Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (2024)

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (1)

Wanderlog staff
• updatedJun 20, 2024

Many of us love traveling on the Wanderlog team, so naturally we’re always on the hunt to find the most popular spots anytime we travel somewhere new. With favorites like Iglesia Parroquial Nuestra Señora de los Remedios, Castillo de la Peña, and Casa Rural Bobastro and more, get ready to experience the best places in Ardales.

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Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (6)

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1Iglesia Parroquial Nuestra Señora de los Remedios

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The magnificent church, known as Iglesia Parroquial Nuestra Señora de los Remedios, is perched atop the village with a stunning view. To reach it, one must possess good physical condition as the ascent up the street is incredibly steep.

(Translated by Google) Walking through the town we ran into this church by chance, but the best thing was to meet Juan, a resident of the town who is an enthusiast of the history of ardales who gave us a guide on the history of the church and explained to us with great passion about the points of interest in ardales and its surroundings. Very friendly and instructive and we left very happy with it. A Fran discoveries and we are glad to know that Juan keeps the history of ardales alive with clueless tourists like us. Greetings to Juan from the Weber de Conil family and thanks for everything.(Original)Paseando por el pueblo topamos de casualidad con esta iglesia, pero lo mejor fue encontrarnos en ella con Juan, un vecino del pueblo entusiasta de la historia de ardales que nos hizo una guia sobre la historia de la iglesia y nos explicó con mucha pasión sobre los puntos de interés de ardales y sus alrededores. Muy amable e instructivo y salimos muy contentos de ella.un Fran descubrimientos y nos alegramos de saber que juan mantiene viva la historia de ardales con turistas despistados como nosotros. Un saludo a Juan de la familia Weber de Conil y gracias por todo.

Elena R — Google review

This is the main chapel of the village confused with the smaller chapel on the hillside outside of the town. It is a steep walk up the xobbled streets to the church. A quaint church and similar to the many others in the region.

Vincent O — Google review

The greatest church in the Spanish realm. By the grayce of God. A gift from the vicar.We met the bell warden and he displayed his rope. Also, we were entertained by some Spanish geriatrics outside. What a place.

will_adamborn — Google review

(Translated by Google) Beautiful church located at the top of the village. You have to be in good shape to climb the street because it is very steep.(Original)Belle église située en haut du village. Faut être en forme pour monter la rue car c’est très abrupte.

Raymond F — Google review

Very interesting place with a very kind guide!

_Underscore_ — Google review

(Translated by Google) Magnificent church with a very original wooden frame.We met Juan DUARTE BERROCAL, who wrote the book Rincones, puentes y droppings ardaleñas, which illustrates and describes all the wonders of the surrounding sites. Juan showed us the church to appreciate the wooden ceiling and all the relics. We bought his book (written in Spanish), he autographed it to us. He also gave us guides and directed us to discover the different centers of interest around the lake, including the King's Path.Very beautiful meeting.Thanks to Juan.(Original)Magnifique église avec une charpente en bois très travaillée d'origine.Nous avons rencontré Juan DUARTE BERROCAL, qui a écrit le livre Rincones, puentes y fientes ardaleñas, qui ilustre et décrit toutes les merveilles des sites alentours. Juan nous a allumé l'église pour apprécier le plafond en bois et l'ensemble des reliques. Nous avons acheté son livre (écrit en espagnol), il nous l'a dédicacé. Il nous a aussi remis des guides et nous a orienté pour découvrir les différents centres d'intérêt autour du lac, dont le chemin du roi.Très belle rencontre.Merci à Juan.

Pierre L — Google review

(Translated by Google) We went to visit the church and met Juan, a lively soul who, with great enthusiasm and affection, shows you from start to finish the corners of this wonderful church.If something is clear to you when you leave, it is that... In Ardales there is something more to see than the “Caminito del Rey” and that… its people are always there for their people.Thanks Juan!(Original)Entramos a visitar la iglesia y nos encontramos con Juan, un alma viva que con mucha ilusión y cariño, te muestra de cabo a rabo, los rincones de esta maravillosa iglesia.Si algo te queda claro cuando sales es que…. En Ardales hay algo más que ver que el “Caminito del Rey” y que… su gente, está por y para su pueblo siempre.Gracias Juan!

J L — Google review

(Translated by Google) They have recently recovered the façade.It is worth a visit to admire the Mudejar coffered ceiling. A marvel.(Original)Hace poco han recuperado lafachada.Merece la pena su visita para admirar el artesonado mudéjar del techo. Una maravilla.

Mavi M — Google review

(Translated by Google) We went to walk the Caminito del Rey, but visiting the town we found this beautiful church and of course with Juan. Few people tell the story with as much devotion and passion as he does, he reminded me of a good teacher from my childhood. We will definitely return to learn more about Bobastro and Omar Ben Hafsun. Thanks for everything.(Original)Fuimos para hacer el caminito del Rey, pero visitando el pueblo nos encontramos esta bella iglesia y por supuesto con Juan. Pocas personas cuentan la historia con tanta devoción y pasión como él, me recordó a un buen profesor de mi infancia. Sin duda volveremos para saber más de Bobastro y de Omar Ben Hafsun. Gracias por todo.

Rafa C — Google review

(Translated by Google) We arrived at the church and a very kind man named Juan gave us a guided tour and explained the history of the church, with its peculiarities, the Lebanese cedar wood ceiling and the 13-sided vault unique in the world, and the image of the Saint with the lambs and the wolf disguised as a lamb, also the image of the virgin made of polychrome wood(Original)Llegamos a la iglesia y un señor muy amable llamado Juan, nos dio una visita guiada y nos explicó la historia de la iglesia , con sus peculiaridades, el techo de madera de cedro libanes y la bóveda de 13 lados única en el mundo, y la imagen del la Santa con los corderos y el lobo disfrazado de cordero , también la imagen de la virgen de madera policromada

Ariel C — Google review

(Translated by Google) At the apartments where we stayed, they told us that Juan, a man from the town, was very happy to explain the history of Ardales and its church. I also asked him about the king's road and he told us some anecdotes. It was a charm. Thank you(Original)El los apartamentos donde nos hospedamos nos indicaron que Juan un señor del pueblo explicaba muy gustosamente la historia de Ardales y de su iglesia, también le pregunté sobre el caminito del rey y nos contó alguna anécdota, vamos un encanto. Gracias

Xtina V — Google review

Calle Iglesia, 39, 29550 Ardales, Málaga, Spain…

+34 952 45 81 74Tips and more reviews for Iglesia Parroquial Nuestra Señora de los Remedios

2Castillo de la Peña

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During this period, the Castillo de la Peña (Rock Castle) emerged as a significant structure consisting of two enclosed sections adorned with nine towers. These areas serve as reminders of the conflicts led by Omar Ben Hafsun against the Emirate of Cordoba, culminating in the conquest of Ardales. This captivating location unfortunately happened to be inaccessible at the time.

