - Eshe. He redoubled his efforts, putting all his focus into making her, in his words, "the perfect living weapon." Eshe's superhuman abilities were enhanced even further - but, Optimizer had come to the conclusion that the human form was only capable of so much, and so Eshe needed to be able to became superhuman in shape as well as power. Every step of the process brought more pain to Eshe... but, in truth, the real pain was in her heart. As she saw it, Madeline had abandoned her. They were supposed to have stuck together no matter what, but as soon as the opportunity came, Madeline simply left, and didn't even bother trying to take anyone with her. Optimizer, consciously or not, fed into these perceptions, telling her that Madeline was so afraid of death she'd do anything to escape it - or, perhaps, just afraid of what she could become.

Eventually, though, Optimizer pushed too far with his experiments, yet still succeeded. The end result was that Eshe gained the ability to control, at least to some extent, her muscles and bones, to the point of being able to change her very shape, from that of a human woman to that of a powerful brute, or of a lithe predator, depending on whether she needed speed or raw strength. In each form, however, she still had some of her "normal" agility and grace, but it was no longer the grace of a beautiful woman, but that of a deadly predator. On top of that, she could extrude claws from her fingers (or any part of her body, really), as well as extend her reach by dislocating entire sections of her body, even if she had to tear her own flesh to do it. After all, there was nothing her body could do to herself that she couldn't heal in seconds. However, just as there was always a trace of her in every form she took, she was no longer able to completely look human - every time she tried to change back, there was always something still off... and her eyes never became normal, their sclera turning from white to black, and her pupils dilating like that of a cat's, or a snake's.

Optimizer was quite pleased with the results. He even gave her a new designation, of sorts: "Chimera." Eshe, on the other hand was horrified with her ability to transform - or, as she would come to call it, "deform."

A few months later, Madeline returned, with a small group of lesser superheroes, and using her own enhanced abilities to fight her way through the lab, seeking to shut down Optimizer's experiments and rescue the remaining children. Optimizer, in turn, drafted the various test subjects as impromptu defenders... and when Eshe saw some of the heroes attacking her fellow test subjects, her family (even if she was never close to them), she lost control, fully gave in to her transformations, and fought back. But in the midst of the chaos, she came face-to-face with Madeline, and caught the letter's horrified reaction to what Eshe had physically become. That alone was enough to stop Eshe in her tracks, and make her shift back to her normal form in an attempt to reassure her friend. The two talked, each of them desperately trying to explain themselves - before one of Madeline's superhero allies took advantage of the distraction to try and restrain Eshe with a technological lasso. But this sent Eshe back into a rage. She became convinced that Madeline had abandoned her for new friends - if, indeed, she cared about things like "friends" at all. This rage gave her the strength to push herself even further, breaking free of her restraints and continuing the fight.

Ultimately, Eshe would escape, along with Optimizer. Although the supervillain had lost a lot in the lab assault, he still had his most powerful experiment, because Eshe stayed with him - not out of any particular loyalty, but because, after interacting with "normal" people, she quickly realized something like her had no place in normal society. Meanwhile, Madeline became a superhero herself, under the moniker Retriever, so named because of her apparent obsession with finding victims of kidnapping and other missing persons, though of course her powers let her fight all sorts of crime. Eshe quickly developed her own obsession, with Madeline herself. Her feelings were extremely mixed. She saw Madeline in news reports, and was always so envious. Madeline had none of the flaws of Optimizer's experimentation, and many of the benefits - strength, speed, vitality, and a certain amount of beauty (an unintended side-effect of the healthy constitution she'd been given by Optimizer, including an extreme resistance to disease and poison). People liked her, not just because of her powers or apparent selflessness, but also because of her charm, and she soon had several superhero friends. Meanwhile, Eshe was once again friendless, and while she could do great good if she wanted, who would ever look at her as anything but a monster? Who but Optimizer... and, perhaps, Madeline? For Eshe truly wanted to be with her again, but that was made difficult when she couldn't decide whether Madeline must have had good reasons for what she did... or if she truly didn't care about Eshe.

What followed were years of tumultuous adventuring, as the two former friends went through their own independent, but highly entwined, careers as supers. For a while, Eshe followed after Optimizer, but it soon became clear to the both of them that Eshe's increasing physical power, and emotional instability, meant he couldn't really control her - and he wasn't particularly good at influencing her, at least not in ways he actually wanted. The last straw was when Eshe, in a moment of self-hatred due to her monstrous abilities, asked Optimizer if she was still human - to which he responded "You're better than human," which was very much not what Eshe wanted to hear. And so she went off on her own, acting as she saw fit - and mostly, that was following after Madeline. Eshe's feelings towards her changed by the day and sometimes by the hour, and Madeline seemed just as conflicted, even if she was more... stable. Though much of this was because they kept finding themselves as enemies, then as friends. There was the time Eshe saved Madeline from the clutches of a villain who'd captured her by threatening hostages... followed by the time Eshe teamed up with an anti-mutant, human supremacist who promised a cure for her condition. Sometimes Eshe tried to win Madeline's approval, other times she tried to push her to the breaking point, trying to get her to show the world she wasn't the noble hero she claimed to be. Eshe even once kidnapped Madeline, planning to perform her own version of Optimizer's experiments on her, to make her "better than human" too so Eshe wouldn't be alone. She had a brief stint as a hero, trying unsuccessfully to fit in, and another time where she assembled her own team of villains to fight Madelin and her friends - she might not have had the best social skills due to her upbringing, but she was intelligent, had a certain amount of charisma about her when things were going her way, and she'd learned a few things about Optimizer about keeping people in line when you have power over them. That "team" didn't really fill the hole in her heart - but at the time, she thought she could fill it by killing Madeline.

Speaking of Optimizer... there was also another time Madeline and Eshe teamed up to take him down. Optimizer had nearly completed his experiments, and was in the process of creating an army of superhuman soldiers. The two heroes broke into Optimizer's sanctum after fighting his minions, only to find that he had tested his newest enhancements on himself first. The battle pushed all of them to their limits, especially Eshe, who saved Madeline's life more than once. In the end, it was Eshe who brought Optimizer down - and then, to Madeline's protestations, finished him off. Optimizer's last words were, "You always were my greatest success."

In the aftermath, Eshe tried to reconcile with Madeline... but Madeline, in turn, had her own reservations about Eshe, not the least of which being her willingness to kill, and seeming inability to care about anyone but Madeline. The two parted once more, not realizing that that would be the last time they would speak. For soon afterwards, the alien invasion occurred, followed by the second, true conquest. Eshe felt just as much shock and horror as anyone else at the betrayal - and not just because Madeline was sure to be in the thick of it.

Shortly afterward, Eshe herself would be captured, trying to find her former friend, and during her captivity she has done nothing but seethe. She hasn't been able to confirm Madeline's death, but holds little hope of her survival - she might not have been at the ceremony where many of the top heroes were killed, but Madeline was never the strongest hero herself, and while her wits and ability to improvise had served her well, even she had her limits. Eshe wanted so many things when it came to Madeline - to punish her for abandoning her, to prove herself stronger, to find out what was really going on with her, and find a way to be on the same side again. Maybe even be friends, maybe even more. But the potential for all that is gone now. On top of that, Eshe is a prisoner once again, possibly bound for more experimentation, and not even of the type meant to improve her this time. Every negative emotion possibly, it seems, has gone through her lately... but the most dominant ones are rage and hate towards the aliens who took everything away from her, from everyone.

Now if she could just escape...

Ability Scores:
Strength: 7
Stamina: 8
Agility: 8
Dexterity: 6
Fighting: 7
Intellect: 5
Awareness: 4
Presence: 3

96 Points Total

Dodge: 12 (8 + 4 Ranks)
Fortitude: 16 (8 + 8 Ranks)
Parry: 16 (7 + 9 Ranks)
Toughness: 8
Will: 7 (4 + 3 Ranks)

Initiative: 8

24 Points Total

Acrobatics: 2 Ranks (10 total)
Athletics: 2 Ranks (9 total)
Close Combat (Natural Weapons): 16 Ranks (23 total)
Deception: 4 ranks (7 total)
Intimidation: 6 Ranks (9 total)
Perception: 16 Ranks (20 total)
Persuasion: 2 Ranks (5 total)
Stealth: 6 Ranks (14 total)
Treatment: 2 Ranks (7 total)

28 Points total

All-out Attack
Evasion x1
Improved Critical (Natural Weapons) x1
Move-by Action
Uncanny Dodge

5 Points total

Superior Biology:
Regeneration - 5 Ranks, 5 Points
Immunity (Diseases, Poison) - 2 Ranks, 2 Points
Speed - 2 Ranks, 2 Points
Senses - Darkvision, Extended Sense (Visual), Tracking - 3 Ranks, 4 Points (+1 flat)

Variable - Shapechanging - 3 Ranks, 18 points (-1/r Flaw)

Independent Mutations:
Damage (Claws) - +Multiattack - 3 Ranks, 13 Points (+1 per damage point for +10 total)
Elongation - 1 Rank, 1 Point

45 Points Total

Ability Scores: 96
Defenses: 24
Skills (56 Ranks): 28
Advantages: 5
Powers: 45

Total: 198

...So, I've still got a couple points to spend. Things are still in flux, really. In particular, thinking of removing Multiattack, mostly since it's supposed to cost one point per point of damage the effect does, but I'm not sure how to cost that when the damage value goes up whenever Chimera boosts her Strength. Also, figuring out Defenses is also confusing sometime for the same reason. Really, I'm uncertain of a lot of stuff here, especially since I unexpectedly ran out of points to spend and trying to figure out what I really need, and what I ought to trim to get it.

Also, I just realized I forgot to add complications, but it's late, I should have finished this, and should have gone to bed, over an hour ago, and I just want to get this done. I have an idea of what the complications are, I'm sure they aren't hard to figure out from her backstory.

Just took a look at the list myself, we've got two unknowns and four "mutants." Makes me wonder what the categories actually are. Chimera is probably a mutant, but the supervillain who made her the way she is would object to that terminology - she's the result of augmentation, not natural genetic mutation.
Very very deep. The part with the kids is cringe but it reminds me of villains like Dr. Light and Mastermind who were weird. Powers-wise, taking more ranks in Variable makes sense but we'll see.

So, Oblivion ( is truly done now. Has been sort-of done for a bit, though with my Rituals and Artifices taking up space, Motive and Complications can be hard to find.