(Translated by Google) Fortification built in the 9th century, in a state of consolidated ruin. It is a place of utmost importance, since archaeological remains from all chronologies have been found in this place. The current fortress was an important enclave because it is located between the old borders of Castile and the Nasrid kingdom.(Original)Fortificación edificada en el siglo IX, en un estado de ruina consolidada. Se trata de un lugar de suma importancia, puesto que en este lugar se han encontrado restos arqueológicos de todas las cronologías. La fortaleza actual fue un enclave importante debido a que se encuentra entre las antiguas fronteras de Castilla y del reino nazarí.

Jörge — Google review

Ein Besuch dieser Ruine lohnt sich nicht. Nur Fragmente sind erhalten.(Translated by Google)A visit to this ruin is not worth it. Only fragments remain.

Ulrich M — Google review

Beautiful place. Unfortunately, the castle was closed.

Karel F — Google review

Only opened on weekends

Vic T — Google review

(Translated by Google) There is no such castle, it is a ruin, on top of that the access door is always closed, without any information and no one in the town knows anything about the castle or the schedules or anything.At night illuminated it looks good because it seems that there is something on the top, but they could restore it and leave the surroundings a little cleaner.A shame because the town is quite good.(Original)No hay tal castillo, es una ruina, encima siempre está cerrada la puerta de acceso, sin información alguna y nadie del pueblo sabe nada del castillo ni de los horarios ni nada.Por la noche iluminado queda bien porque parece que hay algo en la cima, pero podían restaurarlo y dejar el entorno un poco más limpio.Una pena porque el pueblo está bastante bien.

Dirk N — Google review

(Translated by Google) It dates from the end of the s. IX, time of the revolt of Umar Ibn-Hafsun. It was part of their domains until the Umayyads of Cordoba put an end to the rebellion with the conquest of Bobastro.Today you can differentiate the two walled enclosures. The exterior adapts to the terrain, bordering the contour of the rock on which it was built, configuring an irregular floor plan. Access would be through a curved door, located behind the church and of which hardly any remains remain. The interior enclosure, a probable fortress or stately residence located in the highest part of the rock, is square in plan, and would have a tower in each corner; It was the area occupied by the Castilians after the conquest of the fortress.In total, nine towers remain, square and with little projection, surrounding the perimeter of the rock, although it is likely that others have disappeared. One of them, perhaps the one of the tribute, closes the upper enclosure to the northwest.There are no visible remains of the original construction from the emir period, since the current walls and towers of the castle respond to two different construction moments, but from the Nasrid or Christian era. These are masonry walls, some with the corners reinforced with rectangular ashlars and others composed of brick and masonry executions.(Original)Data de finales del s. IX, momento de la revuelta de Umar Ibn-Hafsun. Formó parte de sus dominios hasta que los omeyas cordobeses ponen fin a la rebelión con la conquista de Bobastro.En la actualidad se puede diferenciar los dos recintos amurallados. El exterior se adapta al terreno, bordeando el contorno de la peña sobre la que se edificó, configurando una planta irregular. El acceso se realizaría mediante una puerta en recodo, localizada detrás de la iglesia y de la que apenas se conservan restos. El recinto interior, probable alcázar o residencia señorial situado en la parte más elevada de la peña, es de planta cuadrada, y tendría una torre en cada esquina; fue la zona ocupada por los castellanos tras la conquista de la fortaleza.En total se conservan nueve torres, cuadradas y de escaso saliente, que rodean el perímetro de la peña, aunque es probable que otras hayan desaparecido. Una de ellas, quizás la del homenaje, cierra el recinto superior por el noroeste.De la construcción original de época emiral no quedan restos visibles, pues los actuales lienzos y torres del castillo responden a dos momentos constructivos distintos, pero de época nazarí o cristiana. Se trata de muros de mampostería, unos con las esquinas reforzadas con sillares rectangulares y otros compuestos por verdugadas de ladrillos y mampostería.

Paula G — Google review

(Translated by Google) Unfortunately closed. However, the views from the hill over Ardales and the surrounding area are breathtaking.(Original)Niestety zamknięte. Jednak widoki ze wzgórza na Ardales i okolice zapierają dech.

Łukasz S — Google review

(Translated by Google) They could have done better to fix this, and put it to use, it's a shame. When you arrive at Ardales and if it is at night, even more so, what draws your attention the most is this. And when you go eagerly looking to see it up close, you find that there is nothing.(Original)Ya podían darse brío en arreglar esto, y ponerlo en uso, es una lástima. Cuando llegas a ardales y si es de noche, más aún, lo que más llama la atención es esto. Y cuando vas con ilusión en busca de verlo de cerca, te encuentras que no hay ná.

J L — Google review

C. Culatilla, 11, 29550 Ardales, Málaga, Spain…

+34 952 45 80 46Tips and more reviews for Castillo de la Peña

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Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (22)

3Casa Rural Bobastro

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Casa Rural Bobastro is a charming accommodation located in Ardales, offering a perfect base to explore the historic castles of Turon and Pena, the tranquil Guadalhorce reservoir, and the ancient ruins of the Mozarabic town of Bobastro. The house itself reflects meticulous attention to detail, ensuring a comfortable stay with a spectacular terrace. The host, Juan Manuel, goes above and beyond to make guests feel at home, providing everything needed for a complete breakfast or snack.

Stayed one night after visiting Caminito Del Rey. Lovely place very clean welcoming. The owner even supplies bread milks jams and hot drinks. The decor and items are really nice and in good taste. A nice place to commute from. Marbella areas 1hr away.

Susan R — Google review

(Translated by Google) You can see the effort, care and attention behind every detail of this beautiful house. Juan Manuel has been a host of 10, he has made us feel at home. In the refrigerator we had everything we needed for a super complete breakfast/snack. We will return 100%. I hope the attitude and way of managing accommodation could serve as a model for many others who lack empathy and closeness.(Original)Se nota el esfuerzo, el mimo y la atención detrás de cada detalle de esta preciosa casa. Juan Manuel ha sido un anfitrión de 10, nos ha hecho sentir como en nuestro hogar. En la nevera nos dejó todo lo necesario para un desayuno/ merienda super completo. Volveremos 100%. Ojalá la actitud y la forma de gestionar el alojamiento les pudiera servir como modelo a tantos otros que carecen de empatía y cercanía.