Reposting them (including the amendment for Rituals being targeted with spell components)

Motive: Control, Revenge
Other: Somatic and Verbal spell components (applies to Hellish Magic and Rituals)

I've also added her backstory to the document, and a picture, though I'm not sure how to post the image here.

"Oblivion" (Charlotte Tanas)
Species: Cambion (Human-Demon Hybrid)
Powers: Umbrakinesis, Magic
Age: 28, Female


I recommend Advantage: Equipment 5pts (1 power point)
Comm-link, 1 Equipment point
Modern Smart Phone, 4 Equipment points
--> Cell Phone, Computer, GPS: 3
--> Alt: Camera, Audio/Video recorder: 3 (1)
Love it. The evil sorceress. I have to ask: has she ever been in love?

Dusk Raven

2024-06-19, 05:53 AM


I recommend Advantage: Equipment 5pts (1 power point)
Comm-link, 1 Equipment point
Modern Smart Phone, 4 Equipment points
--> Cell Phone, Computer, GPS: 3
--> Alt: Camera, Audio/Video recorder: 3 (1)

I'm hesitant to spend points on equipment, since we're not going to start with it I believe, and also a cell phone ought to be easy enough to acquire - assuming our alien overlords still allow cell phone service.

Very very deep. The part with the kids is cringe but it reminds me of villains like Dr. Light and Mastermind who were weird. Powers-wise, taking more ranks in Variable makes sense but we'll see.

You'll have to be more specific with the "cringe" bit since I'm not familiar with either of the villains mentioned. As for powers... I figured 15 flexible character points was enough to fit in any form I'd really want to take. Strength form, for instance, would be... +4 Enhanced Strength (8 points), +2 ranks of Growth (4 points), maybe another rank of speed, and a couple of points left for, I dunno, modifiers to my claws? Likewise the Speed form is mostly going to be enhanced Agility, more ranks in Speed, and a Movement effect or two. That, and I'm not sure where I'm going to get 5 more points, it's getting kinda hard to remove things at this point.

Also I still need those social advantages you mentioned, for each of Chimera's 3 points of Presence.

EDIT: ...Out of curiosity, how many points would you say it would take to have Immunity to pain? That's something that would probably benefit her.


2024-06-19, 07:41 AM

Work in Progress. Updating from PL 12/180 pp to current character build.


"In the end, all of my enemies will be mine. Mind, body, and if you'd like, soul."

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 145lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Age: Appears mid-twenties, but her longevity means she could be in her 30s or 40s.
Distinguishing Features: Unusually tall for her gender.

Her general, overarching goal in life: "Have you ever read Plato's The Republic? I was born in America which was fostered more along the Aristotelian lines of thought, but I think over-all Plato had the right idea about people and what they need. He wrote about Kallipolis, the perfect society helmed by Philosopher Kings, he just didn't ever wager it'd be someone like me that realised it."

Public Image and Recognition:
Sovereign is a publicly known and greatly feared Supervillain of the modern area. Her powerful psychic mind and ability to reach in to read and control peoples thoughts have been demonstrated to have potentially devastating consequences, while her invulnerability and regenerative powers have made her an incredibly difficult target of assassination. What makes Sovereign particularly dreaded is the unseen range of her mind, as she has been recorded neutralising enemies and reading peoples minds from dozens of miles away, without even being in the same state. After all, what's to stop her from plucking from the highest authority the location of ballistic missile submarines, traveling to their locations, discerning their positions and psychically dominating their crews into launching some nukes at a foreign country? Terrifyingly little. If ever there was a case for the vigilance and pro-active measures of meta-human super hero teams, supervillains like Sovereign are Exhibit A, so hopefully those teams don't go and get themselves mostly killed by, oh wait...

Unknown to the public, Sovereign, or Zara Darrows, was a former up-and-coming Air Force Lieutenant and pilot with the callsign 'Sovereign'. However her life was forever altered during a routine patrol over the skies of Afghanistan, when the radiation of a close-falling, tiny asteroid downed her aircraft. The crash almost killed her, but radiation of the falling rock entirely seeped into her body and re-wrote whole regions of her genetic code, granting her psychic powers and near invulnerable physical body. However, the Air Force lost any jurisdiction over her as the shadowy Agency claimed her, citing its purview of military personnel coming into contact with objects of an extra-terrestrial variety. As far as the Air Force records go, Lieutenant Zara Darrow was KIA while deployed overseas. The real Zara Darrow, however, disappeared into the shadowy world of government-metahuman relations and international espionage, where a powerful Telepath like her could make or break entire operations. Using her abilities, the Agency was able to uncover whole networks of foreign intelligence operatives working within the continental United States, ripping them out of society root and stem. If the Agency had not been so callous and utilitarian with Zara herself, things might have gone very differently.

Public Infamies:

- Acted as a sort of Big Bad for the rogues gallery of an up-and-coming 20s something super team out of Seattle called G-Force, until she "neutralised" them all, first by mind-controlling the groups paragon and having him smash the team wizards face in, before crushing the rest in a psychic blackhole like a car compactor.

- Publicly humiliated and destroyed the reputation of Nike, a national sweetheart and paragon whose private fantasies and secrets she plucked from her head and mentally transmitted to the whole nation, followed by psychically dominating her on live TV news into kissing her feet. Nike swiftly retreated into the anonymity of private life and has never been seen since.

- Her noted battle with the energy manipulator Gravitex which pushed both combatants to their limits, until Sovereign retreated to orbit where she used her opponents gravity-manipulating powers to wrench a commercial satellite out of orbit and crush him beneath its trajectory.

- Fought the reality-warping and drone producing sueprvialliness Dr Aurora, with Sovereign having to rely on her Telekinetic powers until finally smacking off Dr Aurora's telepathy-resisting helmet, killing her, and destroying the wicked device by sending it on a trajectory with the sun.

- Once transmitted the Presidents credit card numbers and highly sensitive Federal Reserve financial information into the minds of everyone in North America, just for fun. She didn't hold anyone to ransom, she didn't demand action from the citizen body etc she did it simply because she could and thought it would be funny.

ABILITIES (Super/Normal): (48 pp)


DEFENSES (Super/Normal): (33pp)
WILL: 14
Initiative: +8

POWERS: (87pp)

"Metahuman Physiology" (Multiple effects, 13 pp)
- Immunity 3: Aging, Disease, Poison.
- Regeneration 5: Every 2 rounds.
- ‘Hovering’, Flight 1: 4 miles/hour, 60 feet/round.
- Protection 2: +2 Toughness.
- Quickness 2: Limited to one type (Mental)

"Apex Mind" (74pp, Dynamic Array)

Main Power:
- Alt. Power: "Group Mind Control" (Cumulative Burst Area Affliction 9, 56pp)
1st Degree: Dazed, 2nd Degree: Compelled, 3rd Degree: Controlled, Resisted by Will, Burst Area 60 feet radius sphere, Cumulative, Increased Range 2 (Perception), Subtle 1: (Exotic Sense DC 20).

- Alt. Power: "Focused Mind Control" (Cumulative Mind Control)
1st Degree: Dazed, 2nd: Compelled, 3rd: Controlled, Increased Range 2 (Perception), Cumulative, Subtle 1 (DC 20; exotic sense), DC Will 23.

- Alt. Power: "Telepathy" (Linked Effects)
- Communication: Mental Area Communication 4: Range: Anywhere on Earth, Area, Rapid, Subtle 2: Undetectable.
- Comprehend 2: Languages - You’re Understood and understand all languages.

- Alt. Power: "Mind Reading" (Cumulative Mind Reading 13)
DC 23, Cumulative, Perception range, Subtle 1 ((DC 20; exotic sense).

- Alt. Power: "Psychic Perception" (Multiple Effects)
- Senses 12: Mental: Counters All Concealment, Penetrates Concealment, Counters Illusion Awareness, Acute, Extended 4 (x10k), Radius, Mass: Counters All Concealment, Penetrates Concealment, Darkvision, Awareness, Acute, Extended 4 (x10k), Radius
- Enhanced Trait 8: Perception +16.

- Alt. Power: "Psychic Blast" (Damage 13)
Increased Range 2 (Perception), DC 28, Alternate Resistance: Will, Affects Insubstantial 2 (Full rank).

- "Psi Storm" (Burst Area Damage 13)
1,200 ft, Burst Area 2 (60 feet radius Sphere), DC 28 (damage).

- Alt. Power: "Telekinesis" (Move Object 13)
Increased Range 2 (Perception), Precise, Subtle 2 (Undetectable), Improved Mass 8, Advantages: Improved Grab, Improved Hold, 50,000 tons.

- Alt. Power: "Mass Telekinesis" (Burst Area Move Object 13)
1,300 ft range, 200 tons, Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 23, Precise, Selective, Advantages: Improved Grab, Improved Hold.

- Alt. Power: "Telekinetic Flight" (Linked Effects)
- Flight 11: Speed 4,000 miles/hour, 8 miles/round, Stacks with ‘Hovering’ Flight 1 (8,000 miles/hour, 16 miles/round), Subtle 2 (Undetectable)
- Immunity 10: Life Support.

SKILLS: (25pp, 40 ranks)
Expertise (Science) (Limited: Physical Sciences) +10 (+13), Insight +8 (+10), Intimidation +7 (+12), Perception +4 (+8), Persuasion +8 (+13), Vehicles +9 (+9) (Limited: Fixed-wing Aircraft), Technology +15.

Attractive 1 (Free), Eidetic Memory, Favoured Environment (Aerials), Fearless (Free), Improved Initiative 2, Inventor, Jack-of-all-trades, Move-by Action, Uncanny Dodge.


OFFENSE (Super/Normal):
* Movement (per round): 4 miles/hour, 60 feet/round, 4,000 miles/hour, 8 miles/round or 8,000 miles/hour, 16 miles/round.
* Initiative N/A
* Unarmed +2, DC 15
* Grab +2, DC 10
* Throwing +0
* Psychic Blast Auto, DC 27.
* Psi Storm Auto, DC 27.
* Telekinesis Auto, DC 27.
* Mass Telekinesis Auto, DC 26.