Rocío U — Google review

(Translated by Google) We spent a few days and the attention, the beautiful house and the tranquility, apart from all the details received during the stay, have been fabulous. We recommend it 100%.Thank you very much for making us feel at home 🏡(Original)Hemos pasado unos días y ha sido fabuloso la atención, la casa preciosa y la tranquilidad a parte de todos los detalles recibidos durante la estancia. Lo recomendamos 100 por 100.Muchas gracias por hacernos sentir como en casa 🏡

Elena D — Google review

(Translated by Google) Fabulous, everything very nice, very comfortable, no detail is missing, spectacular terrace, the owner is very friendly and attentive at all times to ensure that nothing is missing, I recommend it(Original)Fabuloso,muy bonito todo,muy cómodo, no falta ningún detalle,terraza espectacular, el dueño muy amable y pendiente en todo momento de que no falte nada,lo recomiendo

Simona T — Google review

(Translated by Google) Good(Original)Bien

Antonio C — Google review

C. Sevílla, 10, 29550 Ardales, Málaga, Spain

4Pl. San Isidro

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Pl. San Isidro is a lively town square that comes alive on May 15th to celebrate the patron saint of the town. The day kicks off with a special mass and a vibrant procession through the streets, creating a festive atmosphere. As evening falls, locals and tourists gather at the fairground to savor a delicious paella and revel in diverse musical acts, making it an unforgettable experience for all who attend.

29550 Ardales, Málaga, Spain

5Bar Restaurante Juan Vera

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Bar & grill

Mediterranean restaurant

Bar Restaurante Juan Vera offers excellent service and has a delightful outdoor seating area in the heart of the city. The establishment boasts a vibrant ambiance, attracting families and children who relish a laid-back evening. It is the perfect spot to savor warm summer nights. This eatery specializes in grilled seafood and meats. The staff members are extremely affable, providing helpful suggestions upon request.

The outdoor terrace is very cozy, the food was tasty. The waitress was nice.In the evening, many foods on the menu was unfortunately not available, neither the callos and gazpacho which we planned to order.The English and the German menu is sometimes funny, e.g. you can order pig feather and secret :D which in Spanish probably right, but in English, terrible translation.

Nikoletta F — Google review

The food is truly disgusting. The meat literally smelled. Absolutely no one was talking about eating for free. I ordered just a salad, and there was fish on that, which was not on the menu. Also, the salad tasted like old water. The potato tastes like they baked it in oil which has been already used 100 times. Personal doesn’t speak English tho, that’s why maybe they misunderstood our complaints. Would not recommend.

Emese P — Google review

Good service and they have a pleasant outdoor seating location in the city center. The place Has a very lively atmosphere with family and kids enjoying a relaxing evening. Prefect to enjoy summer evening. They specialize in grilled meats and fish. The servers are very friendly and they offer recommendations when we asked for suggestions.For customers looking for a fine dining It’s not a fancy high scale restaurant. It’s a family style restaurant to enjoy home style cooking and causal environment. Relaxing place to enjoy the city center view with drinks and food.One small suggestion if you could have mix grill platter in beef lamb also similar to pork mix platter. It’s more fun to enjoy various meat cuts in a platter.

Toshi G — Google review

Waited 30min for the food, they obviously forgot about it. French fries not crispy, overall quality quite low. Paid 26€ for 2 persons lunch which is expensive considering the quality.

Georg K — Google review

Love this place! Quick service. Food delicious. Good portions.Stopped off again a few days later for a drink. Service just as good and service always with a smile

Dawn M — Google review

Very POOR service. Took them over 1 hour to serve us. Food is average and owners are not locals and have poor speaking skills. Very disappointed. Worth going bit further to a real authentic place. (We are locals)

Laia B — Google review

Very good meat, bery good price, pleasant people

Frédéric G — Google review

Service was awful, expensive drinks and no tapas included,wich is like a standard in Spain. If the drinks are that expensive, for small beer and summer vine we paid like 4 no one was interested to ask if we want to eat something.....that why we left the place after one drink....sad. i would not recommend to go there at all....other better places around.

Vilnis V — Google review

Big portions but low quality. I would have given the 4stars though until I saw the waiter smoking inside right next to the kitchen.

Barbara B — Google review

We ordered Iberian table for starter. Very good! For main we ordered Iberian bbq and pork tenderloin, it was to die for 👍👍 Also try the homemade desserts cheesecake, triple choc cake and vanilla custard, all very very good.Sat in the dining room, a bit too cold outside but the outside area at the small plaza looked really nice.

Martin F — Google review

C. Andrade Navarrete, 9, 29550 Ardales, Málaga, Spain+34 952 45 82 49Tips and more reviews for Bar Restaurante Juan Vera

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6Bar Millán

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Bar Millán is a tapas establishment that offers a variety of dishes recommended by the waiter. The food is reasonably priced at 1.20 euros per tapa and is both authentic and local, providing a great culinary experience. The standout dish is the fried cod and honey tapa, which receives high praise. The street side terrace adds to the pleasant ambiance of the bar. Teresa, who provides excellent service in English, stands out among the staff members.

Quick beer and something to eat, and it was delicious.we choose some random tapas and share between us.

Jakub N — Google review

What a great find! Good simple food for good prices, authentic and local, really great experience.

Will P — Google review

Determined to try out the tapas, we called here.We took the advice of the waiter and went for the assorted chef's choice. We were not disappointed!!We were looked after very well even during a torrential downpour.One regret I have is that I never went here at the start of my holiday, as I would have definitely returned.

Jenny S — Google review

Very friendly, we had fun sampling several of the one euro tapas, all were great. A must stop!

Kim B — Google review

Each tapa 1.20€ so you can't complain ! The fried cod and honey tapa was the star one. Pleasant street side terrace too. The star was Teresa who provided great service and also speaks good English.

Mark A — Google review

We nipped in for lunch during our cycling trip. Excellent food at great prices. The tapas plate is second to none . Muchas Gracias.

Danny D — Google review

Excellent vegetable and fish tapas at great price. "Tapas sin carne" for two plus drinks was 18 e. The fifth star is because at least some of the staff members speak english.

Crazy M — Google review

Lovely place, delicious tapas!

Martin H — Google review

C. Fray Juán, 3, 29550 Ardales, Málaga, Spain+34 692 60 84 26Tips and more reviews for Bar Millán

7Restaurante Hostal El Cruce

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Mediterranean restaurant

Restaurante Hostal El Cruce offers a comfortable and inviting atmosphere with a pool for guests, although it may not always be utilized due to busy schedules. The staff is polite and helpful, while the location is conveniently situated just a short 5-minute walk from the town center. Affordable breakfasts and lunches are available, making it an ideal choice during one's stay. The restaurant boasts an impressive selection of delicious food with friendly service, catering to various tastes and preferences.

A lovely find. The staff explained everything, including how to use the aircon. ;) The room was comfortable and we slept well.

Joanna M — Google review

All in all good. Service a bit slow as 2 buses arrived filled with tourists.

Mark H — Google review

The room is pretty comfortable and there is a pool available for all the guest but due to our busy schedule we couldn't use it. The housekeeping and all the staff are very polite and helpful. The location is amazing and just 5 min walking to the town center. The breakfast and lunch are quite affordable and we ate there most of the time during out stay.

Rita M — Google review

Clean toilets and good bocadillos. Nothing out of the ordinary but nice for a quick stop when traveling by car in the area.