Reputation: Criminal: Infamy: Sovereign is widely known to the public and is considered extremely dangerous as her mind control and mind reading abilities evoke particular fear. Telepaths are thankfully very rare, with most showing great restraint and respect for peoples right to privacy. Not Sovereign. She happily goes through peoples minds and uses it to her advantage. Think of every little action or thought you've ever had, especially the ones that are shameful, that you regret or are just downright cringe. You credit card numbers, accounts and passwords you think are safe? She knows. You cheated on your taxes? She knows. You looked things up on the internet and immediately regretted it? She knows. You cheated on your partner? She knows. You have silly personal fantasies or deviant lusts that you're ashamed of? She knows. There is no thought that is safe from her, and Sovereign has happily pulled those secrets from peoples minds and shared them with the world. The most infamous example was perhaps when she caused the breakup of the up-and-coming superhero team the Winters Family, who were a mother, father and their three teenage kids, all of them super-empowered in some way. It turns out that Mother Winter had been having an affair for three years behind Father Winters back and the eldest son was a kleptomaniac who had stolen thousands in credit card numbers. Ooops.

Motivation: Power: All the heroes and mud-bloods of the world on all fours and kissing her feet. Everything will be so much simpler when the ‘free will’ of the world becomes ‘her will’.

Motivation: Greed: Having grown up with very little, Sovereign can sometimes be rather covetous. Nice clothes, jewels, luxurious living, fine dining and wine, she developed expensive tastes during her days of freedom and greatly resents their absence in her apprehension. When the world surrenders its free will to her, it will have no use for the finest goods it can produce - but she will.

Motivation: Thrills: However, Sovereign has a lot of fun doing what she does. It’s fun to mentally enslave a building full of civilians and put would-be heroes into predicaments concerning their safety. It’s fun to clash in battles with superheroes and government forces. It’s fun to fly at Mach 10.8 into the atmosphere. It’s fun to have a latte in a downtown cafe and pry in on everyone's thoughts, their dirty secrets, their salacious little lies, their hidden desires and shames and their credit card numbers. It’s fun to go to a casino and make hundreds of thousands of dollars at poker because no one can hide their thoughts. It’s fun to dig into the minds of a superhero team and turn them on each other because she can see each members dirty little secrets. It’s fun.

Quirk: Mental Voyeur: See above. Having worked with team-mates in the past, she'll play good member and refrain from prying into those with whom she cooperates.

Secret Relationship: Red Knight: In the past, Sovereign had a secret relationship with Red Knight, a prominent paragon and captain of the Enclave, a superhero team based out of New York. He was valorous, charismatic, that chiseled chin, green eyes and sandy-blonde hair won her heart, and for 2 years the two had a secret affair. Literally, as Red Knight was married to The Countess at the time - the female member of the team. The two don’t see each other any more ever since….

Secret: Red Knight accidentally got Sovereign pregnant. She kept it, delivered a son and gave him up for adoption. Red Knight knows where their secret, illegitimate son is and he watches over him, while Sovereign willingly forsook any connection. It’s the most selfless thing she has ever done, and at her core Sovereign thinks this it is genuinely the best path for her son to not be involved with her. For his part, Red Knight keeps his side of the secret, both out of love of his illegitimate son and shame over how deeply he betrayed his wife, The Countess.

Quirk: Model Collection and Quotes: Sovereign has little known, non-evil hobbies. She is a proficient model builder and painter, with a particular fondness for naval ships and science fiction movies, her favorite being Star Wars. In fact, Sovereign has sometimes even quoted some of her favorite lines from the Sci Fi opera (Emperor Palpatine is her favorite character), and a few from another of her other favorite movies, Highlander.

Quirk: Flirtatious Soft Spot: Sovereign has a soft spot for handsome, confident male super heroes. That genuinely good-hearted, chisel-jawed, cool-headed, boyscout do-gooder, there's something idealistic about it all that cuts through her deeply cynical view of the world. She doesn't go gagga mindless, but she is noticeably kinder to them and gives them a bit more lee-way than she normally otherwise should.

Quirk: Every Woman for Herself: By the same token, super heroines can expect exactly 0 mercy from Sovereign, as they're all rivals.

Quirk: Surprisingly Forgiving: Being a telepath and having the worlds thoughts available to you, Sovereign has become very desensitized to the worst humanity has to produce. By experience she knows that even the most well-meaning people that have done a lot of good have or did have, harbored at least one dark impulse throughout their life, however they may have acted on it (or not). Because of this, if there's nothing in it for her one way or another, Sovereign can be surprisingly forgiving of an individuals short-comings.

Enemy (Law Enforcement): Sovereign is a wanted criminal and considered an extreme threat. Interestingly, she hasn't killed any law enforcement or military personnel that have been sent against her.

Responsibility (Teammates): Sovereign is surprisingly easy to get along with, despite her own ambitions and far-reaching plans.

Disability: Half-deaf: A flight accident in the air force granted Sovereign pyschic abilities, but it also damaged one of her ear-drums before her regenerative powers were granted. As such, Sovereign is partially deaf in her left ear.

What she thinks of her Team-mates:

Power Points: Abilities 48 + Defenses 33 + Powers 87 + Skills 25 + Advantages 7 = 200


2024-06-19, 07:49 AM

I'm hesitant to spend points on equipment, since we're not going to start with it I believe, and also a cell phone ought to be easy enough to acquire - assuming our alien overlords still allow cell phone service.

You'll have to be more specific with the "cringe" bit since I'm not familiar with either of the villains mentioned. As for powers... I figured 15 flexible character points was enough to fit in any form I'd really want to take. Strength form, for instance, would be... +4 Enhanced Strength (8 points), +2 ranks of Growth (4 points), maybe another rank of speed, and a couple of points left for, I dunno, modifiers to my claws? Likewise the Speed form is mostly going to be enhanced Agility, more ranks in Speed, and a Movement effect or two. That, and I'm not sure where I'm going to get 5 more points, it's getting kinda hard to remove things at this point.

Also I still need those social advantages you mentioned, for each of Chimera's 3 points of Presence.

EDIT: ...Out of curiosity, how many points would you say it would take to have Immunity to pain? That's something that would probably benefit her.
If you're good with 3 ranks that's fine. For immunity to pain I'd think 10 ranks covers it. Pain is an inherent aspect of damage in M&M so being able to ignore it should be kinda pricey. But it's fun to RP giggling your way through alien or SCPD "interrogation" 😜


2024-06-19, 10:57 AM

Here we go.

The Magnificent Seven

Codename : Jackal
Status : detained
Born in Chicago, raised in the streets, Jackal used his skills and wits to get by. He often got in trouble with law enforcement and local gangs, and never stayed long in the same place.

Codename : Naja
Status : detained
Born paraplegic from ukrainian farmers, Naja's great life ambition was simple : to kill her dip**** of a brother in cold blood and get away with it by fleeing the country. The bastard never saw it coming.

Codename : Wolf
Status : detained
Nobody knows where exactly Wolf comes from. He was raised in a lab to be some kind of supersoldier, and eventually escaped to seek the outside world. He was disappointed.

Codename : Rhino
Status : KIA
Born in Texas from Mexican parents, Rhino really tried her best to fit in until her parents got deported without her over a technicality. She took a keen interest in demolishing state symbols after that.

Codename : Hornet
Status : KIA
Hornet was a promising student living in Star City. Sadly for him, he paid his student debts with a loan from the wrong shark and choose to repay it with a criminal job that scored him permanent trouble.

Codename : Scorpion
Status : KIA
Scorpion was a relatively young vampire from Wales who made the wrong enemies. He fled Europe and tried to lay low by hiding his need for blood with ferocious beatings of his victims, and got caught for that instead.

Codename : Crane
Status : KIA
Crane was raised by the Triads to be an enforcer. She was shipped from China to Star City to secure some kind of package. And when it turned out to be a sting job, she was ditched by the Triads.
Seven criminals, gathered by chance or by fate in the same jail in Star City. They had not much in common, yet they teamed up immediately. By breaking out together, they forged an unshakeable bond in battle. They became mercenaries of lost causes, selling their talents for cheap just for the thrill of it.
Reputation : criminal
The Magnificent Seven have a long history of taking all kind of hit jobs for cheap. They made all sorts of trouble for all sorts of people.

What's left of the Magnificent Seven are actively researched by the invaders and their lackeys in the Star City police.


Motivation : revenge - Honor the fallen
Four of the Magnificent Seven were killed during the invasion. The remainder have sworn to enact revenge upon the invader. No matter what it takes, they will be kicked out of the planet and then some.

Disability - Crippled
Jackal lost his right arm in the invasion. His signature akimbo style is a thing of the past.
Naja is partially paraplegic since birth and can't stand upright without mechanical assistance.
Wolf never learnt how to speak. He has to communicate by writing or using the limited tactical vocabulary of the Magnificent Seven's sign language.
PL 13, 200/200pp
free social advantage with each rank of PRE

Abilities (24pp)
Initiative +12

Defenses (44pp)
Toughness 11 (1 base + 6 armor + 4 defensive roll)
Fortitude 9 (10)
Will 16 (16)
Parry 10 (15)
Dodge 9 (15)

Skills (41pp)
Languages : English, Magnificent Seven sign language
Acrobatics 3 (5)
Athletics 4 (5)
Close combat (unarmed) 9 (10)
Deception 15 (15)
Insight 15 (15)
Ranged combat (pistol) 12 (18)
Sleight of hand 9 (15)
Stealth 3 (5)
Technology 4 (5)
Treatment 4 (5)
Vehicles 4 (10)

Advantages (65pp)
Daze (Deception)
Defensive roll 4
Equipment 1
Improved initiative 2
Languages 1
Quick draw
Set-up 2
Sidekick 25 (Naja)
Sidekick 25 (Wolf)

Powers (5pp)
Pistolero (3)
Enhanced trait 6
Limited (Attacks with a pistol)
Advantages : Accurate attack, Improved disarm, Improved smash, Power attack
Attack modifiers : Precise, Ricochet 1

Trick shot (2)
Linked effect on pistol attacks : Move object 1

Devices (21pp)
Custom plasma pistol (9/17)
Easily removable
Ranged Damage 8
Feature (spare)

Custom Strider power suit (12/16)
Power armor
Protection 6
Enhanced trait 8 (Parry/Dodge +4)
Speed 2

Equipment (5/5ep)
Sidekick 25
PL 13, 125/125pp
free social advantage with each rank of PRE

Abilities (22pp)
Initiative +4

Defenses (38pp)
Toughness 9 (0 base + 6 armor + 3 defensive roll)
Fortitude 10 (10)
Will 12 (16)
Parry 10 (14)
Dodge 6 (14)

Skills (26pp)
Languages : Ukrainian, English, Magnificent Seven sign language
Acrobatics 6 (10)
Insight 6 (10)
Perception 10 (14)
Ranged combat (rifle) 14 (16)
Stealth 16 (20)

Advantages (8pp)
Defensive roll 3
Equipment 1
Languages 2
Prone fighting

Powers (6pp)
Expert crawler (2)
Movement 1 (Slithering)

Sniper (4)
Enhanced trait 8
Limited (attacks with a rifle)
Advantages : Accurate attack, All-out attack, Improved aim, Power attack, Precise attack 2 (ranged, cover & concealment)
Attack modifiers : Extended range 1, Precise

Devices (25pp)
Custom pulsar rifle (11/21)
Easily removable
Ranged Damage 10
Senses 2 (Extended sight, Distance sense), Limited (narrow angle)

Custom Serpent power suit (14/18)
Power armor
Protection 6
Enhanced trait 8 (Parry/Dodge +4)
Movement 1 (wall-crawling)
Concealment 2 (visual), Blending

Equipment (5/5ep)
Sidekick 25
PL 13, 125/125pp
free social advantage with each rank of PRE

Abilities (32pp)
Initiative +15

Defenses (30pp)
Toughness 18 (6 base + 6 armor + 6 defensive roll)
Fortitude 8 (14)
Will 12 (12)
Parry 2 (8)
Dodge 8 (8)

Skills (19pp)
Languages : English, Magnificent Seven sign language
Athletics 3 (8)
Close combat (unarmed) 10 (16)
Expertise : soldier 8 (8)
Ranged combat (rifle) 17 (17)

Advantages (19pp)
Benefit : Ambidextry
Defensive roll 6
Equipment 1
Great endurance
Improved initiative 3
Languages 1
Move-by action
Quick draw
Uncanny dodge

Powers (3pp)
Alpha strike (2)
Enhanced trait 4
Advantages : Extraordinary effort, Power attack, Takedown 2
Limited (first round of combat)

Tactical insight (1)
Feature (can use Expertise : soldier instead of Insight to resist interaction skills in combat)

Devices (22pp)
Custom plasma shotgun (9/17)
Easily removable
Ranged Damage 9
Diminished range 1

Custom Hound power suit (13/17)
Power armor
Protection 6
Enhanced trait 8 (Strength 4)
Senses 3 (Infravision, Tracking 2)

Equipment (5/5ep)


2024-06-19, 11:05 AM

If you're good with 3 ranks that's fine. For immunity to pain I'd think 10 ranks covers it. Pain is an inherent aspect of damage in M&M so being able to ignore it should be kinda pricey. But it's fun to RP giggling your way through alien or SCPD "interrogation" 😜
Is that expecteded to be a significant part of the game?

Soras Teva Gee

2024-06-19, 11:15 AM

I'm hesitant to spend points on equipment, since we're not going to start with it I believe, and also a cell phone ought to be easy enough to acquire - assuming our alien overlords still allow cell phone service.

An easy way to track and monitor the people? Of course they 'allow' it


2024-06-19, 12:32 PM

I'm not entirely finished (I'm keeping some PP unspent in case I have to correct any errors and/or get any last minute ideas), but I might as well put what I have into the world. As much as I love creating M&M characters, I occasionally get lost in the math so any feedback on that part (or anything else, really) is appreciated.

Also, I find it at little funny in that trying to get away from creating Cloak, I somehow ended up with a weird mix of Gambit, Nightcrawler, John Constantine and Mr. Mxyzptlk. :smalltongue:

History: One very drunk evening, Christopher Jane bet his soul on a pair of nines after finding himself in a card game against a demon in the seedier parts of Star City. Through skill, chutzpah and a drink slightly spiked with holy water, Christopher woke up with not only his immortal soul intact but the demon's enchanted cloak. Not being much of a cloak guy, Christopher took it to his tailor and had it repurposed into a trenchcoat that quickly propelled him from minor hustler to major villain.

Until that point, the life of Christopher Jane had been rather typical for the sort of morally flexible and somewhat lazy type of person who prefers to get ahead on a silver tongue and agile fingers rather than hard work. At 16, he drifted out of school, followed by being rather forcefully evicted by his parents. Although talented and brazen enough to avoid homelessness or starvation, Christopher had neither the experience, contacts or patience for the more profitable jobs of the Star City underworld.

That all changed after that fateful card game, when Christopher suddenly found himself able to pretty much get in anywhere and take anything. As long as he stuck to stealing and rarely spent more than a minute at the crime scene, there wasn't even much interference from the city's many superheroes. But it didn't take long for Christopher Jane to learn a lesson that many had before him – no challenge means no satisfaction.

So he joined the theatrical tradition of supervillainy, making his debut by stealing the cars of several prominent city politicians and leaving them in the apartments – quite literally in the middle of their living rooms – of several equally prominent city prostitutes. That established the tone of a career composed of half serious crimes and half immature pranks. That went on for several years, including violently meeting more than a few superheroes. He sometimes lost, but never badly enough that he couldn't teleport away when it was no longer fun.

Like so much else, that changed after the aliens appeared. With the K’tharen, he kept up his self-appointed role as superpowered prankster, mostly stealing the occasional trophy from the aliens as he went about his life. After the V’sori showed their true colors he tried to do the same – but his luck had finally run out.


Easily Bored (motivation): More than anything else, Christopher Jane fears boredom and avoids it even to the point of absurdity. School was boring, so he quit it. Work seems boring, so he doesn't try it. Stealing without effort got boring, so he found something better. The ability to move across the world in an instant hasn't exactly improved his patience but definitely improved the ways he finds to entertain himself – whether silly pranks or life-threatening feats of villainy.

Lazy: Going hand in hand with his fear of boredom – though not quite as prominent – is his laziness. It's not that Christopher can't make an effort, but the moment it stops being fun or he loses sight of his goal, he tends to lose interest in continuing.

Bad Habits: A hedonist at heart, Christopher collects bad habits like a philatelists collects stamps. Some of them come and go, but the baseline is usually smoking a pack a day and drinking just not quite enough to be labeled an alcoholic.

Public Enemy Number 37: Over the years Christopher Jane has managed to not only break a vast number of laws, but also straight up annoyed a vast number of people among heroes, villains and aliens alike. He's rarely anyone's number one priority, but as he has never bothered wearing a mask or concealing his identity in any way he can run (very, very well) but he can never hide for long.

Abilities: (Total 24 PP)

Strength: 2
Stamina: 0
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 3
Fighting: 2
Intellect: 0
Awareness: 0
Presence: 3

Skills: (Total 70 PP)

Acrobatics: 10 (+2)
Close Combat (Unarmed): 15 (+2)
Deception: 15 (+3)
Insight: 10 (+0)
Perception: 10 (+0)
Persuasion: 15 (+3)
Ranged Combat (Guns): 15 (+3)
Sleight of Hand: 15 (+3)
Stealth: 10 (+2)
Technology: 10 (+0)
Vehicles: 10 (+3)

Advantages: (Total 9 PP)

Beginner's Luck
Benefit: Wealth 2
Improved Initiative 2
Improvised Weapon

Equipment: N/A

Defense: (Total 18 PP)

Dodge: + 10
Parry: + 2
Fortitude: + 5
Toughness: + 5
Will: + 0

Powers: (Total 57 PP)

Seventy-League Trenchcoat: (Array, Removable): Christopher's coat is not only fantastically fashionable, but also formidably functional with the demonic magic within enabling the wearer to move night-instantly from place to place (visually it looks as if the coat stretches out to envelop its wearer before collapsing into itself, only to reappear somewhere else and do the process in reverse) or even turn into a portal to some distant location. In addition to that, it can be used to summon objects from almost anywhere, appearing from within the coat (that can stretch to almost any size to allow for more massive summons), though some quirk of magic means that living beings always end up left behind and some technology appears to be irreversibly scrambled by the process. (This being the IC explanation for the limits of Create)

Teleporting (Teleport 16, Accurate, Change Direction, Change Velocity, Turnabout, Increase Mass 7):
Teleportportaling (Teleport 12, Accurate, Portal, Quirk: One of the portals is always the coat itself)
Teledodging (Teleport 11, Change Direction, Change Velocity, Reaction: Being Attacked) Telepunching (Damage 15, Strength-Based, Ranged, Area: Shapeable, Selective)
Telesummoning (Create 14, Impervious, Innate, Permanent, Subtle, Movable, Quirk: Always emerges from the coat itself)

Lucky S.O.B: (Luck Control 2 linked with Senses 1: Danger Sense (Sight) ): Before Christopher ever laid eyes on his coat, things always seemed to go his way more often than not when he really needed them to. Even Christopher himself doesn't know whether it's some sort of innate power, some higher power taking a shine to him (his own preferred explanation, for reasons of ego rather than evidence) or something else.


2024-06-19, 03:58 PM

Here we go.

The Magnificent Seven

I mistakenly thought you were making a Duplicator with variable clones. With 200 points, a Duplicator could have over a hundred dupes. My problem with TM7 is I've had more than one bad experience with a player running multiple characters. They tend to RP by themselves ignoring the other PCs. I'm not implying you would do that but it's made me require players to only run with one character.

A Duplicator might have 100 clones but, it's only one character. Thoughts?

Work in Progress. Updating from PL 12/180 pp to current character build.

Cool name!

Is that expecteded to be a significant part of the game?
Pain? Or giggling?

I'm not entirely finished (I'm keeping some PP unspent in case I have to correct any errors and/or get any last minute ideas), but I might as well put what I have into the world. As much as I love creating M&M characters, I occasionally get lost in the math so any feedback on that part (or anything else, really) is appreciated.

Also, I find it at little funny in that trying to get away from creating Cloak, I somehow ended up with a weird mix of Gambit, Nightcrawler, John Constantine and Mr. Mxyzptlk. :smalltongue:

Awesome combination! I'll add the sheet to the list.

Question for everyone: is the deadline of 6/21 too soon? I can bump it a few days if needed. I'm doing reviews of completed sheets tonight.


2024-06-19, 04:15 PM

I've managed to pick up some kind of bug and haven't really been able to focus on much these past couple days because brain fog, so I would personally like an extension, but equally I don't really know when I'm going to be back to writing cogent posts, or in this case backstories.


2024-06-19, 07:35 PM

Cool name!

Thank you!

Any likes/dislikes before I buff it up to PL 13?


2024-06-19, 08:23 PM

I've managed to pick up some kind of bug and haven't really been able to focus on much these past couple days because brain fog, so I would personally like an extension, but equally I don't really know when I'm going to be back to writing cogent posts, or in this case backstories.
Well I hope you recover quickly :smallsmile:

Thank you!