Daphne O — Google review

Delicious, perfect for after completing the caminito. Good service and very reasonable prices. Recommend.

Melanie W — Google review

Group of 8 had lunch here after hiking nearby. The food and service were great.

Martin K — Google review

Would never have found this place if we hadn’t mentioned to the guy at the car hire in Malaga that we were going to Caminito del Rey. He said was one of his favourites.Huge portions, good price, good food.

John M — Google review

Staff were not very friendly and gave conflicted information. The room was freezing and even having the Aircon on did not make it warm

Joy C — Google review

Always a good stop either for breakfast or a couple of tapas at lunch time. Cheerful service, reasonably priced and good quality. Closed on Mondays

Derek E — Google review

Lovely, simple little inn with quiet rooms, hot showers and friendly service.

Evelina K — Google review

Didn’t stay but the food here is excellent, love this local place. Nice staff too.

Stella E — Google review

Very nice restaurant, amazing food, a lot of options, and friendly staff. They serve breakfast and lunch and dinner, the price is good,The hostal is having very good room, very clean, and in the area where you can access anywhere ( malaga / juzcar/ ronda / sentil de las bodegas...ect)Gracias 🙏

Mejdoub O — Google review

Very nice restaurant on a beuautiful place.

Timo V — Google review

Great stopover bar, good friendly service.. great coffee

Marian B — Google review

Had the beef enchilada as main course. Portion was as small as a starter. Also the gambas piri iri starter consisted of five small prawns. Left the restaurant hungrier than when I entered. Bad value for money.

Dermot Y — Google review

Cueva de Ardales, 1, 29550 Ardales, Málaga, Spain 952 45 90 12Tips and more reviews for Restaurante Hostal El Cruce

8Bar El Mellizo

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Bar & grill


Today, four individuals visited Bar El Mellizo and were impressed by the excellent service they received. The staff was both friendly and efficient, providing a pleasant dining experience. One person ordered pork with eggs, chips, peppers, while others tried various dishes that were all exceptional. This establishment certainly deserves its top score and is highly recommended for anyone looking to enjoy great tasting food at reasonable prices.

Traditional Spanish food, we dined here twice and both times the food was good. Tasty fish, gambas al pil pil and pulpo gallego. The staff doesn’t speak English but it was not a big deal. Good prices. The bar is located on the centre od Ardales which makes it very convenient.

Voyage R — Google review

One of the worst restaurants I have ever been. The senior waitress is not presentable at all and you can tell her nails are quite dirty which makes you uncomfortable especially because she is serving you food. The youngest waitress is totally lost and when you call she pretends not to see. The staff doesn't know the menu and when we asked for paella she didn't know if they have and eventually she handed over a menu. After choosing we asked for the price and she starts checking the menu and says she doesn't know and we have to insist we want to know before deciding. She tells us 12€ after speaking with a colleague and to my surprise when I pay the bill she tells me 15€ as it is the most natural thing not even apologising. I didn't agree to that price because it is quite overpriced for the quality of the product. You basically have to beg to be served otherwise, only the old men drinking beer after beer will get all the attention. You can just tell they are quite rude because when I asked the availability of the noodle paella she just answer "han?!"

Rita M — Google review

Great tasting food. Big portions, great price. Good friendly service. Definitely recommend 👌

Ruth A — Google review

One of the worst experience, frozen paella, they didn’t want to serve tapas saying you have to buy entire dish, tho the place announces tapas, they brought us bread and potato crisps without asking and later charged for it. Don’t waste your time and money on this place.

Be B — Google review

The best food we had in our trip for south spain.Great service 👏

Cheryl R — Google review

Friendly service, convenient location in the center of Ardales with outdoor seating. The menu has a large assortment, however the food was not to my liking. Options in the town were limited and this is one of the busier restaurants.

Mariko P — Google review

had a burger with fries drenched in cheese and ketchup and a glass of wine to wash it down. basic and okay

Ariel K — Google review

Very nice place to relax and have a good beer. Good atmosphere.

Irena B — Google review

Worst service , worst restaurant in spain, been traveling to spain for 8 years and this is the first restaurant that have bad food and service, over rated,Drinking here is okey, but food nooooo , big noooo

Mejdoub O — Google review

Four of us went here today, the service was both very friendly and efficient. I had pork with eggs, chips, peppers and others had various dishes. They were all excellent. This place deserves the top score I have given it and is well worth a visit. Highly recommended.

Raymond C — Google review

Pl. San Isidro, 9, 29550 Ardales, Málaga, Spain+34 952 45 91 02Tips and more reviews for Bar El Mellizo

9Cárnicas Turón

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (59)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (60)

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (61)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (62)


(5)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (63)

Mentioned on

1 list

Butcher shop

(Translated by Google) Since 1979. Very good product(Original)Desde 1979. Muy buen producto

Ádel K — Google review

(Translated by Google) Wonderfully, the owner is making sure we are comfortable, we had a great time(Original)De maravilla el dueño está pendiente que estemos agusto lo hemos pasado muy bien

Nieves L — Google review

29550 Ardales, Málaga, Spain

10Peña Castillo de Ardales

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (64)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (65)

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (66)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (67)


(3)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (68)

Mentioned on

1 list

Historical landmark

Nice view

Håvard N — Google review

Calle Iglesia, 35, 29550 Ardales, Málaga, Spain

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Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (70)

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (71)

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (72)

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (73)

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (74)

I will never travel to Ardales without this app againAvailable on the App Store

11Biblioteca Municipal de Ardales

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (76)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (77)

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (78)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (79)


(2)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (80)

Mentioned on

1 list


The Biblioteca Municipal de Ardales is a modern and well-equipped library that offers a theater room with a capacity for over 300 people, boasting excellent acoustics. Throughout the year, it hosts various activities such as concerts, theater performances, official town hall events, and Easter proclamations. The library is easily accessible with ample parking outside the town.

(Translated by Google) It is modern and well equipped. The theater room has capacity for more than 300 people and looks very good from all points of it. The acoustics are also good. They carry out different activities of all kinds throughout the year {concerts, theater, official town hall events, Easter proclamation...}. Easy parking outside and good access from outside the town.(Original)Es moderno y está bien equipado. La sala de teatro tiene aforo para más de 300 personas y se ve muy bien desde todos los puntos de la misma. La acústica también es buena. Realizan diferentes actividades de toda índole a lo largo de todo el año {conciertos, teatro, actos oficiales del ayuntamiento, pregón de semana Santa...} . Fácil aparcar en el exterior y buen acceso desde fuera del pueblo.

Oscar ( — Google review

(Translated by Google) Very good municipal facilities.(Original)Muy buenas instalaciones municipales.