Any likes/dislikes before I buff it up to PL 13?
I'll wait until you've updated it but she looks very cool.


Skulk: overall looks like a fun supervillain.

Sol Invicta:

I have 28 points for Skills
I have 38 points for Powers but in the Offense section you have powers there. Are Heat Impact, Flare Arrow and Dragon Fire Damage-based powers?

Hench Wench: ACCEPTED!

Modern smartphones are only 2 ep, 3 if encrypted (and they have all the capabilities listed on the sheet)
The Weaken rank is lower than it should be


You get three free social advantages
What's the flaw (-1/r) on the Deformation power?
Claws: if it's Strength-based Damage 3 with multiattack, it should cost 20 points ([7 + 3] x 2)

If your villain wasn't selected yet, they're still in the running. I noticed players are taking heroic Motivations. I'm adding some villainous Motivations below (from the Gamemaster's Guide) for players to use if you like:

The good guys are definitely opposed to this goal, as it means destruction, possibly of the entire universe! The
villain may be a nihilist or a manifestation of an annihilating force, destroying for the mere sake of destruction,
or it could be a means to achieve another goal, such as tremendous power (by destroying the world and then recreating it) or a truly over-the-top revenge scheme! Whatever the case, the heroes should be aware of the potential threat and of their foe’s ability to carry it out, given the opportunity. The focus of the struggle against the villain is preventing terrible destruction, or at least containing it. Most such villains do not succeed, obviously. If they
do, either the heroes need a means of undoing the destruction or the series will take a very significant turn.

The villain wants to sow chaos and confusion, flouting the laws of the land and the conventions of society. This
might be out of an ideological devotion to chaos or anarchy and a desire to overthrow lawful institutions, or simply a childish desire to break the law and get away with it. Some villains want to riot simply to watch things burn. Chaotic villains are dangerous due to their unpredictable nature and their willingness to upset the status quo just for the sake of it. They sometimes try to enlist heroes in their efforts, or at least put them in the difficult position of having to choose the lesser of several evils in order to prove the criminals’ devotion to chaos and randomness is the only thing that makes sense in a disordered universe.

Some villains seek to control people and things, from their immediate lives to everyone in the world! A villain’s desire for control may stem from a simple lust for power or a sincere belief that everyone involved would be better off. Control may be a means to an end (such as acquiring power) or the end in and of itself. One particular type of control villains seek is to corrupt the innocent and heroic, to exert influence over their choices and futures. Some do this because it feeds their power or egos; others want to prove everyone is corruptible, given the right circ*mstances, justifying the villain’s cynical attitudes and beliefs.

A misguided villain is one who does the right thing in the wrong way, or the wrong thing for the right reasons, who could almost be a hero under different circ*mstances. More than any other type of villain, the misguided bad
guy feels and appears justified, and may place the heroes in a quandary about dealing with such a sympathetic foe.
Sometimes, a misguided villain sees the light and reforms, perhaps even becoming a true hero, while others stubbornly cling to their own views and never change. Misguided villains might even start out appearing to be
heroes, until the main characters discover their true motivations or witness them about to step over the line. Handling a misguided superhuman poorly can also lead to them becoming true villains, embittered by their defeats and those who could not understand what they were trying to do. They may easily change their motive to revenge ... against the heroes.

For some it is all about power: having it and using it. No matter how powerful they may be already, many villains lust after more power and will go to great lengths to achieve it. True master villains often seek ultimate power, apotheosis—to become like unto a god. Obviously, the heroes are going to have objections on that score, even if the steps their foe need to take to get there are benign, and that is rarely the case. Usually, acquiring greater power takes ruthlessness and a willingness to steal, murder, and do whatever is necessary. Some attempt to rationalize this as a sacrifice for the greater good; once they have ultimate power, they will be able to fix everything, perhaps even undoing all the wrongs they have done! For most villains the only justification they need for their power-lust is that the world would be better off with them in charge.

The path to villainy often begins with steps toward revenge. It can be an obsession that takes over someone’s entire life, starting from the very moment a supervillain attains greater-than-human power. For example, many villains are born in tragedy: terribly disfigured in the accident that grants them their powers, driven mad by the arcane secrets they unlock, denied their ultimate triumph at the last moment, but gaining some measure of power in exchange. These are all moments that burn the need for revenge into one’s soul.

The object of a villain’s hatred is often one or more of the heroes. If a crime-fighter causes an arsonist to fall into a pit of burning chemicals, transforming him into a charred creature with superhuman power over fire, the villain may obsess on seeing the hero die in flames for it. Likewise, a scientist who blames a hero for ruining his career and reputation may seek to do the same before finally ending his foe’s life. The same may apply to other objects of revenge, putting the heroes in the position of protecting people: politicians, attorneys, judges, police officers, and the like. It becomes even more complicated when the revenge focuses on the criminal elements of society! What about a revenge-obsessed vigilante going around killing the city’s criminals? Some grudges are more than personal; a villain could seek revenge on an institution, a city, or even the entire world for some perceived wrong.


2024-06-19, 08:38 PM

Hench Wench: ACCEPTED!

Modern smartphones are only 2 ep, 3 if encrypted (and they have all the capabilities listed on the sheet)
The Weaken rank is lower than it should be

I guess I'll shift some ep around, that's nice. But also uh...what do you mean by the second point? The weaken rank is lower than it should be?

EDIT: Will change her "Justice" motivation to "Misguided". It wasn't a great fit, but it was the closest of the available Motivations to what I had in my head.


2024-06-19, 08:59 PM

I finally have a character for perusal

Dreadstorm (

Dusk Raven

2024-06-19, 09:04 PM

If you're good with 3 ranks that's fine. For immunity to pain I'd think 10 ranks covers it. Pain is an inherent aspect of damage in M&M so being able to ignore it should be kinda pricey. But it's fun to RP giggling your way through alien or SCPD "interrogation" 😜

Hmm... bit expensive, even if I was going to take the Flaw limiting it to half effect. Don't really have the points for it.

An easy way to track and monitor the people? Of course they 'allow' it

Indeed... phones have microphones, cameras, GPS, what more do you want in a tracking device?


You get three free social advantages
What's the flaw (-1/r) on the Deformation power?
Claws: if it's Strength-based Damage 3 with multiattack, it should cost 20 points ([7 + 3] x 2)

1: Working on it. ...Where can I find these social advantages, anyway? The SRD doesn't have a category for that that I've found, so I'm not sure what qualifies.
2: Limited, although looking at the effect and flaw description, the actual flaw makes it more restrictive than what I've got, so I'll remove it.
3: So far as I can tell, making something Strength-based doesn't actually add to the base cost. The effective rank when it comes to add-ons like Multiattack takes it into account, but from what I've read (including the description itself), making it Strength-based does not, in and of itself, increase the cost. Otherwise that would make Strength-builds rather expensive - you'd have to pay for the enhanced Strength itself and then the added cost to Damage on top of that. Of course, as it is I'm going to have to decrease the ranks anyway to pay for Variable...

Hmm... I might also trim Senses as well, and just have it so I can develop sensory abilities with Variable whenever I actually need them. Except maybe Darkvision, could make that Innate... her eyes look different for a reason, after all...

Still need to work on the Complications, but it's probably going to be something like Obsession (everything related to her old friend), Phobia (the fear that she's not really human and is just a monster), Lonliness, and Revenge.


2024-06-19, 09:19 PM

1: Working on it. ...Where can I find these social advantages, anyway? The SRD doesn't have a category for that that I've found, so I'm not sure what qualifies.

Yes we're doing that (a free Social advantage for every rank of Presence). But by "Social" I meant the advantages in the "Skill" section that apply to Deception, Intimidation or Persuasion. That work?

Here ya go

Dusk Raven

2024-06-19, 09:24 PM

Here ya go

Ah, cool, I wondered if it was something like that... now, the question is, which of those will I actually benefit from?

Soras Teva Gee

2024-06-19, 09:31 PM

Sol Invicta:

I have 28 points for Skills
I have 38 points for Powers but in the Offense section you have powers there. Are Heat Impact, Flare Arrow and Dragon Fire Damage-based powers?

I have a point record listed at the bottom of the sheet:

56 Elemental Power: 35 Point Variable Pool [Move Action]
21 Immunity: Fire (10) Life Support (10) Age (1)
12 E. Defense
08 Force Field: Protection [Sustained]
09 Skill Array: 6 + 3 AE
08 Flight 4
02 Regen 1 [Persistent]

I have only spent 5 points on skills regularly 5x2= 10 purchasing Intimidation +2, Deception +2, Persuasion +2 and Perception +4.

The ones listed under ARRAY are non-simultaneous Alternate Effects to the tune of 6x2=12 or in the case of Technology 5x2 + Inventor all of which I have labeled "Villainous Mastermind" on the upper half of my sheet. Total investment 9 points.

As for offense those are just examples I chucked on there, all my offense comes out the the Variable Pool and will change based on the situation. Most times will be a single attack then put the rest into bolstered defenses, but if I need to put 30 points into a Damage 10 Area 2 attack to handle a bunch of mooks I can make that happen.


2024-06-19, 10:04 PM

Love it. The evil sorceress. I have to ask: has she ever been in love?
No. She's had some passing infatuations, but until she got to Star City, she was never in one place long enough. Once there, she was too into the "bad girl" thing to start that sort of relationship.

However... that's a great idea, and a great lead-in addition. Added this to backstory:

She still wonders about Illumination, A charismatic but weak Light Mage/Empath hybrid with an unrelated spell that he's quite proud of: "Where and when am I needed?" Illumination has often stood up to Oblivion, usually trying to talk her down and sometimes succeeding. Oblivion finds him intriguing, more so than any of her young infatuations and her occasional fling when not being a villainous wizard. In part because he's much weaker than her, and in part, He's never insulted me, never distrusted my promises... insulted my actions sometimes, but "You're better than this." is better than anyone else has ever said.

EDIT: And Complication: Frenemy Relationship with Illumination.

Modern smartphones are only 2 ep, 3 if encrypted (and they have all the capabilities listed on the sheet)

Quietly amends sheet from 4-pts version of by-the-powers to 3 pts encrypted cellphone and beefs up the installations by an EP each.
The Demon's Pit: Upgraded to Huge (Cavern -> Cave complex)
The Darkness Within Nightclub: Added a Library


2024-06-19, 10:37 PM

Pain? Or giggling?

Pain, more specifically torture


2024-06-20, 01:02 AM

Question for everyone: is the deadline of 6/21 too soon? I can bump it a few days if needed. I'm doing reviews of completed sheets tonight.

I should be able to finish either today or tomorrow, but I'll also be traveling and being generally a bit busy the next few days so it's not like I would hate some extra time.


2024-06-20, 07:16 AM

I'll wait until you've updated it but she looks very cool.

Awesome, she's updated, it should be fine now to review.

I'm assuming she has Resources 0 because she's been arrested.

This is a sheet repost so it's easier for you to find:


"In the end, all of my enemies will be mine. Mind, body, and if you'd like, soul."

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 145lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Age: Appears mid-twenties, but her longevity means she could be in her 30s or 40s.
Distinguishing Features: Unusually tall for her gender.

Her general, overarching goal in life: "Have you ever read Plato's The Republic? I was born in America which was fostered more along the Aristotelian lines of thought, but I think over-all Plato had the right idea about people and what they need. He wrote about Kallipolis, the perfect society helmed by Philosopher Kings, he just didn't ever wager it'd be someone like me that realised it."

Public Image and Recognition:
Sovereign is a publicly known and greatly feared Supervillain of the modern area. Her powerful psychic mind and ability to reach in to read and control peoples thoughts have been demonstrated to have potentially devastating consequences, while her invulnerability and regenerative powers have made her an incredibly difficult target of assassination. What makes Sovereign particularly dreaded is the unseen range of her mind, as she has been recorded neutralising enemies and reading peoples minds from dozens of miles away, without even being in the same state. After all, what's to stop her from plucking from the highest authority the location of ballistic missile submarines, traveling to their locations, discerning their positions and psychically dominating their crews into launching some nukes at a foreign country? Terrifyingly little. If ever there was a case for the vigilance and pro-active measures of meta-human super hero teams, supervillains like Sovereign are Exhibit A, so hopefully those teams don't go and get themselves mostly killed by, oh wait...

Unknown to the public, Sovereign, or Zara Darrows, was a former up-and-coming Air Force Lieutenant and pilot with the callsign 'Sovereign'. However her life was forever altered during a routine patrol over the skies of Afghanistan, when the radiation of a close-falling, tiny asteroid downed her aircraft. The crash almost killed her, but radiation of the falling rock entirely seeped into her body and re-wrote whole regions of her genetic code, granting her psychic powers and near invulnerable physical body. However, the Air Force lost any jurisdiction over her as the shadowy Agency claimed her, citing its purview of military personnel coming into contact with objects of an extra-terrestrial variety. As far as the Air Force records go, Lieutenant Zara Darrow was KIA while deployed overseas. The real Zara Darrow, however, disappeared into the shadowy world of government-metahuman relations and international espionage, where a powerful Telepath like her could make or break entire operations. Using her abilities, the Agency was able to uncover whole networks of foreign intelligence operatives working within the continental United States, ripping them out of society root and stem. If the Agency had not been so callous and utilitarian with Zara herself, things might have gone very differently.

Public Infamies:

- Acted as a sort of Big Bad for the rogues gallery of an up-and-coming 20s something super team out of Seattle called G-Force, until she "neutralised" them all, first by mind-controlling the groups paragon and having him smash the team wizards face in, before crushing the rest in a psychic blackhole like a car compactor.

- Publicly humiliated and destroyed the reputation of Nike, a national sweetheart and paragon whose private fantasies and secrets she plucked from her head and mentally transmitted to the whole nation, followed by psychically dominating her on live TV news into kissing her feet. Nike swiftly retreated into the anonymity of private life and has never been seen since.

- Her noted battle with the energy manipulator Gravitex which pushed both combatants to their limits, until Sovereign retreated to orbit where she used her opponents gravity-manipulating powers to wrench a commercial satellite out of orbit and crush him beneath its trajectory.

- Fought the reality-warping and drone producing sueprvialliness Dr Aurora, with Sovereign having to rely on her Telekinetic powers until finally smacking off Dr Aurora's telepathy-resisting helmet, killing her, and destroying the wicked device by sending it on a trajectory with the sun.

- Once transmitted the Presidents credit card numbers and highly sensitive Federal Reserve financial information into the minds of everyone in North America, just for fun. She didn't hold anyone to ransom, she didn't demand action from the citizen body etc she did it simply because she could and thought it would be funny.

ABILITIES (Super/Normal): (48 pp)


DEFENSES (Super/Normal): (32pp)
WILL: 14
Initiative: +8

POWERS: (87pp)

"Metahuman Physiology" (Multiple effects, 13 pp)
- Immunity 3: Aging, Disease, Poison.
- Regeneration 5: Every 2 rounds.
- ‘Hovering’, Flight 1: 4 miles/hour, 60 feet/round.
- Protection 2: +2 Toughness.
- Quickness 2: -2 time ranks, Limited to one type (Mental)

"Apex Mind" (74pp, Dynamic Array)

Main Power:
- Alt. Power: "Group Mind Control" (Cumulative Burst Area Affliction 9, 56pp)
1st Degree: Dazed, 2nd Degree: Compelled, 3rd Degree: Controlled, Resisted by Will, Burst Area 60 feet radius sphere, Cumulative, Increased Range 2 (Perception), Subtle 1: (Exotic Sense DC 20).

- Alt. Power: "Focused Mind Control" (Cumulative Mind Control)
1st Degree: Dazed, 2nd: Compelled, 3rd: Controlled, Increased Range 2 (Perception), Cumulative, Subtle 1 (DC 20; exotic sense), DC Will 23.

- Alt. Power: "Telepathy" (Linked Effects)
- Communication: Mental Area Communication 4: Range: Anywhere on Earth, Area, Rapid, Subtle 2: Undetectable.
- Comprehend 2: Languages - You’re Understood and understand all languages.

- Alt. Power: "Mind Reading" (Cumulative Mind Reading 13)
DC 23, Cumulative, Perception range, Sensory Link, Subtle 2 (Undetectable).

- Alt. Power: "Psychic Perception" (Multiple Effects)
- Senses 12: Mental: Counters All Concealment, Penetrates Concealment, Counters Illusion Awareness, Acute, Extended 4 (x100k), Radius, Mass: Counters All Concealment, Penetrates Concealment, Darkvision, Awareness, Acute, Extended 4 (x100k), Radius
- Enhanced Trait 8: Perception +16.

- Alt. Power: "Psychic Blast" (Damage 13)
Increased Range 2 (Perception), DC 28, Alternate Resistance: Will, Affects Insubstantial 2 (Full rank).

- "Psi Storm" (Burst Area Damage 13)
1,200 ft, Burst Area 2 (60 feet radius Sphere), DC 28 (damage).

- Alt. Power: "Telekinesis" (Move Object 13)
Increased Range 2 (Perception), Precise, Subtle 2 (Undetectable), Improved Mass 8, Advantages: Improved Grab, Improved Hold, 50,000 tons.

- Alt. Power: "Mass Telekinesis" (Burst Area Move Object 13)
1,300 ft range, 200 tons per item, Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 23, Precise, Selective, Advantages: Improved Grab, Improved Hold.

- Alt. Power: "Telekinetic Flight" (Linked Effects)
- Flight 11: Speed 4,000 miles/hour, 8 miles/round, Stacks with ‘Hovering’ Flight 1 (8,000 miles/hour, 16 miles/round), Subtle 2 (Undetectable)
- Immunity 10: Life Support.

SKILLS: (25pp, 40 ranks)
Expertise (Science) (Limited: Physical Sciences) +10 (+13), Insight +8 (+11), Intimidation +7 (+11), Perception +4 (+8), Persuasion +8 (+12), Vehicles +9 (+9) (Limited: Fixed-wing Aircraft), Technology +15.

Attractive 1 (Free), Connected (Free), Eidetic Memory, Favoured Environment (Aerials), Fearless (Free), Improved Initiative 2, Inventor, Jack-of-all-trades, Move-by Action, Uncanny Dodge.


OFFENSE (Super/Normal):
* Movement (per round): 4 miles/hour, 60 feet/round, 4,000 miles/hour, 8 miles/round or 8,000 miles/hour, 16 miles/round.
* Initiative N/A
* Unarmed +2, DC 15
* Grab +2, DC 10
* Throwing +0
* Psychic Blast Auto, DC 27.
* Psi Storm Auto, DC 27.
* Telekinesis Auto, DC 27.
* Mass Telekinesis Auto, DC 26.

Reputation: Criminal: Infamy: Sovereign is widely known to the public and is considered extremely dangerous as her mind control and mind reading abilities evoke particular fear. Telepaths are thankfully very rare, with most showing great restraint and respect for peoples right to privacy. Not Sovereign. She happily goes through peoples minds and uses it to her advantage. Think of every little action or thought you've ever had, especially the ones that are shameful, that you regret or are just downright cringe. You credit card numbers, accounts and passwords you think are safe? She knows. You cheated on your taxes? She knows. You looked things up on the internet and immediately regretted it? She knows. You cheated on your partner? She knows. You have silly personal fantasies or deviant lusts that you're ashamed of? She knows. There is no thought that is safe from her, and Sovereign has happily pulled those secrets from peoples minds and shared them with the world. The most infamous example was perhaps when she caused the breakup of the up-and-coming superhero team the Winters Family, who were a mother, father and their three teenage kids, all of them super-empowered in some way. It turns out that Mother Winter had been having an affair for three years behind Father Winters back and the eldest son was a kleptomaniac who had stolen thousands in credit card numbers. Ooops.

Motivation: Power: All the heroes and mud-bloods of the world on all fours and kissing her feet. Everything will be so much simpler when the ‘free will’ of the world becomes ‘her will’.

Motivation: Greed: Having grown up with very little, Sovereign can sometimes be rather covetous. Nice clothes, jewels, luxurious living, fine dining and wine, she developed expensive tastes during her days of freedom and greatly resents their absence in her apprehension. When the world surrenders its free will to her, it will have no use for the finest goods it can produce - but she will.

Motivation: Thrills: However, Sovereign has a lot of fun doing what she does. It’s fun to mentally enslave a building full of civilians and put would-be heroes into predicaments concerning their safety. It’s fun to clash in battles with superheroes and government forces. It’s fun to fly at Mach 10.8 into the atmosphere. It’s fun to have a latte in a downtown cafe and pry in on everyone's thoughts, their dirty secrets, their salacious little lies, their hidden desires and shames and their credit card numbers. It’s fun to go to a casino and make hundreds of thousands of dollars at poker because no one can hide their thoughts. It’s fun to dig into the minds of a superhero team and turn them on each other because she can see each members dirty little secrets. It’s fun.