Ádel K — Google review

Av. de Málaga, 29550 Ardales, Málaga, Spain 952 45 92 76

12Inicio Sendero PR-A 91 "Los Jiménez-Fuente Garzón"

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (81)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (82)

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (83)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (84)


(1)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (85)

Mentioned on

1 list

Hiking area

Inicio Sendero PR-A 91 "Los Jiménez-Fuente Garzón" is the starting point for the hom*ologated trail of Los Jimenez-Fuente Garzon in Ardales. The initial kilometers of any chosen route may lack charm, but opting for the path along the Turon River offers a slightly better experience.

En éste punto inicia el sendero hom*ologado Los Jiménez-Fuente Garzón de Ardales. Sea cual sea el recorrido que elijas al iniciar el sendero, los primeros kilómetros no tienen mucho encanto, si comienzas por la senda que va junto al río Turón, algo mejor. Llegado al castillo, el encanto del sendero empieza a mejorar, ya que entramos en un amplio pinar, con panorámicas de los embalses cercanos a El Chorro y el mismo pueblo de Ardales. También podemos ver algún que otro pinsapo, si observamos bien. Al llegar al punto más alto del recorrido, se pierden las balizas de este sendero, y es difícil orientarse hasta llegar a Fuente Garzón. Es un buen sendero, pero requiere de mantenimiento en sus balizas para mejorar la orientación.(Translated by Google)At this point the approved Los Jiménez-Fuente Garzón de Ardales trail begins. Whatever route you choose when starting the trail, the first kilometers do not have much charm, if you start on the path that goes next to the Turón River, something even better. Arriving at the castle, the charm of the trail begins to improve, as we enter a large pine forest, with panoramic views of the reservoirs near El Chorro and the town of Ardales itself. We can also see the occasional Spanish fir, if we look closely. When you reach the highest point of the route, you lose the markers on this trail, and it is difficult to find your way until you reach Fuente Garzón. It is a good trail, but requires maintenance on its beacons to improve orientation.

Andrés N — Google review

Cam. del Rio, 36, 29550 Ardales, Málaga, Spain

13Carnicerías Encarna


(1)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (86)

Mentioned on

1 list

Butcher shop

Carnicerías Encarna offers a wide range of high-quality meats and an extensive selection of specialty products. Whether you're looking for various cuts of meat or elaborately prepared items, this place has got you covered.

(Translated by Google) All types of meats. Variety of top quality products and a large assortment of elaborate products!!(Original)Todo tipo de carnes. Variedad de productos de primera calidad y un gran surtido de elaborados!!

Margarita P — Google review

MA-443, 16, 29550 Ardales, Málaga, Spain

14Mirador de los embalses Take your Selfie

Mentioned on

1 list

Historical landmark

Mirador de los embalses Take your Selfie offers a serene hiking experience away from the bustling crowds of the popular Caminito Del Rey. While the latter is known for its breathtaking views and crowded pathways, this trail provides a peaceful alternative with stunning vistas of the canyon, river, and nearby dams. It's an ideal spot to capture memorable selfies amidst picturesque natural beauty.

C. Hospítal, 4, 29550 Ardales, Málaga, Spain

15Caminito del Rey . North Access

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (87)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (88)

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (89)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (90)


(27842)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (91)


(4876)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (92)

Hiking area

Outdoor Activities


Hiking Trails

The Caminito del Rey, also known as The Kings Pathway, is a famous walkway in El Chorro, near Ardales in the province of Malaga, Spain. Originally built for workers to access hydroelectric plants, it was closed for over a decade due to its dangerous conditions. However, after restoration, it has become more accessible. This iconic hike offers stunning views of the gorge and an adrenaline-inducing experience due to its heights.

Well worth a visit, particularly if you’re in the 9am slot (or walk up and purchase) and can then get ahead of the crowds!I’d also add that the most interesting parts are the view and the OLD path. The newly renovated path doesn’t give much “thrill” as it’s carefully installed and safe.

Pez C — Google review

This is really spectacular. Amazing canyon hiking trip. A restored path, mostly hanging at the cliffs. Well maintained en clean. We did it with a guide and it was well worth the extra money. Bring plenty of water and food, during the summer!

Mark L — Google review

We swam in the reservoir. The water is always warm. But the water level is low at the moment. So the walk down to the waters edge can be treacherous to walk on. There are public toilets and a cafe at the top by the road. People take kayaks or other inflatables.

Tracey M — Google review

This is definitely a must see and do when visiting Malaga city. Just a good hour of driving from the city and you are already on a walking path with an amazing canyon and surroundings. Make sure you have enough water, snacks, sun cream and appropriate shoes with you. You can expect to spend here a couple of hours. Well worth the sweat and time. Highly recommend it. 🙌

Luka U — Google review

What a stunning place to visit. If you suffer from vertigo (as I do) then this will definitely be a challenge as the boardwalk attached to the side of the mountain is planked and you can see through it! It was a challenge for me but I am so glad I persevered as the reward was epic views. You are given a safety helmet and besides at the start but then your time is your own and you can take as long (or short) a time as you wish.

David H — Google review

This was one of the most unique experiences I've done while traveling! You walk a path through the mountains and along a cliff face to a spectacular bridge spanning the canyon. Beautiful natural views of trees, wildlife, and unique rock formations! There is some difficulty in the hike, so be prepared, but it is appropriate for anyone in decent shape! Highly recommend this hike if you have the chance!

David C — Google review

We had SUCH A GREAT AND INTERESTING TOUR! Really highly recommend. I usually don’t take away a lot of information from such tours but this one was incredible. The nature the history - stunning and super interesting. In general the closest we came yet to a classic US national park feeling. It is an easy and safe hike - nothing to worry about.

Blaue K — Google review

Instructions on website and sings in the actual place should be improved a little, but not to worry. When you get to the tight place the staff is 👍 helpful and super nice also fluent in different languages. And the . highly recommend

Tuomas P — Google review

It was a bit crowded and quite hot, but also very much worth it. You don’t need any special preparation or gear. Just good shoes and the ability to walk mostly downhill for a few miles.The bus leaves from the southern terminus every 30 minutes and costs 2.50. If your time is tight plan accordingly.

Nathan V — Google review

An amazing experience! A tourist point of interest, but that's to be expected. Beautiful views, fantastic geological and engineering history, and just a fun time.Since you have to buy entrance tickets, check-in, get gear, and go with the flow anyway, I highly recommend a guided tour. It's not overly involved, and the ease of logistics and added educational nuggets were really worth it. We used and would recommend "Aloratur". We got the tickets through Get Your Guide. Ana was our guide, and she was awesome!We didn't include shuttle bus tickets as part of our purchase (and not critical) but I would. If you drive and park, you'll need to take a bus to return. The trail is point-to-point.Make sure you prepare for at least 3 hours of time (I'm sure time of day, week, and year depends).