Quirk: Mental Voyeur: See above. Having worked with team-mates in the past, she'll play good member and refrain from prying into those with whom she cooperates.

Secret Relationship: Red Knight: In the past, Sovereign had a secret relationship with Red Knight, a prominent paragon and captain of the Enclave, a superhero team based out of New York. He was valorous, charismatic, that chiseled chin, green eyes and sandy-blonde hair won her heart, and for 2 years the two had a secret affair. Literally, as Red Knight was married to The Countess at the time - the female member of the team. The two don’t see each other any more ever since….

Secret: Red Knight accidentally got Sovereign pregnant. She kept it, delivered a son and gave him up for adoption. Red Knight knows where their secret, illegitimate son is and he watches over him, while Sovereign willingly forsook any connection. It’s the most selfless thing she has ever done, and at her core Sovereign thinks this it is genuinely the best path for her son to not be involved with her. For his part, Red Knight keeps his side of the secret, both out of love of his illegitimate son and shame over how deeply he betrayed his wife, The Countess.

Quirk: Model Collection and Quotes: Sovereign has little known, non-evil hobbies. She is a proficient model builder and painter, with a particular fondness for naval ships and science fiction movies, her favorite being Star Wars. In fact, Sovereign has sometimes even quoted some of her favorite lines from the Sci Fi opera (Emperor Palpatine is her favorite character), and a few from another of her other favorite movies, Highlander.

Quirk: Flirtatious Soft Spot: Sovereign has a soft spot for handsome, confident male super heroes. That genuinely good-hearted, chisel-jawed, cool-headed, boyscout do-gooder, there's something idealistic about it all that cuts through her deeply cynical view of the world. She doesn't go gagga mindless, but she is noticeably kinder to them and gives them a bit more lee-way than she normally otherwise should.

Quirk: Every Woman for Herself: By the same token, super heroines can expect exactly 0 mercy from Sovereign, as they're all rivals.

Quirk: Surprisingly Forgiving: Being a telepath and having the worlds thoughts available to you, Sovereign has become very desensitized to the worst humanity has to produce. By experience she knows that even the most well-meaning people that have done a lot of good have or did have, harbored at least one dark impulse throughout their life, however they may have acted on it (or not). Because of this, if there's nothing in it for her one way or another, Sovereign can be surprisingly forgiving of an individuals short-comings.

Enemy (Law Enforcement): Sovereign is a wanted criminal and considered an extreme threat. Interestingly, she hasn't killed any law enforcement or military personnel that have been sent against her.

Responsibility (Teammates): Sovereign is surprisingly easy to get along with, despite her own ambitions and far-reaching plans.

Disability: Half-deaf: A flight accident in the air force granted Sovereign pyschic abilities, but it also damaged one of her ear-drums before her regenerative powers were granted. As such, Sovereign is partially deaf in her left ear.

What she thinks of her Team-mates:

Power Points: Abilities 48 + Defenses 32 + Powers 87 + Skills 25 + Advantages 7 = 200


2024-06-20, 12:13 PM

I guess I'll shift some ep around, that's nice. But also uh...what do you mean by the second point? The weaken rank is lower than it should be?

EDIT: Will change her "Justice" motivation to "Misguided". It wasn't a great fit, but it was the closest of the available Motivations to what I had in my head.
I meant a rank 8 power is kind of underpowered for a PL13 campaign but it is your choice. Misguided works 👍

I finally have a character for perusal

Dreadstorm (
Cool! I'll review them soon 👍

Hmm... bit expensive, even if I was going to take the Flaw limiting it to half effect. Don't really have the points for it.

Indeed... phones have microphones, cameras, GPS, what more do you want in a tracking device?

1: Working on it. ...Where can I find these social advantages, anyway? The SRD doesn't have a category for that that I've found, so I'm not sure what qualifies.
2: Limited, although looking at the effect and flaw description, the actual flaw makes it more restrictive than what I've got, so I'll remove it.
3: So far as I can tell, making something Strength-based doesn't actually add to the base cost. The effective rank when it comes to add-ons like Multiattack takes it into account, but from what I've read (including the description itself), making it Strength-based does not, in and of itself, increase the cost. Otherwise that would make Strength-builds rather expensive - you'd have to pay for the enhanced Strength itself and then the added cost to Damage on top of that. Of course, as it is I'm going to have to decrease the ranks anyway to pay for Variable...

Hmm... I might also trim Senses as well, and just have it so I can develop sensory abilities with Variable whenever I actually need them. Except maybe Darkvision, could make that Innate... her eyes look different for a reason, after all...

Still need to work on the Complications, but it's probably going to be something like Obsession (everything related to her old friend), Phobia (the fear that she's not really human and is just a monster), Lonliness, and Revenge.
There was a lot of debate on the old Atomic Think Tank about Strength-based Damage + Multiattack. The majority opinion ended up being players have to pay for any ranks combined with a modifier that bumps cost, like Multiattack. I was in that majority.

I'm fine with your other considerations 👍

I have a point record listed at the bottom of the sheet:

56 Elemental Power: 35 Point Variable Pool [Move Action]
21 Immunity: Fire (10) Life Support (10) Age (1)
12 E. Defense
08 Force Field: Protection [Sustained]
09 Skill Array: 6 + 3 AE
08 Flight 4
02 Regen 1 [Persistent]

I have only spent 5 points on skills regularly 5x2= 10 purchasing Intimidation +2, Deception +2, Persuasion +2 and Perception +4.

The ones listed under ARRAY are non-simultaneous Alternate Effects to the tune of 6x2=12 or in the case of Technology 5x2 + Inventor all of which I have labeled "Villainous Mastermind" on the upper half of my sheet. Total investment 9 points.

As for offense those are just examples I chucked on there, all my offense comes out the the Variable Pool and will change based on the situation. Most times will be a single attack then put the rest into bolstered defenses, but if I need to put 30 points into a Damage 10 Area 2 attack to handle a bunch of mooks I can make that happen.
I'll re-review soon 👍

No. She's had some passing infatuations, but until she got to Star City, she was never in one place long enough. Once there, she was too into the "bad girl" thing to start that sort of relationship.

However... that's a great idea, and a great lead-in addition. Added this to backstory:

She still wonders about Illumination, A charismatic but weak Light Mage/Empath hybrid with an unrelated spell that he's quite proud of: "Where and when am I needed?" Illumination has often stood up to Oblivion, usually trying to talk her down and sometimes succeeding. Oblivion finds him intriguing, more so than any of her young infatuations and her occasional fling when not being a villainous wizard. In part because he's much weaker than her, and in part, He's never insulted me, never distrusted my promises... insulted my actions sometimes, but "You're better than this." is better than anyone else has ever said.

EDIT: And Complication: Frenemy Relationship with Illumination.

Quietly amends sheet from 4-pts version of by-the-powers to 3 pts encrypted cellphone and beefs up the installations by an EP each.
The Demon's Pit: Upgraded to Huge (Cavern -> Cave complex)
The Darkness Within Nightclub: Added a Library
Looks good to me 👍

Pain, more specifically torture
If captured, rebels like yourselves and OMEGA members are tortured, interrogated, dissected like a frog and exterminated by the aliens. The process would happen "off-screen" primarily. So don't get caught 😉

I should be able to finish either today or tomorrow, but I'll also be traveling and being generally a bit busy the next few days so it's not like I would hate some extra time.
I'm returning the deadline to 6/28 👍

Awesome, she's updated, it should be fine now to review.

I'm assuming she has Resources 0 because she's been arrested.

This is a sheet repost so it's easier for you to find:


"In the end, all of my enemies will be mine. Mind, body, and if you'd like, soul."

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 145lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Age: Appears mid-twenties, but her longevity means she could be in her 30s or 40s.
Distinguishing Features: Unusually tall for her gender.

Her general, overarching goal in life: "Have you ever read Plato's The Republic? I was born in America which was fostered more along the Aristotelian lines of thought, but I think over-all Plato had the right idea about people and what they need. He wrote about Kallipolis, the perfect society helmed by Philosopher Kings, he just didn't ever wager it'd be someone like me that realised it."

Public Image and Recognition:
Sovereign is a publicly known and greatly feared Supervillain of the modern area. Her powerful psychic mind and ability to reach in to read and control peoples thoughts have been demonstrated to have potentially devastating consequences, while her invulnerability and regenerative powers have made her an incredibly difficult target of assassination. What makes Sovereign particularly dreaded is the unseen range of her mind, as she has been recorded neutralising enemies and reading peoples minds from dozens of miles away, without even being in the same state. After all, what's to stop her from plucking from the highest authority the location of ballistic missile submarines, traveling to their locations, discerning their positions and psychically dominating their crews into launching some nukes at a foreign country? Terrifyingly little. If ever there was a case for the vigilance and pro-active measures of meta-human super hero teams, supervillains like Sovereign are Exhibit A, so hopefully those teams don't go and get themselves mostly killed by, oh wait...

Unknown to the public, Sovereign, or Zara Darrows, was a former up-and-coming Air Force Lieutenant and pilot with the callsign 'Sovereign'. However her life was forever altered during a routine patrol over the skies of Afghanistan, when the radiation of a close-falling, tiny asteroid downed her aircraft. The crash almost killed her, but radiation of the falling rock entirely seeped into her body and re-wrote whole regions of her genetic code, granting her psychic powers and near invulnerable physical body. However, the Air Force lost any jurisdiction over her as the shadowy Agency claimed her, citing its purview of military personnel coming into contact with objects of an extra-terrestrial variety. As far as the Air Force records go, Lieutenant Zara Darrow was KIA while deployed overseas. The real Zara Darrow, however, disappeared into the shadowy world of government-metahuman relations and international espionage, where a powerful Telepath like her could make or break entire operations. Using her abilities, the Agency was able to uncover whole networks of foreign intelligence operatives working within the continental United States, ripping them out of society root and stem. If the Agency had not been so callous and utilitarian with Zara herself, things might have gone very differently.

Public Infamies:

- Acted as a sort of Big Bad for the rogues gallery of an up-and-coming 20s something super team out of Seattle called G-Force, until she "neutralised" them all, first by mind-controlling the groups paragon and having him smash the team wizards face in, before crushing the rest in a psychic blackhole like a car compactor.

- Publicly humiliated and destroyed the reputation of Nike, a national sweetheart and paragon whose private fantasies and secrets she plucked from her head and mentally transmitted to the whole nation, followed by psychically dominating her on live TV news into kissing her feet. Nike swiftly retreated into the anonymity of private life and has never been seen since.

- Her noted battle with the energy manipulator Gravitex which pushed both combatants to their limits, until Sovereign retreated to orbit where she used her opponents gravity-manipulating powers to wrench a commercial satellite out of orbit and crush him beneath its trajectory.

- Fought the reality-warping and drone producing sueprvialliness Dr Aurora, with Sovereign having to rely on her Telekinetic powers until finally smacking off Dr Aurora's telepathy-resisting helmet, killing her, and destroying the wicked device by sending it on a trajectory with the sun.

- Once transmitted the Presidents credit card numbers and highly sensitive Federal Reserve financial information into the minds of everyone in North America, just for fun. She didn't hold anyone to ransom, she didn't demand action from the citizen body etc she did it simply because she could and thought it would be funny.

ABILITIES (Super/Normal): (48 pp)


DEFENSES (Super/Normal): (32pp)
WILL: 14
Initiative: +8

POWERS: (87pp)

"Metahuman Physiology" (Multiple effects, 13 pp)
- Immunity 3: Aging, Disease, Poison.
- Regeneration 5: Every 2 rounds.
- ‘Hovering’, Flight 1: 4 miles/hour, 60 feet/round.
- Protection 2: +2 Toughness.
- Quickness 2: -2 time ranks, Limited to one type (Mental)

"Apex Mind" (74pp, Dynamic Array)

Main Power:
- Alt. Power: "Group Mind Control" (Cumulative Burst Area Affliction 9, 56pp)
1st Degree: Dazed, 2nd Degree: Compelled, 3rd Degree: Controlled, Resisted by Will, Burst Area 60 feet radius sphere, Cumulative, Increased Range 2 (Perception), Subtle 1: (Exotic Sense DC 20).

- Alt. Power: "Focused Mind Control" (Cumulative Mind Control)
1st Degree: Dazed, 2nd: Compelled, 3rd: Controlled, Increased Range 2 (Perception), Cumulative, Subtle 1 (DC 20; exotic sense), DC Will 23.

- Alt. Power: "Telepathy" (Linked Effects)
- Communication: Mental Area Communication 4: Range: Anywhere on Earth, Area, Rapid, Subtle 2: Undetectable.
- Comprehend 2: Languages - You’re Understood and understand all languages.

- Alt. Power: "Mind Reading" (Cumulative Mind Reading 13)
DC 23, Cumulative, Perception range, Sensory Link, Subtle 2 (Undetectable).

- Alt. Power: "Psychic Perception" (Multiple Effects)
- Senses 12: Mental: Counters All Concealment, Penetrates Concealment, Counters Illusion Awareness, Acute, Extended 4 (x100k), Radius, Mass: Counters All Concealment, Penetrates Concealment, Darkvision, Awareness, Acute, Extended 4 (x100k), Radius
- Enhanced Trait 8: Perception +16.

- Alt. Power: "Psychic Blast" (Damage 13)
Increased Range 2 (Perception), DC 28, Alternate Resistance: Will, Affects Insubstantial 2 (Full rank).

- "Psi Storm" (Burst Area Damage 13)
1,200 ft, Burst Area 2 (60 feet radius Sphere), DC 28 (damage).

- Alt. Power: "Telekinesis" (Move Object 13)
Increased Range 2 (Perception), Precise, Subtle 2 (Undetectable), Improved Mass 8, Advantages: Improved Grab, Improved Hold, 50,000 tons.

- Alt. Power: "Mass Telekinesis" (Burst Area Move Object 13)
1,300 ft range, 200 tons per item, Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 23, Precise, Selective, Advantages: Improved Grab, Improved Hold.

- Alt. Power: "Telekinetic Flight" (Linked Effects)
- Flight 11: Speed 4,000 miles/hour, 8 miles/round, Stacks with ‘Hovering’ Flight 1 (8,000 miles/hour, 16 miles/round), Subtle 2 (Undetectable)
- Immunity 10: Life Support.

SKILLS: (25pp, 40 ranks)
Expertise (Science) (Limited: Physical Sciences) +10 (+13), Insight +8 (+11), Intimidation +7 (+11), Perception +4 (+8), Persuasion +8 (+12), Vehicles +9 (+9) (Limited: Fixed-wing Aircraft), Technology +15.

Attractive 1 (Free), Connected (Free), Eidetic Memory, Favoured Environment (Aerials), Fearless (Free), Improved Initiative 2, Inventor, Jack-of-all-trades, Move-by Action, Uncanny Dodge.


OFFENSE (Super/Normal):
* Movement (per round): 4 miles/hour, 60 feet/round, 4,000 miles/hour, 8 miles/round or 8,000 miles/hour, 16 miles/round.
* Initiative N/A
* Unarmed +2, DC 15
* Grab +2, DC 10
* Throwing +0
* Psychic Blast Auto, DC 27.
* Psi Storm Auto, DC 27.
* Telekinesis Auto, DC 27.
* Mass Telekinesis Auto, DC 26.

Reputation: Criminal: Infamy: Sovereign is widely known to the public and is considered extremely dangerous as her mind control and mind reading abilities evoke particular fear. Telepaths are thankfully very rare, with most showing great restraint and respect for peoples right to privacy. Not Sovereign. She happily goes through peoples minds and uses it to her advantage. Think of every little action or thought you've ever had, especially the ones that are shameful, that you regret or are just downright cringe. You credit card numbers, accounts and passwords you think are safe? She knows. You cheated on your taxes? She knows. You looked things up on the internet and immediately regretted it? She knows. You cheated on your partner? She knows. You have silly personal fantasies or deviant lusts that you're ashamed of? She knows. There is no thought that is safe from her, and Sovereign has happily pulled those secrets from peoples minds and shared them with the world. The most infamous example was perhaps when she caused the breakup of the up-and-coming superhero team the Winters Family, who were a mother, father and their three teenage kids, all of them super-empowered in some way. It turns out that Mother Winter had been having an affair for three years behind Father Winters back and the eldest son was a kleptomaniac who had stolen thousands in credit card numbers. Ooops.

Motivation: Power: All the heroes and mud-bloods of the world on all fours and kissing her feet. Everything will be so much simpler when the ‘free will’ of the world becomes ‘her will’.

Motivation: Greed: Having grown up with very little, Sovereign can sometimes be rather covetous. Nice clothes, jewels, luxurious living, fine dining and wine, she developed expensive tastes during her days of freedom and greatly resents their absence in her apprehension. When the world surrenders its free will to her, it will have no use for the finest goods it can produce - but she will.

Motivation: Thrills: However, Sovereign has a lot of fun doing what she does. It’s fun to mentally enslave a building full of civilians and put would-be heroes into predicaments concerning their safety. It’s fun to clash in battles with superheroes and government forces. It’s fun to fly at Mach 10.8 into the atmosphere. It’s fun to have a latte in a downtown cafe and pry in on everyone's thoughts, their dirty secrets, their salacious little lies, their hidden desires and shames and their credit card numbers. It’s fun to go to a casino and make hundreds of thousands of dollars at poker because no one can hide their thoughts. It’s fun to dig into the minds of a superhero team and turn them on each other because she can see each members dirty little secrets. It’s fun.

Quirk: Mental Voyeur: See above. Having worked with team-mates in the past, she'll play good member and refrain from prying into those with whom she cooperates.

Secret Relationship: Red Knight: In the past, Sovereign had a secret relationship with Red Knight, a prominent paragon and captain of the Enclave, a superhero team based out of New York. He was valorous, charismatic, that chiseled chin, green eyes and sandy-blonde hair won her heart, and for 2 years the two had a secret affair. Literally, as Red Knight was married to The Countess at the time - the female member of the team. The two don’t see each other any more ever since….

Secret: Red Knight accidentally got Sovereign pregnant. She kept it, delivered a son and gave him up for adoption. Red Knight knows where their secret, illegitimate son is and he watches over him, while Sovereign willingly forsook any connection. It’s the most selfless thing she has ever done, and at her core Sovereign thinks this it is genuinely the best path for her son to not be involved with her. For his part, Red Knight keeps his side of the secret, both out of love of his illegitimate son and shame over how deeply he betrayed his wife, The Countess.

Quirk: Model Collection and Quotes: Sovereign has little known, non-evil hobbies. She is a proficient model builder and painter, with a particular fondness for naval ships and science fiction movies, her favorite being Star Wars. In fact, Sovereign has sometimes even quoted some of her favorite lines from the Sci Fi opera (Emperor Palpatine is her favorite character), and a few from another of her other favorite movies, Highlander.

Quirk: Flirtatious Soft Spot: Sovereign has a soft spot for handsome, confident male super heroes. That genuinely good-hearted, chisel-jawed, cool-headed, boyscout do-gooder, there's something idealistic about it all that cuts through her deeply cynical view of the world. She doesn't go gagga mindless, but she is noticeably kinder to them and gives them a bit more lee-way than she normally otherwise should.

Quirk: Every Woman for Herself: By the same token, super heroines can expect exactly 0 mercy from Sovereign, as they're all rivals.

Quirk: Surprisingly Forgiving: Being a telepath and having the worlds thoughts available to you, Sovereign has become very desensitized to the worst humanity has to produce. By experience she knows that even the most well-meaning people that have done a lot of good have or did have, harbored at least one dark impulse throughout their life, however they may have acted on it (or not). Because of this, if there's nothing in it for her one way or another, Sovereign can be surprisingly forgiving of an individuals short-comings.

Enemy (Law Enforcement): Sovereign is a wanted criminal and considered an extreme threat. Interestingly, she hasn't killed any law enforcement or military personnel that have been sent against her.

Responsibility (Teammates): Sovereign is surprisingly easy to get along with, despite her own ambitions and far-reaching plans.

Disability: Half-deaf: A flight accident in the air force granted Sovereign pyschic abilities, but it also damaged one of her ear-drums before her regenerative powers were granted. As such, Sovereign is partially deaf in her left ear.

What she thinks of her Team-mates:

Power Points: Abilities 48 + Defenses 32 + Powers 87 + Skills 25 + Advantages 7 = 200
I'll review her soon 👍

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Recruiting Necessary Evil by Mutants and Masterminds 3rd edition [Archive] (2024)
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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

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Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.