Kevin J — Google review

I can recommend this trip to everyone who can walk the 8 kilometres from one end to the other. If you have not done it before, have a guide ours was brilliant. Very informative, Very knowledgeable and also made it enjoyable while walking. I think his name was Pueblo, he spoke perfect English and so did Paul who did the health and safety side of things at the start. I had a partial knee replacement in April and did this in November, with no problems at all.The views are Spectacular and they did not rush you on the trail. A lot of steps at the end, which is the worst part. Don’t let that put you off.VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED 👍

Steve B — Google review

Really nice walking trek through the gorge. The gorge itself is about 5km / 2 hours walk but there’s another 1.5km walk from the parking. It can also take some time to find parking so get there well in advance of your booking (which is recommended to book a few weeks in advance, especially on weekends)

Ofir F — Google review

Beautiful, hot and not too arduous. The last part back to the bus stop was the worst part if the walk as in full sun.The caminito itself was glorious, majestic and wondrous....if you have a reasonable level of fitness, suitable shoes and plenty of water, you'll have a fabulous time.Plenty of wildlife en route, including 2.7m wing spanned vultures, mountain goats in trees, other bird life and even frogs.The surrounding countryside is also worth the visit. Suggest taking swimming togs and towels so you can have a welcome dip in the lake after your hot walk.I will definitely be back to do a non guided tour so I can take a bit more time to take in the fantastic surrounding countryside.

Jo — Google review

Generally the area is stunning... totally recommend it to visit in the beginning of a sunny day as you have a lot of things to explore around . Unfortunately didn't manage to visit the bridge as we arrived a bit late. Is a proper place for hiking exploring and walking so totally recommend it

Panagiotis S — Google review

Absolutely amazing place to visit was one of the main highlights of the trip.Parking can be a little confusing as to where the start of the trail is but peopleAre around to help.The trail took us about 3 hours as we stopped a lot for photos. There is a bus at the end that will return you to the start for 5 euroWell worth it to be honest. The views are just well see for yourself 😃

Kojin_Wolf — Google review

Lovely walk along the valley sides. Not for those petrified of heights. Take a drink with you. Done this 4 times now & love it. Wouldn't really recommend the guided walk. Best to book an early session in the summer as it can get very hot later in the day.The bus to get back up to the car park can be a bit of a bun fight.

Mr ( — Google review

The meeting point for the guided tour was not clearly explained or marked in the verbiage or around the route. Outside of the meeting point and completely missing our guided tour start time, this was a beautiful hike. I felt safe along the entire route. There were many stunning views along the way. Parking and shuttle bus were easy to navigate.

Melissa — Google review

Very nice place to visit. Stunning view!! Its an easy path even for those not accomodated with hiking. Recommend bringing water with you since there is nothing along the way to get some, only after exiting you will find couple of small kiosks.Overall a very nice experience.I recommend purchasing the tickets in advance.

Claudiu S — Google review

Great experience, and not as tough as other reviews might have you believe. I am not someone who likes heights but the path is well protected with railings along the cliffs. Magnificent views, and great guide gave history and interesting info.I booked parking, but there were no pointers to where it was located, and we didn't find it.

Vincent M — Google review

I loved this walk. It's a very easy walk and doesn't require a great deal of fitness.It's great to get out of the city and experience some hills.We couldn't buy tickets. So we just turned up on the off chance. Surprisingly we got it pretty much straight away on a tour which was €18. One thing to mention is that if you are going with children then you have to prove their age. So take some kind of ID otherwise they will refuse you entry.The guide Sergio was so knowledgeable about the area. From everything to the hydro water, plantation and the geology. Super informative.I would highly recommend this area. It's beautiful.

Simon P — Google review

El Caminito del Rey, 29550 Ardales, Málaga, Spain and more reviews for Caminito del Rey . North Access

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Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (97)

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (98)

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16Bobastro Ruins

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (100)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (101)

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (102)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (103)


(539)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (104)


(119)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (105)

Historical landmark

Sights & Landmarks

Heritage preservation

Ancient Ruins

Bobastro Ruins is a captivating 9th-century site featuring a military stronghold and Christian temple nestled within a mountain cave complex. Carved out of sandstone, the ruins offer an intriguing glimpse into history. Visitors can explore the area while taking in the stunning surrounding scenery. Information boards in both Spanish and English provide detailed insights into the ruins' story and Umar Ibn Hasfun.

Unique and fascinating 9th century ruins carved out of sandstone. It was open on a Sunday and only cost €3 each. There were many notice boards in both Spanish and English telling the story of the ruins and Umar Ibn Hasfún in great detail. At the top of a beautiful mountain trail with great scenery surrounding you. Alternatively you can park right next to the kiosk and walk up to the ruins.

Alex C — Google review

Very enjoyable visit, located in an area of outstanding natural beauty, it’s important to take the time to read all the information boards (English & Spanish) located along the path to get the most enjoyment out of your visit.The history and importance of what was a Christian city in the Islamic Empire of Al Andalus can only be understood by taking the time to do so.

Mike O — Google review

Schitterende weg er naartoe. Bijzonder genoeg om een bezoek aan te brengen. Goed schoeisel wel belangrijk en niet geschikt voor jonge kinderen tot circa 6 jaar, en wie slecht(er) ter been is.(Translated by Google)Beautiful road there. Special enough to visit. Good footwear is important and not suitable for young children up to approximately 6 years old and those with reduced mobility.

K W — Google review

A good add-on after you have hiked Caminito del Rey. The 4 Euro admissio fee is paid at the trailhead. Short walk. Excellent ruins.In the winter hours, it closes at 2pm.

David B — Google review

Very interesting place to visit. I spent there more than hour and noone else was present on the site! Enjoy the ruins and relax here!

Ondřej Š — Google review

An interesting look into 10th century Malaga history. A good walk up to it too.

Louis G — Google review

Some imaginaire is necessary to enjoy this old rebel fortified town. Nice view and good information.

Nick E — Google review

Take it or leave it. But For €3 can’t really complain. Take some photos, read the history of the ancient village and the mountain passes. Worth having a look at if your already in the area

James M — Google review

Unfortunately the ruins were closed when we called in on the way back from the mirador at the top of the road. But the opening times and costs were posted on the gate! So we can return when it is open. And it doesn't cost a lot either!

Michael O — Google review

Fascinating place to visit.

Linsey O — Google review

MA-448, s/n, 29550 Ardales, Málaga, Spain+34 952 45 80 46Tips and more reviews for Bobastro Ruins

17Cave of Ardales

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (106)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (107)

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(314)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (110)


(89)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (111)

Sights & Landmarks

Points of Interest & Landmarks

The cave is amazing and the guide Geraldo has a lot of information to share. The tour is in Spanish and it must be booked ahead and totally worth. Even if you don't understand Spanish very well, the guide tried to speak as slowly as possible for everyone to understand. Keep in mind you must take your own transport from the interpretation center until the cave.

Rita M — Google review

Easy to book this online in advance (you cannot just turn up and expect to go in). Turn up at the Prehistory Centre in Ardales village for 10am.The drive in convoy up to the caves is a small twisty road, with some drops, but our guide drives slowly.You can see why access is very limited. It's very dark and in order to preserve the precious paintings, you go round by torchlight only. It is a little slippery and there are a number of stairs - so wear good shoes.Yes, it is all in Spanish, but we really appreciated our guide making the effort to inform us about the most important parts of the cave in English. He was very patient with me going down a steep section, which tested my fear of heights a little.An outstanding experience. After the splendour of Nerja and St Michael's Caves, it was incredible to witness something more akin to what our ancestors would have seen.

Carol M — Google review

(Translated by Google) The caves are impressive, I have loved them. It is a tour of a couple of hours in the dark (we have been given a flashlight to see the most important things) and with an explanation of 10. Very prepared guide. The only thing is the road to get there, it is up a hill and the road is regular.(Original)Las cuevas son impresionantes, me han encantado. Se trata de un recorrido de un par de horas en la oscuridad (se nos ha dado una linterna para ver las cosas más importantes) y con una explicación de 10. Guía muy preparado. Lo único es el camino para llegar, se encuentra arriba de una cuesta y la carretera está regular..

Elisa B — Google review

Impressive, although you'll have to make reservations to visit it. Something very unique. Very close to "caminito del rey". You can feel and smell the history))

Jelle D — Google review

The guide only speaks spanish. And he speaks a lot, which makes the tour a lit boring if you don't understand a word of what he's saving. But the grote are very beautiful and the drawings are impressive.

Sarah K — Google review

Hidalgo was an excellent guide for this important archeological and historic site. It is necessary to book to be shown the caves but I had no problem doing so at short notice. Strong walking boots or shoes are a must. Torches are provided. The tour took 90 minutes and Hidalgo's limited English was sufficient to explain the history and timeline of the site. The explanation of artwork going back 10s of thousands of years to the neanderthal period was fascinating. Huge caves formed millions of years ago and an abundance of stalactites and stalagmites are a wonder to behold.An hour or so spent at the 'Interpretation Centre' in Ardales helps the young and the not so young people like me to appreciate the importance of the Cuava de Ardelas and where and how mankind evolved.Well worth a visit.

Ingo W — Google review

Great experience, guide is only in English, but you can collect an English fact sheet before the tour.

Chris D — Google review

(Translated by Google) A very interesting place, both from an archaeological and geological point of view. It is necessary to first go to the museum, located in the town, after purchasing tickets on the Internet, otherwise it is impossible to access the cave. From there the guided visit begins.(Original)Un lugar interesantisimo, tanto desde el punto arqueológico como del geológico. Es necesario ir primero al museo, situado en el pueblo, tras comprar las entradas en Internet, sino, es imposible acceder a la cueva. Desde allí comienza la visita con guía.

Jage — Google review

(Translated by Google) Visiting hours too late, starting from 4pm(Original)Orario di visita troppo tardi, inizio dalle ore 16

Andrea B — Google review

29550 Ardales, Málaga, Spain 952 45 80 46Tips and more reviews for Cave of Ardales

18Centro De Interpretacion de la Prehistoria de Ardales

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (112)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (113)

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (114)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (115)


(375)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (116)


(18)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (117)

Archaeological museum


Local history museum

History Museums

The Centro De Interpretacion de la Prehistoria de Ardales is an impressive destination that offers both education and entertainment. It provides valuable insights into our ancestors' lives, showcasing their habitats, cave art, and primitive tools for hunting, cooking, and creating fire. This engaging museum also features interactive virtual cave tours—an exciting activity for children. The facility boasts a well-presented historical exhibit with fascinating artifacts. The staff is friendly and helpful, ensuring a pleasant experience for visitors.

Av. de Málaga, 1, 29550 Ardales, Málaga, Spain 952 45 80 46Tips and more reviews for Centro De Interpretacion de la Prehistoria de Ardales

19Centro De Interpretacion de la Prehistoria de Ardales

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (118)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (119)

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (120)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (121)


(372)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (122)


(10)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (123)

Archaeological museum


Local history museum

Specialty Museums

I had a captivating afternoon at the Centro De Interpretacion de la Prehistoria de Ardales, where I explored well-appointed rooms adorned with ancient relics. The museum staff was exceptionally informative and accommodating, leaving me grateful for their assistance. I also wished to acquire an English book on the cave, as it would have been a valuable resource. To reach this fascinating destination, one can conveniently take the Alsa bus.

Thank you so much, Isabel and Joaquin, who helped save my day as I had planned to visit Caminito del Rey from Ardales.Excellent service. The tourist information part was well stocked with maps, etc. The town of Ardales is charming and with an interesting history linked to the surrounding area/discovery of caves and prehistoric findings. Isabel and Joaquin are wonderful people, and they showed me a great kindness that I will never forget. Muchas gracias!

Emily B — Google review

Spent very interesting afternoon , good detailed rooms with prehistoric artifacts.. Wish for a book in English on the cave,Very helpful staff. Thank youTake Alsa bus., Tapas at Picassobar at top of town.

Elaine R — Google review

Cool place to visit and spend some time,very educational place. I learned a lot about our ancestors and the places where they lived,cave artists and tool's they used to hunt,make food and fire. Great place to bring kids, also they have like a intractive game to virtualy walk in to the cave. Wich is one of the things that you can also do in Ardales.

Vilnis V — Google review

Beautiful views amazing historical site.

Louie's G — Google review

Very interesting, after this we went to see yhe ardales caves, very interesting

Mejdoub O — Google review

Just perfect to back up a cave visit with well presented history and interesting artefacts. Friendly, helpful staff too.

Brian S — Google review

(Translated by Google) It is the place where the Ardales Caves route begins. We loved the visit, the guides were very dedicated with their explanations. Very satisfactory value for money.(Original)Es el lugar donde comienza la ruta de las Cuevas de Ardales. Nos encantó la visita, los guías muy dedicados con sus explicaciones. Relación calidad-precio muy satisfactoria.

Carolina J — Google review

(Translated by Google) They informed us very well about all the tourist activities in the area, in the center there is an exhibition dedicated to prehistory in Ardales. A good place to receive all the information necessary to visit this beautiful part of Malaga(Original)Nos informaron muy bien de todas las actividades turisticas de la zona, en el centro hay una exposicion dedicada a la prehistoria en Ardales. Un buen sitio para recibir toda la informacion necesaria para visitar esta bonita parte de Malaga

Marta G — Google review

Av. de Málaga, 1, 29550 Ardales, Málaga, Spain 952 45 80 46Tips and more reviews for Centro De Interpretacion de la Prehistoria de Ardales

20Castillo de Turón

Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (124)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (125)

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(71)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (128)


(10)Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (129)


Sights & Landmarks

Ancient Ruins


Historic Sites

Observation Decks & Towers

2nd castle of two for Ardales. No tickets required. Stunning views all round. 30 mins walk to the top and 30 mins back. Well worth viewing. Couldn’t get too close on the road by car due to boulders blocking the road - so further to walk to the base of the castle ruins before setting off up the hill. No directions to get to castle / just walked what we thought was the correct way. The incline near the castle became a lot steeper. Good grip on shoes essential. I sat down from the top and slid down as gripping was difficult. Selfie points noticed which was good. Would love it more if there was a proper path with Aldo fencing to grip on to, along with sign posts. Also would be good to have information on a board by the castle of the history of it, with labels on ground by the individual parts of the building explaining what they are.All in all a good experience and glad that I visited it.Don’t forget to take drinks with you as it’s very thirsty work walking up!!

Dawn M — Google review

Great views from the castle. Not much of it remains and the only information is on a board back down on the road about 1km away. I get the impression that you are not expected to actually go up to it. The route we took went up between two fields and up to a lower rocky section. We had to fight our way through bushes and long grass to get up there. However it is worth it for the views. The route down along the east ridge was much better.

Chris D — Google review

Excellent old ruins, spectacular views and no one else there.

Matt L — Google review

If you like history, this a place to visit.

Luisa D — Google review

(Translated by Google) Ruins of what was a military fortress. It is far from the town of Ardales, but it can be reached in a matter of an hour along a road, mostly cemented. On this path, when you reach the ruins, there is an information sign that explains some of the history of this fortress. To get closer, or go up, you have to enter private, but not fenced, growing areas.(Original)Ruinas de lo que fue una fortaleza militar. Está alejada del pueblo de Ardales, pero se llega en cuestión de una hora por un camino, en su gran mayoría cementado. En este camino, al llegar a las ruinas, hay un cartel informativo que explica algo de historia de esta fortaleza. Para acercarse, o subir hay que entrar en zonas de cultivo privadas, pero no valladas.

Andrés N — Google review

(Translated by Google) Beautiful hike to reach the feet of this mastodon. It coincided that we went with the almond trees in bloom (February) so the walk became even more beautiful. Of course, the climb to the fortress walls is not for everyone, with some areas being even dangerous.Historically and militarily it served as a defense and alert for Teba Castle during the various border wars between Muslims and Christians, the most notorious battle being that of 1330 by the troops of the Castilian Alfonso XI. It served as a refuge for the Granada troops for more than a century until it was conquered by the Castilian troops of Gómez de Ribera, losing weight compared to the nearby fortification of the Ardales rock.It is not in a very good state of conservation, with only a few towers and sections of walls remaining standing.(Original)Preciosa caminata hasta llegar a los pies de este mastodonte. Coincidió que fuimos con los almendros en flor (febrero) por lo que el paseo se hizo más bonito si cabe. Eso sí, la subida hasta las murallas de la fortaleza no es para todo el mundo, teniendo algunas zonas que llegan a ser hasta peligrosas.Histórica y militarmente sirvió de defensa y alerta al castillo de Teba durante las distintas guerras fronterizas entre musulmanes y cristianos, la batalla más sonada la de 1330 de las tropas del castellano Alfonso XI. Sirvió de refugio a las tropas granadinas durante más de un siglo hasta que fue conquistado por las tropas castellanas de Gómez de Ribera, perdiendo peso frente a la cercana fortificación de la peña de Ardales.No se encuentra en muy buen estado de conservación, quedando en pie solamente algunas torres y lienzos de murallas.

Victor ( — Google review

(Translated by Google) The view is great. There is no fixed path from the street to the ruins. If the ground is wet or it rains, your shoes will be completely muddy. Be careful with smaller children as there are no railings on the cliffs of the ruins.(Original)Die Aussicht ist super. Es gibt keinen festen Weg von der Straße zur Ruine. Wenn der Boden naß ist oder es regnet, hat man komplett matschige Schuhe. Mit kleineren Kindern besser etwas aufpassen, es gibt keine Geländer an den Klippen der Ruine.

Dicke R — Google review

(Translated by Google) A very nice place, incredible views, it's a shame it's so abandoned. You have to park at the bottom and walk up about 400 meters(Original)Un lugar muy bonito, vistas increíbles, lastima que esté tan abandonado. Hay que aparcar a bajo y subir a pies unos 400 metros

Diego M — Google review

29550 Ardales, Málaga, Spain…

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Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (132)Ardales toGranada

What's the weather like in Ardales?

It depends on when you visit! We've compiled data from NASA on what the weather is like in Ardales for each month of the year: see the links below for more information.

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  • Weather in Ardales in February
  • Weather in Ardales in March
  • Weather in Ardales in April
  • Weather in Ardales in May
  • Weather in Ardales in June
  • Weather in Ardales in July
  • Weather in Ardales in August
  • Weather in Ardales in September
  • Weather in Ardales in October
  • Weather in Ardales in November
  • Weather in Ardales in December

All road trips from Ardales

  • Ardales to Granada drive

Explore nearby places

  • Ardales
  • Carratraca
  • Casarabonela
  • Teba
  • El Burgo
  • Alora
  • Valle de Abdalajis
  • Alozaina
  • Yunquera
  • Pizarra
  • Cuevas del Becerro
  • Canete La Real
  • Campillos
  • Almargen
  • Tolox
  • Guaro
  • Coin
  • Estacion de Cartama
  • Cartama
  • Sierra de Yeguas
  • Martin de la Jara
  • Almogia
  • Monda
  • Villanueva de la Concepcion
  • Alcala del Valle
  • Almayate Bajo
  • Setenil de las Bodegas
  • Morche
  • Antequera
  • Alhaurin el Grande
  • Fuente de Piedra

All related maps of Ardales

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  • Map of Carratraca
  • Map of Casarabonela
  • Map of Teba
  • Map of El Burgo
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  • Map of Valle de Abdalajis
  • Map of Alozaina
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  • Map of Cuevas del Becerro
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  • Map of Campillos
  • Map of Almargen
  • Map of Tolox
  • Map of Guaro
  • Map of Coin
  • Map of Estacion de Cartama
  • Map of Cartama
  • Map of Sierra de Yeguas
  • Map of Martin de la Jara
  • Map of Almogia
  • Map of Monda
  • Map of Villanueva de la Concepcion
  • Map of Alcala del Valle
  • Map of Almayate Bajo
  • Map of Setenil de las Bodegas
  • Map of Morche
  • Map of Antequera
  • Map of Alhaurin el Grande
  • Map of Fuente de Piedra

Ardales throughout the year

  • Ardales in January
  • Ardales in February
  • Ardales in March
  • Ardales in April
  • Ardales in May
  • Ardales in June
  • Ardales in July
  • Ardales in August
  • Ardales in September
  • Ardales in October
  • Ardales in November
  • Ardales in December

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  • 1-Day Ardales Itinerary

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Top 20 things to do and attractions in Ardales (2024)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

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Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.